MainlyRaGe Posted June 9, 2010 Posted June 9, 2010 pff listen kid..i play in some months over 750 pvp Int servers and i can with one klick know if server good and stay alive or somethink dont tell me sh1ts nabzor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!stop spam know is out of topic i dont replay in sh1ts bb First of google this "spam wiki" just try to learn what spam is........:D Second of all....learn english.....or talk in a section that ur language is aloud... Third of al u just said what i did...u said that with one click u can see if a server is a fail or not...well look here.. before u join u say server is fail? so idiot kidzors... I ain't need to say anything else...u proved what kind of a player/guy u are just right here....and u also proved who is a "post hunter" ::) Fourth of all...this is not offtopic...maybe not directly but we still criticize the server... BTW this server is HOME hosted 100% cause i lagged when we were 4 ppl on and did not lag when i was alone.... So this is still a fail...and actually it's an empty fail :D Quote
karydas Posted June 9, 2010 Posted June 9, 2010 omg kid! i told this for u not for me.!(before u join u say server is fail? so idiot kidzors...)! and i am not forced to speak good english..and kid one more..u are fail from time u born..i if someone dont speak one language good isnt mean that he dont know how to play like you...and on this topic must talk only about this server..if u know from forums..its not good to talk for other servers or for personal thinks in all topic..and this is your personal problem in your mind...if u learn how to read and dont tell your idiot think and put work in my mouth that i never sed come to talk again..bye kidzor... Quote
MainlyRaGe Posted June 9, 2010 Posted June 9, 2010 omg kid! i told this for u not for me.!(before u join u say server is fail? so idiot kidzors...)! and i am not forced to speak good english..and kid one more..u are fail from time u born..i if someone dont speak one language good isnt mean that he dont know how to play like you...and on this topic must talk only about this server..if u know from forums..its not good to talk for other servers or for personal thinks in all topic..and this is your personal problem in your mind...if u learn how to read and dont tell your idiot think and put work in my mouth that i never sed come to talk again..bye kidzor... i was so sure there is no way u could understand what i meant......... so here i will try to explain it to u...... I never said u said it for u...what i said is that firsty u said that those that say a server fail before testing are kids and then u said that u can see if a server is fail or not just with on click and that means that u can see if a server is fail or not without testing it...I RLY HOPE U MANAGED TO UNDESTAND THIS....(i seriously doubt it thought....) No u are not forced to speak good english...but since u post here u should or ur post have no value ....and since u can't really speak the language all u can do is "post hunt" without making any posts that make sense...and i never said anything about gameplay.....who is putting words in who's mouth now????So [gr] opoios exei tin miga migiasete [/GR] U say to me that i don't know to read...but i said in my post before that "Fourth of all...this is not offtopic...maybe not directly but we still criticize the server..."[GR] to post dn einai ektos 8ematos...kritikaroume ton server apla oxi amesa ala emese...[/GR] In case u don't know what this means i made a translation next to it.. P.S. This was an offtopic post and i am sry for this but when a moderator see it before karma me just get in my place and think what u would do.....if u still think i am wrong karma me and i am sry.................................. Quote
karydas Posted June 9, 2010 Posted June 9, 2010 maybe u cant undersant...i expain why i can see if server is good or no...(GR) ipa oti exw pe3i para polous server kai mpwrw na krinw enw aloi oxi(GR) secondly i dont know how you play but i undestood for how to speak..(katalaba oti ise xazos apo ton tropo pou milas kai pou to pezis kapios les kai eisai kanas epistimonas h kanas diefthidis eterias(GR) and this is not critikize or somethink else for this server omg...u need a doctor..all this time we talk for us and its somethink about u and me where u see the critikize..(GR) ti eimai roufianos gia na se kanw report egw dn milaw mazi sou??? esu 3efiges entelos apo to thema kai to sovarepses epidi to epe3es eksipnakias kai morfomenos..sta @@ mou h morfosi sou o xaraktiras sou pantos dn se kolakeuh katholou..egw ipa stop spam giati katalava oti tha traviksi poly..tespa as stamatisi edw gt o moderator tha mas *****..:P (GR) Quote
MainlyRaGe Posted June 9, 2010 Posted June 9, 2010 maybe u cant undersant...i expain why i can see if server is good or no...(GR) ipa oti exw pe3i para polous server kai mpwrw na krinw enw aloi oxi(GR) secondly i dont know how you play but i undestood for how to speak..(katalaba oti ise xazos apo ton tropo pou milas kai pou to pezis kapios les kai eisai kanas epistimonas h kanas diefthidis eterias(GR) and this is not critikize or somethink else for this server omg...u need a doctor..all this time we talk for us and its somethink about u and me where u see the critikize..(GR) ti eimai roufianos gia na se kanw report egw dn milaw mazi sou??? esu 3efiges entelos apo to thema kai to sovarepses epidi to epe3es eksipnakias kai morfomenos..sta @@ mou h morfosi sou o xaraktiras sou pantos dn se kolakeuh katholou..egw ipa stop spam giati katalava oti tha traviksi poly..tespa as stamatisi edw gt o moderator tha mas *****..:P (GR) [GR] gia na telionoume oxi tpt alo....loipon apo ti stigmi p lew oti einai se uco site,einai high rate pvp interlude kai exoun ftaixtei isa me 20 se 2 vdomades kai OUTE 1 dn einai kalos (ama xereis kapoion pes m mporei na kanw la8os.......) profanos i pi8anotites aftos edw na min einai fail einai liges...opote EMESA kritikarete o server......sto deytero post sto telos egrapsa oti logara ston server kai einai oti nane opote to gegonos oti s apadisa paralila dn enoxlei kanena..kai pai kritikara ton server apla aftin tin fora amesa..... Oi private server einai on edw kai para polla xronia......pistepse me sxedon oloi mporoun na krinoun ama enas server einai fail i oxi..apla dn exoun ali epilogi I einai ola toso skata p kai ta ligotero fail tous fenontai OK. Dn milaw san episthmonas ....aglika milaw...ama s fenete san astrofisiki fisiki NP mikros eisai prolaveis na kaneis ma8imata na ma8eis^^......(ama pisteveis oti milaga perierga aglika...ti na s pw trava diavase pragmata apo dw kai apo kei...) Ama 8imase kala esi me eipes ili8io paidaki......opote ESI xefiges apo to 8ema kai epite8ikes se mena...egw APLA iperaspistika tin apopsi m XWRIS na prospa8isw na se prosvalw (to oti prosvaleis ton eafto s dn einai diko m provlima...) kai tin iperaspisa me EPIXIRIMATA....(kai pali..sto greek wiki na ma8es ti simenei ^^ ) Morfomenos idietera dn eimai...kai ta aglika p xerw einai sxedon aftodidakta.....ala dn exw logo na to paixw exipnakias opos les gt eimai arketa exipnos ...oi ili8ioi kanoun tous exipnakides..oi normal an8rwpoi dn to kanoun afto... Kai to 8ema to sovarepsa gt exw vare8ei ta anilika sta MMO/Forums kai internet genika p spane mpales....kai ama eisai panw apo 17/18 exeis megalo provlima....(i geni8ikes plousios.. ^^) [/GR} Quote
karydas Posted June 9, 2010 Posted June 9, 2010 prwton eimai 17 deuteron dn eimai plousiopedo..3) dn epitithika pou les kai dn mou fenonte epistimi esu kritikaris kapion p dn milah agglika exw na milisw agglika 3 xronia p stamatisa mia taksi prin to lower..mes to game ta xrisimopio kai polu mono ta vasika..kai na 3eris uparxoun poly aksiologi servers private...exw peksi polous..apla merikous stamataw gt dn exw ton xrono na asxolithw pleon me to farm h to lvl giauto dn prwtimo tou low rate..pezw private server peripou 1.5 xrono..kai na 3eris epidi bgika poli fail server ta pedakia akoune private kai xoris na doun kan ti einai lene fail..kai na 3eris to site dn pezi site to thes mono gia na exeis forum kai na les ta update sou kai ta info sou..polu ekanan domain site kai dn katalavan kai tpt kai episis polu hostarane ton server tous se eteria kai telika piran.........kai oloi kala kanoun kai milane me epixirimata aala eimai sto forum 2-3 meres kai exw di tosa pola pragmata se thema kritikis apo pedia pou exw frikari..egw dn asxoloume me developer kai tetoia thelw apla na developer einai douleia alon...dn maresoun ta forum giauto to logo gt einai ola zwa tous kai ola lene epic fail kai sou hackarw ton server..egw dn imoun gramenos edw empena mono na vlepw kana server..ipa na graftw na lew kai egw tin gnomi mou ala telika kanenan dn niazi h gnomi tou alou...oloi kitane tin party tous..egw apla tsantistika kai stin ipa gt strabosa kai dn pigene kai se esena pige genika gt uparxi kialo post p lei fail...egw dn se 3erw gia na exw kati mazi sou...apla forstosa ..kai oute uperaspistika to pedi p exei ton server gt dn to 3erw..sou ipa gt tsantistika sto keimeno auto...apo tin mera pou graftika se auto to forum ta neura mou tsitosan xoris logo...ti na sou pw ama pisteuhs oti to arxisa epitides h na se kontrarw xoris na se 3erw latho sou..kai pistepse me dn me 3eris gia na pis aniliko h oti prizw mpales kai istories...esu piges na me kontraris me tin eksipnada kai kala oti milas aptesta agglika kai istories...egw douleuw an kai dn uparxi kapio problima apo ta 14 stamatisa na pernw leuta apo gonois..giauto akuro to teleuteo sou ^_^ ^_- Quote
karydas Posted June 10, 2010 Posted June 10, 2010 a kai kati alo to fail to lene epidi dn tous aresi o server enw to fail simenei pws exei kapoio provlima me hack kai tetoia.. Quote
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