FrozenWarrior Posted June 19, 2010 Posted June 19, 2010 Let them do whatever they want ! :P You ... Just Relax ;)
GrisoM Posted June 19, 2010 Posted June 19, 2010 1 last thing, you think posting that is gonna change anything? lol Whats gonna happen? : The ppl that hate me (aka users from gr spam thread) will come and take the chance to say "OMG GRISOM MONSTER!" like they have done 300 times already (like if i care) and also the ppl that asslick you will be here. The ppl that have brain will think "well he was a good mod, but he was inactive and it was time for his demotion". I dont regret any word i wrote, all the promotions/demotions i've made along with maxtor raule & coyote (like the ones i say in there "chandy k4rma texas, etc" were made because their were inactive, like you, what's the difference between them and you? they accepted the fact that they were inactive. hf throwing shit at me, i could not care less, i'll keep cleaning this forum trying to make it better.
Noble® Posted June 19, 2010 Author Posted June 19, 2010 1 last thing, you think posting that is gonna change anything? lol Whats gonna happen? : The ppl that hate me (aka users from gr spam thread) will come and take the chance to say "OMG GRISOM MONSTER!" like they have done 300 times already (like if i care) and also the ppl that asslick you will be here. The ppl that have brain will think "well he was a good mod, but he was inactive and it was time for his demotion". I dont regret any word i wrote, all the promotions/demotions i've made along with maxtor raule & coyote (like the ones i say in there "chandy k4rma texas, etc" were made because their were inactive, like you, what's the difference between them and you? they accepted the fact that they were inactive. hf throwing shit at me, i could not care less, i'll keep cleaning this forum trying to make it better. are you acting the idiot here or trully you are>? i just proved you in our bet that noble is just a noble that he is not eternal mod or afriad of asking his demotion :) now bb trully :P as i told you i admited that i was semiactive... i have to get a certificate in civil engineering :)
GrisoM Posted June 19, 2010 Posted June 19, 2010 i just proved you in our bet that noble is just a noble that he is not eternal mod or afriad of asking his demotion :) that's why you tried to prove you were not inactive with lame arguments in staff section? or you dont remember that thread? i have to get a certificate in civil engineering :) And i've to get my psychology diploma, so what? lol
Tessellate Posted June 19, 2010 Posted June 19, 2010 well i readed the wordpad now and after my opinion is that you could also had a conversation with maxtor + all g.mods about this.. (re-opening of [gr]spam, instead of just saying NO grisom)
GrisoM Posted June 19, 2010 Posted June 19, 2010 well i readed the wordpad now and after my opinion is that you could also had a conversation with maxtor + all g.mods about this.. (re-opening of [gr]spam, instead of just saying NO grisom) Coyote: 18/06/2010 13:19:14 ~ Javu `Coyote i was watching 18/06/2010 13:19:16 ~ Javu `Coyote that thread 18/06/2010 13:19:18 ~ Javu `Coyote of gr spam thread 18/06/2010 13:19:20 ~ Javu `Coyote that noble did 18/06/2010 13:19:23 ~ Javu `Coyote you are against it 18/06/2010 13:19:24 ~ Javu `Coyote right? 18/06/2010 13:19:27 `Coyote ~ Javu ofc 18/06/2010 13:19:29 ~ Javu `Coyote k Raule: 18/06/2010 13:33:39 ~ Javu are you against the thread noble did 18/06/2010 13:33:43 ~ Javu about gr spam topic? 18/06/2010 13:33:49 ~ Javu yes 18/06/2010 13:33:51 ~ Javu k lol.
Tessellate Posted June 19, 2010 Posted June 19, 2010 Coyote: 18/06/2010 13:19:14 ~ Javu `Coyote i was watching 18/06/2010 13:19:16 ~ Javu `Coyote that thread 18/06/2010 13:19:18 ~ Javu `Coyote of gr spam thread 18/06/2010 13:19:20 ~ Javu `Coyote that noble did 18/06/2010 13:19:23 ~ Javu `Coyote you are against it 18/06/2010 13:19:24 ~ Javu `Coyote right? 18/06/2010 13:19:27 `Coyote ~ Javu ofc 18/06/2010 13:19:29 ~ Javu `Coyote k Raule: 18/06/2010 13:33:39 ~ Javu are you against the thread noble did 18/06/2010 13:33:43 ~ Javu about gr spam topic? 18/06/2010 13:33:49 ~ Javu yes 18/06/2010 13:33:51 ~ Javu k lol. ok, i diddn't read that in the notepad.. but why you diddn't maked 1 big msn conversation? so people can hear and see others opinions to?
GrisoM Posted June 19, 2010 Posted June 19, 2010 ok, i diddn't read that in the notepad.. it's not in there, those are part of chats i had with raule & Coyote but why you diddn't maked 1 big msn conversation? so people can hear and see others opinions to? people (i wont say names) is afraid to say such things, so i had to put my face and say it myself.
Tessellate Posted June 19, 2010 Posted June 19, 2010 it's not in there, those are part of chats i had with raule & Coyote people (i wont say names) is afraid to say such things, so i had to put my face and say it myself. LOL man, if you are afraid to say such things why should you ever be promoted to ANYTHING? thats just redicules! if you are a guy with this position in a forum with 70k+ visitors then you need to open your mouth in such conversations.. but what happend now with noble about demotion.. its gone to far i think
GrisoM Posted June 19, 2010 Posted June 19, 2010 LOL man, if you are afraid to say such things why should you ever be promoted to ANYTHING? thats just redicules! not really, do you think some one like ventic would say "i think noble should be demoted"? lol but what happend now with noble about demotion.. its gone to far i think to me it's not, he was inactive and as i wrote on that msn chat, inactive ppl must be demoted, take chandy as an example: Marco Chandy was one of my best friends in here, we were going to take a drink the day he would come to arg.. he was the most active global, but then he became inactive, so i told maxtor to demote him, end of story, the same happend here, now the difference is that you dont see chandy making a topic to throw shit at me, dont you?
Tessellate Posted June 19, 2010 Posted June 19, 2010 not really, do you think some one like ventic would say "i think noble should be demoted"? lol well yeah, i think he should have a word in this. maybee not the final word. but his opinion should be taken siriously to me it's not, he was inactive and as i wrote on that msn chat, inactive ppl must be demoted, take chandy as an example: Marco Chandy was one of my best friends in here, we were going to take a drink the day he would come to arg.. he was the most active global, but then he became inactive, so i told maxtor to demote him, end of story, the same happend here, now the difference is that you dont see chandy making a topic to throw shit at me, dont you? true, true
Setekh Posted June 19, 2010 Posted June 19, 2010 This is a "Monkey" thread, really now. I had respect for you noble but you made this topic exactly like one of those kid monkeys that grisom banned. Proving smth like for instance Grisom is the cause of everything even ur demotion is just "insane", ur the reason for your demotion. You should of made a small meting to discuss all of this, and handle the result as it should of been handled. And ofc if you saw that mods are against GR Topic you should of been too yourself, and not acting like GMod Rambo all up in our faces. Your demotion is really sad, but please think a bit about what your doing here >.> PS: And for all the GR Trolls out there, im against that topic also(in fact all spam topics), if your so kiddish enough to flame Grisom for a decision taken right, maybe you all should try reading a book and stop posting here till u learn to write and speak English. Jesus >.>
Tessellate Posted June 19, 2010 Posted June 19, 2010 This is a "Monkey" thread, really now. I had respect for you noble but you made this topic exactly like one of those kid monkeys that grisom banned. No, we just discuss the demotion of noble don't we? PS: And for all the GR Trolls out there, im against that topic also(in fact all spam topics), if your so kiddish enough to flame Grisom for a decision taken right, maybe you all should try reading a book and stop posting here till u learn to write and speak English. Jesus >.> and ill agree 110% to this!
Erol Posted June 19, 2010 Posted June 19, 2010 i'm not getting if this start due to GR spam topic come back or not. but i have to say smth about that GR topic: No one can manage that topic anymore. Many mods before lost the will to moderate due to all flames what happend there. A will which made them to left out. I got flamed there, Ventic got flamed there, Grisom got flamed there, Coyote got flamed there and many others ... none from the staff have anymore the will to manage that topic. you can see even your topic: they ruined it and they start with the old story of : this forum is greeks, mods are greeks, admin is greek, we can do whatever we want. The GR spam topic flamers brought war as on members even on staff. Ask ppl what happend on 3 april. Also Noble and Grisom were 2 names i never thinked would ever be in a fight like this :P
Setekh Posted June 19, 2010 Posted June 19, 2010 No, we just discuss the demotion of noble don't we? No, we are also talking about Nobles responsibility regarding GR Spam Topic.
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