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Geia sas efoson eida pws den iparxei guide gia Bishop apofasisa na kanw egw enan :)

Note: Einai to prwto mou guide , dexome olla ta comments kai an ksexasa kati h ekana kapou la8os parakalw dior8wsteme.

Leipon o bishop einai o kaluteros healer sto l2,den einai diskolo na pezete me bishop,efoson an eiste se ena pt prepei na exete eu8hnh se pvp na to kratate alive alla kai pt vs mobs na dinete vash.Isws to exp  sas kourasei ligo,ka8ws o bishop exei elaxista skill  gia damage(8a ta doume sthn sinexeia)

Ta Quests gia bishop einai  human mystic,cleric,bishop,cardinal.



O bishop exei ektos apo robe mastery sta passive skills tou kai light mastery dhladh borei na foresei light armor xwris na meiwnei stats kai ta loipa

alla prwtimame robe armors.

D Grade Mithril Tunic(robe)20-40 lvl








C Grade

karmian tunic (robe) lvl 41-52


B Grade 52-61 (avadon robe )








A  Grade (darkcrystal robe) 61-76 ( kai genika h teleftea sas armor)










D Grade 20-41 lvl ghost stuff


C Grade 41-51 lvl Homunkulus Sword (me special ability acumen)


B Grade 52-61 lvl Wizards Tear ( me special ability acumen)


A Grade 61-76 Sword of Miracles ( me special ability acumen)


S grade Arcana Mace (me special ability acumen)



Jewels kai Dyes

Otan pate level 76 8a parete ta Tateossian jewels pou 8a einai ta kiria sas jewels( an eiste ligotera level 8a pernete apla ta jewels tou grade sas einai sxetika fthna)

Tateossian Necklace ,Tateossian Ring  kai Tateossian Earring adistixa


Epic Jewels

Afta ta jewels ta  pernoume apo boss kai einai sxetika diskola na ta parete.An omws exei sto gmshop afta ta skoularikia tote o server einai failed* (plaka)

Tote epilekste afta.

Necklace Of Valakas,Frintezza's Necklace,Earring Of Antharas  , Zaken's  Earring  , Ring Of Baium  , Ring Of Queen Ant


Afta einai ta epic jewels pou prepei na xrisimopoieite

Note:Gia to necklace  boreite na valete valakas alla kai  frintezza.To frintezza dinei resistance sto paralyze,sleep,kai shock atacks (opws stun) kalo einai se pvp kai eiparxoun necro ,archers kai tyrants me fist crt stun na xrisimopoieiste to frintezza gia perisotero ressisst se afta ta skills giati an  pesete eseis peftei kai olo to pt.



Self buffs:skill1035.jpg=Mental shield : mas dinei resistence se hold , sleep,fear kai mental atacks

skill1040_0.png=Shield: mas anevazei to p def

skill1043_0.png=Holy weapon: Anevazei to holy atack (Xrisimopoihte se party members)

skill1044_0.png=Regeneration:Anevazei to recovery gia hp

skill1062_0.png=Berserker Spirit: Meiwnei  to p def ,to m def kai to evasion ka8ws anevazei M.Atack, p atack, atack speed,casting speed kai speed( boreite na to xrisimopoieisetai gia esas alla an 8elete na to kanete se kapion allon prepei na ton valete sto party)

skill1068_0.png=Might=Anevazei to p atack.

skill1073_0.png=Kiss of Eva=Afto to buff auksanei ton xrono adoxis sto nero

skill1077_0.png=Focus:Anevazei critical rate.

skill1078_0.png=Concentration:Meiwnei tin pi8anothta na mas kanoun interrupt ta skills.

skill1085_0.png=Acumen:Anevazei to casting speed

skill1191_0.png=Resist fire:Dinei epipleon resistance se fire atacks

skill1204_0.png=Wind walk:Anevazei to speed.

skill1307_0.png=Prayer:Mas afinei na kanoume kalitero heal( dld na healaroume perissotero hp) sta party members

skill1311_0.png=Body of avatar:Avevazei to maximum hp gia emas kai ta party members

skill1353_0.png=Divine Protection:Mas dinei resistance  kata  divine kai dark atacks.

skill1410_0.png=Salvation:Otan pesoume mas kanei aftomata rez kai krataei ta buffs ektos apo noblese kai lucky charm


skill1361_0.png=Mass Block Wind Walk:Aferei ta buffs apo kodinous adipalous ta opoia anevazoun speed.Meiwnei to speed kai den afinei stous adipalous na ksanaparoun buffs ta opoia 8a tous anevasoun palu to speed tous.

skill1360_0.png=Mass Block Shield:Aferei ta buffs apo ton adipalo pou anevazoun p def.Meiwnei to p def kai den afinei stous adipalous na ksanaparoun buffs me ta opoia 8a boroun na anevasoun palu to p def tous.

skill1394_0.png=Trance:Vazei ton adipalo gia nani xD

skill1201_0.png=Dryat Root :Otan piasei krataei ton adipalo kai den borei na kouni8ei.

skill1398_0.png=Mana burn: Keei to mp twn adipalwn( iparxei kai to mass mana burn pou keei to mp stous trigurw adipalous)

Heal and Cleance  Skills

skill1218_0.png=Greater battle heal:Kanei  heal ( to kalitero)

skill1219_0.png=Greater group heal:Kanei heal olo to party  kai vazei ena buff gia 12 seconds gemizei hp (An o server exei liga buff slots min to kanete kai skate cansel sta melh tou party,kante major group heal)

skill1402_0.png=Major groul heal :Kanei heal olo to party ( to kalitero group  heal)

skill1335_0.png=Balance life:Dinei issoropia sto hp tou party ( issoropizei to hp olwn twn members wste na exoun iso)

skill1258_0.png=restore life: Anaplirwnei to 30% tou hp  se party members h kai se emas

skill1409_0.png=Cleance:Kanei cansel ta debuff tou target mas.(Xriazete 1 Einhasad Holy Water.)

skill1254_0.png=Mass ressurection:Kanei rez olous apo thn clan

skill1018_0.png=Purify:Healarei tin paralisi,stamataei to poison kai to bleeding

skill1418.jpg=Celestial shield: Kanei ton target mas ahthto gia  10 deftera

To mono skill pou borei na skasei damage o bishop einai to skill1028_0.png Might of heaven kai afto mono se undead monsters

Note: Na exete pada mazi sas polla mana potions, blessed spiritshot s grade kai Einhasad Holy Water

Mia skill bar (den xriazete na einai h hdia vevea)da4acecf.png (afta sto f2 einai mana pots oxi dyes)

Dyes By Darkslayer: +4Con -4Str / +1Con -1Str / +4Wit -4Men

( Ta dyes einai ka8ara diko sas 8ema sto oti 8elete na exete casting h hp)

Leveling Areas

1-10 lvl ekei pou sas kanei spawn

10-30 eksw apo gludio sta lizarman kai pio mesa stis araxnes

30-40 death pass me party an den boreite an kai mesa mesa iparxoun kapia undead mobs.

40-58 Cemetary (afthona mobs gia might of heaven)

58-62 lair of antharas etrance (pali exei kati undead mobs kati skeletous )

62-70 imperial tomb eksw eksw sta undead mobs pali

70 -80 edw 8a xriastite anagastika party  To pi einai oti prepei

Aggument Skills

An petixete agument skill d9wtg7dt.png  to opoio na skaei damage tote eisai  gg

gia afto pada na vazete ls sto mace sas

Ena active stone lvl 10 einai oti prepeif9e7f9e.png

Note : An petixete skill dokimaste na pezete me magnus chant oxi cov gia na exete m atack kai an boreite na kanete kai  ta dyes int + 4  men -4

Afta einai ena polu vasiko guide alla pistevw na kanei thn douleia tou

Credits :To me

Kapoies eikones tis pira apo to pm fun kai alles apo to google (mono aftes twn skills)

Ty for reading kai peite m an exw kanei kati la8os :) ( 8a valw kai ta buffs alla den exw xrono twra )




Nc man!

alla nmzw exei 1lathos!

exeis balei sto selfbuff might k to kiss of eva!

Auta ta buffs pou xrisimeboun ade to might kapws sthn oly  to kiss of eva pou?

exw valei ekei genika ta buff pou exei o bishop ( dld pou borei na kanei se party members i kai ston eauto tou)

to kiss of eva xrisimevei gia mena sto primeval otan pezw pvp to kanw gia otan me kinigane sto nero na exw pio polu wra  :P


pos fenete oti dn exis peksi pote low rate acumen panta e? avadon? kk. mana pots ftw.

odws den exw peksei :/ mono mid rate kai pvp

exw valei ekei genika ta buff pou exei o bishop ( dld pou borei na kanei se party members i kai ston eauto tou)

to kiss of eva xrisimevei gia mena sto primeval otan pezw pvp to kanw gia otan me kinigane sto nero na exw pio polu wra  :P

ahh k tote!


phoenix blood? na ta kanis ti? mas doulebis re file ? exis peksi pote bishop? rofl

loool sorry odws berdeftika gia afto h8ela na valw  ta Einhasad Holy Water kai katala8os evala kai ta alla epidi einai kai ta 2 xrisa kai iremise ligo

ok eipa peite m ta la8h mou :)


poli oreo alla prota mas deixneis se x ligo server kai meta mas deixneis ena arcana +30 :P btw nc share sir keep it kai krata kai ta update kai na addareis kai ta vesper kai sigoura to karma to pires ;)(alla xreiazete ligo akoma na to fix me merika lathakia)


-men gia pio logo eno boris na bgalis poli apla int? p dn s xrisimebi se tpt.

pes poia dyes na valw sto guide na min ksanamiliseis gia afta :)

emena m fenete pl wraio...

dn eixa idea apo bishop :P  

panta ithela na pernw +pvp, oxi na healarw... ;D

Thnx gia to guide sou file!

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