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sta other den brika tpt geia gameguard mono sta option brika afto:

# Enforce gameguard for clients

#   GameGuardEnforce - enforces gameguard query on character login

#   GameGuardProhibitAction - dont allow player to perform trade, talk with npc

#     and move until gameguard reply received

GameGuardEnforce = True

GameGuardProhibitAction = True




#Amount of adena that a new character is given

StartingAdena = 0


#Amount of Ancient Adena that a new character will start with.

StartingAA = 200000000


# This is the starting level of the new character.

# Default: 1

StartingLevel = 1


# movement speed for strider and wyvern

WyvernSpeed = 100

StriderSpeed = 80


#Allow the wyvern manager located in every castle to train wyverns and striders from hatchlings

AllowWyvernUpgrader = True


# If True, when effects of the same stack group are used, lesser

# effects will be canceled if stronger effects are used. New effects

# that are added will be canceled if they are of lesser priority to the old one.

# If False, they will not be canceled, and it will switch to them after the

# stronger one runs out, if the lesser one is still in effect.

CancelLesserEffect = True


# If you wish to disable the use of guards agains agressive monsters.

# Default is False.

AllowGuards = False


# If True, the following deep blue mobs' drop penalties will be applied:

# - When player's level is 9 times greater than mob's level, drops got divided by 3

# - After 9 lvl's of difference between player and deep blue mobs, drop chance is

# lowered by 9% each lvl that difference increases. (9lvls diff = -9%; 10lvls diff = -18%; ...)

# NOTE1: These rules are applied to both normal and sweep drops

# NOTE2: These rules ignores the server's rate when drop is of adena type (Complies with retail server)

UseDeepBlueDropRules = True


# Inventory space limits

MaximumSlotsForNoDwarf = 80

MaximumSlotsForDwarf = 100

MaximumSlotsForGMPlayer = 250


# Warehouse space limits (Must be < 300 for prevent client crash)

# Dwarfs will get bonus from lvl 60

MaximumWarehouseSlotsForDwarf = 120

MaximumWarehouseSlotsForNoDwarf = 100

MaximumWarehouseSlotsForClan = 200

MaximumFreightSlots = 20


# % regeneration of normal regeneration speed

HpRegenMultiplier = 100

MpRegenMultiplier = 100

CpRegenMultiplier = 100


# % regeneration and defence for RaidBoss and their minions

RaidHpRegenMultiplier = 100

RaidMpRegenMultiplier = 100

RaidDefenceMultiplier = 100


#Configure Minimum and Maximum multiplier time between RaidBoss respawn.

#By Default 12Hours*1.0 for Minimum Time and 24Hours*1.0 for Maximum Time.

RaidMinRespawnMultiplier = 1.0

RaidMaxRespawnMultiplier = 1.0


# Minions respawn timer 300000 = 5 mins

RaidMinionRespawnTime = 300000


# Unstuck interval, seconds, default is 300 sec.

UnstuckInterval = 10


# Player Protection after teleporting or login in seconds, 0 for disabled

PlayerSpawnProtection = 0


# Player Protection from (agro) mobs after getting up from fake death; in seconds, 0 for disabled

PlayerFakeDeathUpProtection = 0



# Set the first option here to one of the (auto, percentage, level, none).

# With "auto method" member is cut from Exp/SP distribution when his share is lower

# then party bonus acquired for him (30% for 2 member party)

# In that case he will not receive any Exp/SP from party and is not counted for party bonus

# The second option takes effect when "percentage" method is choosen. Don't use high values for this!

# The third option takes effect when "level" method is choosen. Don't use low values for this!

# If you don't want to have a cutoff point for party members' XP distribution,

# then just set the first option to "none". Defaults are: percentage , 3.0 , 30 ; respectively.

PartyXpCutoffMethod = auto

PartyXpCutoffPercent = 3.0

PartyXpCutoffLevel = 30


# Amount of HP, MP, and CP is restored

# Values are in percent of max

RespawnRestoreCP = 0

RespawnRestoreHP = 70

RespawnRestoreMP = 70


# Allow random respawning in towns, based on a maximum random offset

# from the base respawn co-ordinates.

RespawnRandomInTown = True

RespawnRandomMaxOffset = 20


# Maximum number of allowed slots for Private Stores (sell/buy) for dwarves and for all other races

# Normally, dwarves get 5 slots for pvt stores, while other races get only 4

MaxPvtStoreSlotsDwarf = 5

MaxPvtStoreSlotsOther = 4


# Store buffs/debuffs other effects on user logout?



# List of pet rent (wyvern,strider). etc: 111,222,333

ListPetRentNpc = 30827


# Announce to players the location of the Mammon NPCs during Seal Validation.

AnnounceMammonSpawn = True


# Alt privileges for GMs based on command privileges

AltPrivilegesAdmin = False

AltPrivilegesSecureCheck = True

AltPrivilegesDefaultLevel = 100


# Allow different name color for GM and Admin characters.

GMNameColorEnabled = True


# Color to use for Admin names, if enabled. (access level 100+).

# (Must be in hex BGR format: eg. 00FF00 = Green)

AdminNameColor = 00FF00


# Color to use for GM names, if enabled. (access level 75+).

# (Must be in hex BGR format: eg. FFFF00 = Yellow)

GMNameColor = FFFF00


# This option will set the default AccessLevel for MasterAccess

# Pls be carefully with that. Chars with this AccessLevel have

# right to execute every AdminCommand ingame.

# Default = 127 - Max. 200

MasterAccessLevel = 100


# This option will set the Default NameColor for MasterAccess 

MasterNameColor = 00FF00


# This option will set the Default TitleColor for MasterAccess 

MasterTitleColor = 00FF00


# Enable GMs to have the glowing aura of a Hero character.

GMHeroAura = True


# Auto set invulnerable status to a GM on login.

GMStartupInvulnerable = false

# Auto set invisible status to a GM on login.

GMStartupInvisible = false

# Auto block private messages to a GM on login.

GMStartupSilence = True

# Auto list GMs in GM list (/gmlist) on login.

GMStartupAutoList = false


# Enable players to send in-game petitions.

PetitioningAllowed = True

# Total number of petitions to allow per player, per session.

MaxPetitionsPerPlayer = 5

# Total number of petitions pending, if more are submitted they will be rejected.

MaxPetitionsPending = 25



# Jail configuration


# Jail is a PvP zone

JailIsPvp = True


# Disable all chat in jail (except normal one)

JailDisableChat = True


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  • Posts

    • Both "MMO genre" AND "forums" are greatly deprecated those days. MMO genre, except very few games (TESO, WOW, BDO, FF14), is mostly "eaten" by fast paced games (aka games with 15-30min game parties, they are numerous). See Twitch best games, I doubt the top 10 are MMOs. Adding more MMOs categories, while MMOs themselves got less population, isn't a bright idea. Also, in the past, there was multiple games categories - none actually worked out, so far. Forums type were replaced by Discord, mostly. You communicate faster, you got voice, you can group up and it's already thematized (by server, by guild, by game,...)... Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about. You already did it multiple times without success (3 or 4 times at least ?). It's not due to staff. MMO forum is just "niche" nowadays, while 20 years ago it was "dope" and the thing to do. Your main problem is MxC is a community based on "nothing". It was first cheater dedicated, then mostly L2 development dedicated,... With a mix of random things here and there. The formula is lightly-themed as "community" (that's actually why you still have some ppl posting), and in same time community never was expanded to retain ppl (notably through MxC servers - no matter the game : L2, GTA, Conan Exiles, Lost Ark, whatever else). In the end, you end with "nothing", since people comes and goes (and mostly goes, since MMO isn't a thing anymore), but both MMO genre is greatly endangered by other types of games AND forums isn't the proper way to communicate in 2024. Actually, the only use of a forums compared to Discord is to search through archives, and the main point is it's a better "showcase" than Discord (a static website would end with the same output). The proposed formula will never work, or at best will attract greedy ppl.
    • Welcome to my store :https://ultrasstore11.mysellix.io/fr/ 2015-2022 Aged Discord Account 2015 Discord Account : 50.99 $ 2016 Discord Account : 10.50 $ 2017 Discord Account :4.99 $ 2018 Discord Account : 3.99 $ 2019 Discord Account : 2.99 $ 2020 Discord Account :1.99$ 2021 Discord Account :1.50$ 2022 Discord Account :0.99$ Warranty :Lifetime Payment Methods : Crypto/ PayPal Contact Me On Discord Or Telegram Discord :@ultrasstore11 Telegram : https://t.me/ultrastore11  
    • Hello everyone,    As you can see lately, the L2 community is decreasing, especially on private servers, its been 21 years since Lineage2 release date (1st October 2003). MaxCheaters.com was created in 2005 (with different names) and till today we are basically focused on Lineage 2. We made several attempts to add other games, but everyone still knew us as an L2 based forum. MaxCheaters has a long history and is one of the few forums that have survived to this day,It would be a shame to let the site die.   So I came up with a few ideas to improve it and follow the trends.   1. Create a utility token, (evm or solana), that will be used for several things such as: Staffers/moderators payment. Content creators reward system. (influencers/advertising/topic creators) Paid forum support. Exchanges and marketplaces . Lineage 2 utility token for private servers. Other MMO utility token for buying/selling accounts/gold etc. Maxcheaters fixed expenses/improvements/development/expansion/design/topsite   2. Reduce l2 sections, (we done this before) , and add more games on main page Less l2 sections More MMO games Focus on marketplaces    3. Rebuild staffers team/more events. Add one staffer per MMO game. More active staffers on our team.   4. Social media activity / streaming Twtter / TikTok content for gaming.  Streaming platforms (create official channel) Moderators/content creators for this content specifically.
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