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pedes epidh dn 3erw apo oly exw ena problem borei k na mn einai... loipon edw k 2 meres dilwnoun atoma sthn oly alla dn tous deixnei sta rankings.. :S kai deuteron as poume 8elw na vgenoun ka8e deutera ana 2 eudomades pws to kanw? ty...

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compiled l2j epilogue :) plz file dose m tis odigies tis xreiazomai :/

Den uparxh periptwsh na mhn tous dixnei ektos kai an exeis kanei kapoies allages stis opios exei kollhse i olympiada px 8a s bgazei stin consola oti dn mporei na kanei save tous olympiad points , twra gia to 2o pragma p 8es psaxe ligo exei ginei share arketes fores sto pws allazei.
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oxi dn m vgazei kati tetoio :/ kanena error kai dn exw peira3ei tpt... :/mipws prepei na kanw egw save olympiad apo to game mesa?

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