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WTS CHARS: L][Mafia/ L][LiberatOrS/ L][Elite/ L][Origins x10

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~>Colour Name: 15k PvP

~>Colour Title: 10k Pk

~>Prize: 30€



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~>Donate Char

~>7 Augments Skill: 3 Actives(Stone, Heal, Celestial Shield) 4 Passives(Shield, Empower, Wild Magic, Magic Barrier)

~>Items: DC Set+20, Dragonic Set+20, Major Arcana Robe Set+20, Arcana Mece/Dragonic Bow/Demon Dagger +20,Rb Jewels +20,Tatoo +20, Zombie Shield

~>Colour Name: 2,5k+ PvP

~>Prize: 60€

width=1024 height=592http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/3672/l2libeactives.png[/img]


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width=1024 height=592http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/9520/l2libepassives.png[/img]


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~>Nobless Character

~>Dark Elf


~>Main Class: Ghost Sentinel

~>Prize: 80€


L][Origins x10

~>3 Characters

~>Necromancer LvL 66(Dc Main Part, Dc Glove,Majestic Jewels Unsealed Set)

~>Elven Elder LvL 63 (Usefull Because Server hasn't Mana Potions)

~>Spoiler LvL 54

~>Prize: 50€ (All Chars)


Payment Via Paypal

For Information add me on msn: eftyhis7@hotmail.com

PS: Don't spam,just reply if you want any character or if you have any question.


File pineis narkotika?....auton ton char ton antalla3a me enan sto StuckSub p legete Destr0...tou edwsa enan Human Fighter Nobless me name AwEsOmExD..mpes sto game rota,ma8e kai meta mpes edw kai grapse oti sou kavlosei..kai des ti egrapsa,mn spamarete kai na rotate mono an exete kapoia aporia i an 8elete kapoion char,tora ti kaneis?..mn vgeneis offtopic kai les malakies.


yeah and u can use my bug and gain ~10k pvps/hour...zazaaaza

U Need any Char?..U have char with 15k PvP/7k Pk?..U can do it in 1 hour?..THen go and do It ok?..


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