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WhaT? U think is not much? oMg!


how much u want? 250.000 euro maybe?


man,they are too much for lvl up on a x45 server ok?



lol i tell is very 200 euro for power level omg fg u can make power level with 10 euro 78 lvl and 2 rebith


If u have paypal u can make donate with 20 euro u buy 2 santas cap this can sell 200m if u make shop all night buy 2 sell and get 400m


with 1-78 =50m on high rate event





Event infos : http://l2gold.org/forum/showthread.php?t=7052


He is saying that you dont need to pay 20 to some one you can donate get those caps and participate in that high rate event in wich there are high rated monsters that give allot of exp px

i top 2 rebirths and lvl 61 in 1 event xD


from the forum http://l2gold.org/forum/showthread.php?t=7052


nazghoul i don't have paypal acc.So i can't donate.COulD u help m3?

To tell you the truth i don't get it why to donate? while i was reading the forum the only thing that i understood is that you only need  a good party /clan or ally and get in one room and thats all  i think MrAnderson plays there so who  is gona take you party? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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