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[Interlude] Project Interlude L2jRox

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the project rather serious friend and already there some time, so I can not monitor the speed of large projects within my knowledge but I'm trying to leave the project to good use

@FerikOs™ / j1maras2@


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the project this in version 6,0 that is about 4 months I am working in it I needed to remake svn pq it bugou and even though to make right it, if it would not be in changeset enters 300 the 400 that is, pra who bet 2 months finds that already Pará was ferrou already exists the 4 months, as I spoke I decided to postar I myself pq vi in innumerable forum it postado with people not citing the had correct credits, but already vi that instead of criticizing bugs or praising gostao of floodar that is an unnecessary forum that allowed posts and that it does not have importance pro forum not and a forum that to worry vo me very about posts ties pq as I spoke if aid in drug little did not like bad luck you importing me pra opinions who never none and alone it comes to floodar, good and this



you there only some names of the people who estao following the project I find that of pra vc to only have an idea if you lasting the 2 months

*CaioxD*, -fernandops15-, 1berto, 321, 350Z, 456, 456456, 666020, 73n3br0s0, 88448334, 92313215,, ?.::djvinny::.?, A1man, aasxande, abacaxi, acarreta, acetone, action, activecaptions, adailto, adamesteve, adiciho, adm mystery, ADM-MASTER, admblack, admbr, adminmaster, adminpaulo, admiskill, admkonoha, admvinicius, adm_wagner, adrastos, Adriano157, AdrianoRG, adriell2stronda, aerogustavo, aguiaextrema, airton, airton621, aislancezar, ajuniorsc, Akeron, akiawa, alaki3, alanmelo, aldair, aldorip, Alema0, Alerson JNC, AlersonDesigner, alessandroht, alessandroo, AlessandroRw, AlexD, alexfabiano, AlexxD, aleyed, alfreditox, Alissonmenezes, alissonpbb, allam15, Allan18, allanalcantara, allanmp, ALLEY200, allyssonto, alysson021, alziroMS, amador, andersoncmd, andersonkl, andre18, andreaffs, andreimunhoz, angelic, angelusher, anikinbz, animalbr, Anjel-666, anjel666, Anjinho, anjo20, AnthonyNichols~, aquaman, aragon115, Arayashiki, Arcchangellus, arcticline, ArenaVirtual, ariquita, Arison, Arkanus, arnaldo90, arsa, asce, assaltu, asteris, Astry, atamir, aurelio, awful2, azilado, baguinski, baixando, baloffo, Bandit, barde, Bark, bartomsilva, BATLLEMAISON, BeckerLOL, behemoth, Belegorn, belisario, BELTS72298, bemlindo, berabera, bernardocardoso, bet33, beto.pc, betoap, Bichobao, Bifana, bighead, bilabong, Billy Hammer, billy321, billyboy, bim15, Bisewski, bitou, black18, Bloken, BlooDCircle, bobbyz, bola999, bolacha58, boleta, Bolt, bombadao, BombaH, bombrill, bonco78, Boots, borrotinha, boulhosa, BrainStorm, Breno_Developer, brgoogle, Broch, brrj695, brunao123, bruneks, brunoboss, Brunolan, brunolisboa, brunolord, brunoolp, BrunoRadagast, bryanfellipe, buzinhu88, byorion, c814, cabal40, cabalt, cabesaok2, cabrones, cachorrolouco, caioalan, caiquecl, calaca, campos, carftama, carlitos, cassianorocha, cassiomaggot, castillo, CavaleiroNegro, cdm, ceberus, celeron, cemak, cepacol123, cezinhall, chefoto, chester, chihih0wns, chosse, ChoVinisTa, ChronusxD, chupalada, ckm, 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magarimkidia, magicleon, MaGiCoO, magnesio, magno15, magodocaus, Maguinho, MagusRox, maikoafk, Maldade, maldito171, Malphas, MalucòÓ, ManeGalinha, maneglinha, maniaca, maninhomayan, manliodm, manobill20, Manoel Barroso, ManoeL-ADM, manofongo, manostrops, ManuellaWinches, mapunk, marcelofp, marcelomp50, marcelowebda, marciomacedo, marcosbp, marcosthepro, marcosve, marcus665, Marduk, marinho2008, MariOMatriX, Marley3, marllonkl, Mart, masashi, Masterl2, Mateus, MATEUS LOVATTO, matheusdf, Mathias, mato100, matriz, maverick775, maxfranck, maxi56, Maximilian, Maxmilian, maxstyle, maykinhu, mayquinhoooo, mazin, Mazokista, Mazurzinh, mazzinho, MEGATR0N, mend3, Menininhox9, mercenaria, metropole, michel234, mickael, miguelxxx, milsaoremo, Minero, mininonino, Miranda, mirrageelpho, Mlods, moises, mollotove, monthay, Mordaneus, morea01, MorFeu, mosquitotraira, Motto, Mr. Riddler, mrjuan, MrMonk, msantana, Muka, mullet, MuRiLLoB, murilo7, MusT HosT, mutant3, mvvr, mx4000, myboo, mystyca, Myukishiro, M_Vinicius', naahbr, nabosne, Nandinhow, nanduu15, Não há Gatos, nark, NecroBoy, needwar, neetinxd, NeferTiti, NegoBala, Neksus, NemesisX, nenecs, neno1610, nepster, nersao, nesta01, netoforlan, nettao, nevermore, NeverStop, new4me, NewMonster, newsamael, newspeed, nido, NielsoN, nikolas, Nilsonred, nnn3, nograde, nois, nomade, noobreak, northon, nubquest, nunotuga, ocuto, odibel, okynawa, onker, OnLink, Optus, OreonRazzor, OriginalSin, oruha, ostivan, oto12345, otto5, Over12, overdark, overpedra, Ower, owner, oxygen, ozama007, ozupi, pabloxp, painhoo4, palhoto, parasite, parpinelli, pascoalete, Pasi, pauliimreis, paullodk, paulo08, paulo103, pavilionn, paytaly, pcpkpc, pedrinho, pedro50cent, pedrofdp, PedroGU, pedrox01, Pegason, Pepico, perera, perfecta, personal, PERTUBADO, PesteFeia, peterflister, phcp, philipess23, philippe2, phrds.rfl, picinato, Pickopata, piixotevha, pinett123, Pinguço, pipiko, pirata, Pirrey, piupiu, pkantepkante, pmbak, ponx, popota, POSITIVO, presuntinho, Preto, priest, Prometheus, proteam, psnet, psyco01, PsyPsy, Psytrance, puruvim, Puufy, pxronaldo, QuiMeriCs, radiador22~, rafabiboxdt, rafael156, raidb00s, RaidFight, ramde, ramonlokoo, Ramonnomar, raulmala, rayanfacin, RaydeN, raynam, Rayto, Razord, READSHART, red mix, RedHoT, redlabel, redmastr, rednose, refem, refenxd, reicabelo, renan20, renan68, renanitatinga, RenatinhaxD, renatokamus, RenatoRey, Resident Evil, Revany, reven, rhamices, rhamiro, rica22, ricardomafra, ricarte, ricknelsonjr, rickymanja, ricopqt, Rilck, Rinaldinho, ripar, rob, rob1089, robadell, robertsaullo, robison, rodrigob2, rogeriooo, romao, romariorox, rominhoo, romulobarbosa, Rony, rotgar, rott, rpferreira, rsnbahia, rtoservers, ruancmeira, ruanjose, ruanjose02, ruanrpf, rushybr, russosky, Saci, sagara, salazarbr, sandroas, Sanio, saphiraa, saraxd, SasukeUchiha, saunier, Schernikau, scoobydoo, scott12, secaolol, Seco, secodalssaso15, securinha, semajfast, Senfador, senha, senhormort2, sennocao, senom, SerialKiller, serra9, servel2, Setokaiba, setup, shaka15, shanbala, shanxsj, shareaza1993, Shevenic, SheZ, Shirako, sinistrinho, siriajuc, skerverus, skoll20, skyzin, slaughterxxx, slider, smith, snake666, snakeeas, SNIK288, so3hitvcdow, SocC3r, SOLITARIO, solrac, solteirao, somale, sombraa, soul12, Sound, souyiro, spance, Sparatizo, sparky, spawn1, speedfudera, sphyrit, spigamdc, spK- Expert, SpktroZx, SrDastrevas, sskaipas7, starboy85, StarHouse, Steeno, stiffy2, StrangerOmega, strike, stryker, suicida, superfly, superpop, SUPREMO, Swiitchback, synky05, Takeo, TaMuZ, Tarik01, teixeira, tengou, tere21, teta12, tetinha4, Tetsuo, thailor, thandera100, Thayleson, thbrasil, thebast, TheBestKiller, thecall, theking, thekon, TheLoL, TheNero, therockstars, TheStyle, thiago789, thiagolaw, thiagooxd, thiagopro, THIAGOXTHEBEST, thronethx, Tiagoo, TigerSoul, tin023, Titanis, tjbc, tobugad0, Tody, tokinhomu, toninhozc, Tony_RadeoN, tornadol2, tovo, tozim, travinha, Trinix, tripinha, trovao, ttidus, tulio07, Tullio, turokbad, tx300, txd, ubrxks2xp5pvp, Uchira, Umbrela, unix, usa, vabunda, VaiNeR, valdairr, vandeir, vassorarv, vatsu, vengance, venon007, verlin, vespasiano, vicfelipe, victorbg, victorLoOK, Vilgacs, Villa, vilmarbr1, vincity, vinicius3, Viniciusdibob, vinnyzs2, virtu000, Vitinho22, VitinhoW, vitorjose12, Vitorsk8er, Vittyn, vivas, vivi, volber, VonDuTcH, vscb, vsffdpx, vsffdpxx, VslDream, w3lliton, waguinho, walannbr, walef, walerson, walker8854, walkerbritoo, walli, walter, WanderBebs, warlley, warmachine, WARRI0R360, washigton, WebMaster_FoX, webson, welitonalmada, welvister, weslen, wesley0800, wesley99, wesleybr, wfs17, WhiTSpeedy, whome, will.sanches, williamlf, willianbuff, willianl2, willll, willysgt, willzanotto, Windows, WindowsXP, winforce, wingreson, wingresonilha, wlpaiva, Wolverine, worldhemp, wtl4ever, xande18, xande22, xandyhh, xarada, xbreak, xcherlonx, xdavison, xexelento, xflash, XFLY, xhatusx, xicret12, xina311, xJaraNax, xleandro, xLord, xneemiasx, xola, xPeixoto, xplanet, xucruto, xworkx, xxdarkxx, xxdiogoxx, XxDouglasxX, Xxgeovanexx, xxjozixx, xxkenonxx, xxmaelxx, xxthiagoxx2, xXxBomBaxXx, xxxvalterxxx, xyurix, yagosd, Yakuz, Yakuza, yakuzah, yashii, yashiii, Yeral_Andrew, yhatuj, Yugake, yuri, yuriandrade, yurino4, Yurisk, yurixinho, Zambrotta, zaresque, zatta8520, Zaum, Zedy, ZERO44, zigman, zigototito, {ADM}-Fenex, {João P.}, {king}


I find that with 1234 name that this cited of pra vc to have an idea if vc there goes to gain it would ninharia of its 100 euros


already noticed that this forum exists for every 10 members that are only 9 flooders, and instead of posting something that is useful only postão useless, leaving the huge topic with nothing of value


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First Warning! Dont Spam!

Who Are You To Tell Me First Warning No Spam ? You Just Paid To Take Vip.You Dont Have Such Authorities.. Your Post Is Spam Not Mine . Be Careful *dns -A..

Now About project... Inspector..Why You Dont Make Some Commits..And Make Your Project Enough Good And Then Make A Topic About It...Now It Is Useless Someone To Compile..Only If Someone Wants To Test And Report...For This You Can Take 2-3 Ppl To Do It..

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- 	com.jenova.ErrorLogHandler 
- 	chat.handlers = com.jenova.ChatLogHandler 
+ 	com.l2jrox.ErrorLogHandler 
+ 	chat.handlers = com.l2jrox.ChatLogHandler 



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As we can see the blind, I mentioned in the credits where they got the codes of the project, if you can not read and issue your friend, I mentioned that the project was based on L2Jenova but I think you should need one right eyeglasses

and besides the project more friendly l2jenova closed and turned gracia final

I kept all the credits of the entire project was Jenova but do not know whether to heed this shame on you, it was good until you show that already fix it ^ ^


the blind bat le ai



Base Files: L2Jenova

Developers: Inspector / VicFelipe / Trinix / Guma


Good design takes this as the basis of the old files That HAD L2Jenova your project stopped and migrated to Gracia Final, so as always liked the project Decided to try to keep it, I hope you enjoy


understand now? if your friend does not understand the problem

animal so that you are not looking at the project needed to say this is that already mentioned the jenova, and to his government never said it was l2jserver

robo friend and when you see someone robando something, does not see when and theft but when you have access to the SVN project does not constitute theft if pq if the problem was not using the codes do as archid left to the private project friend



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    • imbadon.com If u deleted me from the content, it is your problem. This 200 euro is not money at all. But you... just scammer. People should know about you. I can share the whole conversation if you want, but it will not change that you are a scammer. 
    • For upcoming changes, You should consider making those 3 tabs (or whatever more You will have with new games) more visible and standing out, because right it looks like all topics hidden under those 3 tabs.
    • While not particularly active over the years, I've been around for as long as I could remember, so here are my 2 cents too. On top of what has already been said, I'd like to touch on a few thing that might be improved upon. While it is easy to notice and say "there's lack of engagement" or "community has outgrown the ganre", I've seen numerous forums get forgotten and die while others continue to thrive to this day. The main issue, in my humble opinion, is that the sector has been commercialised to an unsustainable extent. When nobody is willing to share anything, even if it is just a rework of an open-sourced or already-shared resource, the sense of "community" gets deminished. Now back on the pressing matter. From what I've seen, the lack of engagement could be circumvented with a redesign and functionality expansion that would/could/should include: - a built-in chat functionality. - incentives for engagement/interaction, ideas of which I'll list as separate pointers, as not to limit your creativity. But just as an example, from a more user/human perspective, having an easily identifiable way to get into "the club of the cool kids on the block", figuratively speaking, is an incentive on its own. - separation of the reputation into reactions and reputation. One to be used to posts, such as up-vote and what not, while the other to be awarded as means of appreciation. - automated ranks with actual benefits/perks, not like the current ones providing nothing. - the ability to hide text for user/group of users, not just premium/no premium. - increased visibility of the HOT topics and the RECENTLY ACTIVE threads/posts. Can be also expanded to most liked posts, etc. ps.: I'll update my post when I have some free time on my hands.
    • There was no way I didn't refunded or delivered files. I don't see You on my conrtact list on Discord, can You send me a message or at least tell me for what project was this updater? I always resolve if I can't deliver on time or customer bailes.
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