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Custom start itens for mage and fight


Index: /TrunK/L2JBrasil_CORE/java/config/L2JBrasil.properties
--- /TrunK/L2JBrasil_CORE/java/config/L2JBrasil.properties (revision 113)
+++ /TrunK/L2JBrasil_CORE/java/config/L2JBrasil.properties (revision 114)
@@ -3,15 +3,18 @@
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Starting Custom Items System
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Example: StartingCustomItems = itemId,amount;itemId,amount;itemId,amount
+# Enable/Disable Starting Custom Items System
+AllowStartingCustomItems = False
+# Starting itens for fighter's classes
+StartingCustomItemsFighter = 57,0
+# Starting itens for mage's classes
+StartingCustomItemsMage = 57,0
Index: /TrunK/L2JBrasil_CORE/java/net/sf/l2j/Config.java
--- /TrunK/L2JBrasil_CORE/java/net/sf/l2j/Config.java (revision 113)
+++ /TrunK/L2JBrasil_CORE/java/net/sf/l2j/Config.java (revision 114)
@@ -31,4 +31,5 @@
import javolution.util.FastList;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;
+import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.util.StringUtil;

@@ -866,4 +867,7 @@
   public static boolean   ALLOW_TRADEOFF_VOICE_COMMAND;
   public static boolean   OVER_ENCHANT_PROTECTION_ENABLED;
+   public static boolean STARTING_CUSTOM_ITEMS;
+   public static List<int[]> STARTING_CUSTOM_ITEMS_F = new FastList<int[]>();
+   public static List<int[]> STARTING_CUSTOM_ITEMS_M = new FastList<int[]>();
   public static FastList<Integer> OLY_RESTRICTED_ITEMS_LIST = new FastList<Integer>(); 
   public static int       RUN_SPD_BOOST; 
@@ -1214,6 +1218,6 @@
-              Properties L2JBrasil      = new Properties(); 
- 	          InputStream is              = new FileInputStream(new File(L2JBRASIL)); 
+              Properties L2JBrasil     = new Properties(); 
+ 	          InputStream is           = new FileInputStream(new File(L2JBRASIL)); 
@@ -1235,5 +1239,47 @@
              ALLOW_TRADEOFF_VOICE_COMMAND = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JBrasil.getProperty("TradeOffCommand","False"));
			  OVER_ENCHANT_PROTECTION_ENABLED = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JBrasil.getProperty("OverEnchantProtection", "True"));
+			  STARTING_CUSTOM_ITEMS    = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JBrasil.getProperty("AllowStartingCustomItems", "False"));
+			  String[] propertySplit = L2JBrasil.getProperty("StartingCustomItemsMage", "57,0").split(";");
+			  for (String reward : propertySplit)
+			  {
+				  String[] rewardSplit = reward.split(",");
+				  if (rewardSplit.length != 2)
+					  _log.warning(StringUtil.concat("StartingCustomItemsMage[Config.load()]: invalid config property -> StartingCustomItemsMage \"", reward, "\""));
+				  else
+				  {
+					  try
+					  {
+						  STARTING_CUSTOM_ITEMS_M.add(new int[]{Integer.parseInt(rewardSplit[0]), Integer.parseInt(rewardSplit[1])});
+					  }
+					  catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
+					  {
+						  if (!reward.isEmpty())
+							  _log.warning(StringUtil.concat("StartingCustomItemsMage[Config.load()]: invalid config property -> StartingCustomItemsMage \"", reward, "\""));
+					  }
+				  }
+			  }
+			  propertySplit = L2JBrasil.getProperty("StartingCustomItemsFighter", "57,0").split(";");
+			  for (String reward : propertySplit)
+			  {
+			      String[] rewardSplit = reward.split(",");
+				  if (rewardSplit.length != 2)
+				      _log.warning(StringUtil.concat("StartingCustomItemsFighter[Config.load()]: invalid config property -> StartingCustomItemsFighter \"", reward, "\""));
+			      else
+			      {
+				      try
+				      {
+					      STARTING_CUSTOM_ITEMS_F.add(new int[]{Integer.parseInt(rewardSplit[0]), Integer.parseInt(rewardSplit[1])});
+    				  }
+	    			  catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
+		    		  {
+			    	  	  if (!reward.isEmpty())
+				    	      _log.warning(StringUtil.concat("StartingCustomItemsFighter[Config.load()]: invalid config property -> StartingCustomItemsFighter \"", reward, "\""));
+			          }
+			      }
+	          }
+			  NOBLE_CUSTOM_ITEM_ID     = Integer.parseInt(L2JBrasil.getProperty("NobleItemId", "6673")); 
              ALLOW_NOBLE_CUSTOM_ITEM  = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JBrasil.getProperty("AllowNobleCustomItem", "False")); 
              ACTIVE_SUB_NEEDED_TO_USE_NOBLE_ITEM = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JBrasil.getProperty("ActiveSubNeededToUseNobleItem", "True")); 
Index: /TrunK/L2JBrasil_CORE/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/clientpackets/CharacterCreate.java
--- /TrunK/L2JBrasil_CORE/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/clientpackets/CharacterCreate.java (revision 101)
+++ /TrunK/L2JBrasil_CORE/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/clientpackets/CharacterCreate.java (revision 114)
@@ -175,5 +175,47 @@
		newChar.addAdena("Init", Config.STARTING_ADENA, null, false);

-        if (Config.STARTING_LEVEL > 1)  
+        if (Config.STARTING_CUSTOM_ITEMS)
+		{
+			if (newChar.isMageClass())
+			{			
+				// Iterate over all Starting Custom Items
+				for (int[] reward : Config.STARTING_CUSTOM_ITEMS_M)
+				{
+					// Check for stackable item, non stackabe items need to be added one by one
+					if (ItemTable.getInstance().createDummyItem(reward[0]).isStackable())
+					{
+						newChar.getInventory().addItem("STARTING_CUSTOM_ITEMS_M", reward[0], reward[1], newChar, null);
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						for (int i = 0; i < reward[1]; ++i)
+						{
+							newChar.getInventory().addItem("STARTING_CUSTOM_ITEMS_M", reward[0], 1, newChar, null);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				// Iterate over all Starting Custom Items
+				for (int[] reward : Config.STARTING_CUSTOM_ITEMS_F)
+				{
+					// Check for stackable item, non stackabe items need to be added one by one
+					if (ItemTable.getInstance().createDummyItem(reward[0]).isStackable())
+					{
+						newChar.getInventory().addItem("STARTING_CUSTOM_ITEMS_F", reward[0], reward[1], newChar, null);
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						for (int i = 0; i < reward[1]; ++i)
+						{
+							newChar.getInventory().addItem("STARTING_CUSTOM_ITEMS_F", reward[0], 1, newChar, null);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (Config.STARTING_LEVEL > 1)  



Index: /TrunK/L2JBrasil_CORE/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/util/StringUtil.java
--- /TrunK/L2JBrasil_CORE/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/util/StringUtil.java (revision 114)
+++ /TrunK/L2JBrasil_CORE/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/util/StringUtil.java (revision 114)
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+ * $Header$
+ * 
+ * $Author: fordfrog $ $Date$ $Revision$ $Log$
+ * 
+ * 
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+ * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+ * version.
+ * 
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+ * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+ * details.
+ * 
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+ * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.util;
+ * String utilities optimized for the best performance.
+ * 
+ * <h1>How to Use It</h1> <h2>concat() or append()</h2> If concatenating strings
+ * in single call, use StringUtil.concat(), otherwise use StringUtil.append()
+ * and its variants. <h2>Minimum Calls</h2> Bad:
+ * 
+ * <pre>
+ * final StringBuilder sbString = new StringBuilder();
+ * StringUtil.append(sbString, "text 1", String.valueOf(npcId));
+ * StringUtil.append("text 2");
+ * </pre>
+ * 
+ * Good:
+ * 
+ * <pre>
+ * final StringBuilder sbString = new StringBuilder();
+ * StringUtil.append(sbString, "text 1", String.valueOf(npcId), "text 2");
+ * </pre>
+ * 
+ * Why?<br/>
+ * Because the less calls you do, the less memory re-allocations have to be done
+ * so the whole text fits into the memory and less array copy tasks has to be
+ * performed. So if using less calls, less memory is used and string
+ * concatenation is faster. <h2>Size Hints for Loops</h2> Bad:
+ * 
+ * <pre>
+ * final StringBuilder sbString = new StringBuilder();
+ * StringUtil.append(sbString, "header start", someText, "header end");
+ * for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
+ * {
+ * 	StringUtil.append(sbString, "text 1", stringArray[i], "text 2");
+ * }
+ * </pre>
+ * 
+ * Good:
+ * 
+ * <pre>
+ * final StringBuilder sbString = StringUtil.startAppend(1300, "header start", someText, "header end");
+ * for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
+ * {
+ * 	StringUtil.append(sbString, "text 1", stringArray[i], "text 2");
+ * }
+ * </pre>
+ * 
+ * Why?<br/>
+ * When using StringUtil.append(), memory is only allocated to fit in the
+ * strings in method argument. So on each loop new memory for the string has to
+ * be allocated and old string has to be copied to the new string. With size
+ * hint, even if the size hint is above the needed memory, memory is saved
+ * because new memory has not to be allocated on each cycle. Also it is much
+ * faster if no string copy tasks has to be performed. So if concatenating
+ * strings in a loop, count approximately the size and set it as the hint for
+ * the string builder size. It's better to make the size hint little bit larger
+ * rather than smaller.<br/>
+ * In case there is no text appended before the cycle, just use <code>new
+ * StringBuilder(1300)</code>. <h2>Concatenation and Constants</h2> Bad:
+ * 
+ * <pre>
+ * StringUtil.concat("text 1 ", "text 2", String.valueOf(npcId));
+ * </pre>
+ * 
+ * Good:
+ * 
+ * <pre>
+ * StringUtil.concat("text 1 " + "text 2", String.valueOf(npcId));
+ * </pre>
+ * 
+ * or
+ * 
+ * <pre>
+ * StringUtil.concat("text 1 text 2", String.valueOf(npcId));
+ * </pre>
+ * 
+ * Why?<br/>
+ * It saves some cycles when determining size of memory that needs to be
+ * allocated because less strings are passed to concat() method. But do not use
+ * + for concatenation of non-constant strings, that degrades performance and
+ * makes extra memory allocations needed. <h2>Concatenation and Constant
+ * Variables</h2> Bad:
+ * 
+ * <pre>
+ * String glue = "some glue";
+ * StringUtil.concat("text 1", glue, "text 2", glue, String.valueOf(npcId));
+ * </pre>
+ * 
+ * Good:
+ * 
+ * <pre>
+ * final String glue = "some glue";
+ * StringUtil.concat("text 1" + glue + "text2" + glue, String.valueOf(npcId));
+ * </pre>
+ * 
+ * Why? Because when using <code>final</code> keyword, the <code>glue</code> is
+ * marked as constant string and compiler treats it as a constant string so it
+ * is able to create string "text1some gluetext2some glue" during the
+ * compilation. But this only works in case the value is known at compilation
+ * time, so this cannot be used for cases like
+ * <code>final String objectIdString =
+ * String.valueOf(getObjectId)</code>. <h2>StringBuilder Reuse</h2> Bad:
+ * 
+ * <pre>
+ * final StringBuilder sbString1 = new StringBuilder();
+ * StringUtil.append(sbString1, "text 1", String.valueOf(npcId), "text 2");
+ * ... // output of sbString1, it is no more needed
+ * final StringBuilder sbString2 = new StringBuilder();
+ * StringUtil.append(sbString2, "text 3", String.valueOf(npcId), "text 4");
+ * </pre>
+ * 
+ * Good:
+ * 
+ * <pre>
+ * final StringBuilder sbString = new StringBuilder();
+ * StringUtil.append(sbString, "text 1", String.valueOf(npcId), "text 2");
+ * ... // output of sbString, it is no more needed
+ * sbString.setLength(0);
+ * StringUtil.append(sbString, "text 3", String.valueOf(npcId), "text 4");
+ * </pre>
+ * 
+ * Why?</br> In first case, new memory has to be allocated for the second
+ * string. In second case already allocated memory is reused, but only in case
+ * the new string is not longer than the previously allocated string. Anyway,
+ * the second way is better because the string either fits in the memory and
+ * some memory is saved, or it does not fit in the memory, and in that case it
+ * works as in the first case. <h2>Primitives to Strings</h2> To convert
+ * primitives to string, use String.valueOf(). <h2>How much faster is it?</h2>
+ * Here are some results of my tests. Count is number of strings concatenated.
+ * Don't take the numbers as 100% true as the numbers are affected by other
+ * programs running on my computer at the same time. Anyway, from the results it
+ * is obvious that using StringBuilder with predefined size is the fastest (and
+ * also most memory efficient) solution. It is about 5 times faster when
+ * concatenating 7 strings, compared to TextBuilder. Also, with more strings
+ * concatenated, the difference between StringBuilder and TextBuilder gets
+ * larger. In code, there are many cases, where there are concatenated 50+
+ * strings so the time saving is even greater.
+ * 
+ * <pre>
+ * Count: 2
+ * TextBuilder: 1893
+ * TextBuilder with size: 1703
+ * String: 1033
+ * StringBuilder: 993
+ * StringBuilder with size: 1024
+ * Count: 3
+ * TextBuilder: 1973
+ * TextBuilder with size: 1872
+ * String: 2583
+ * StringBuilder: 1633
+ * StringBuilder with size: 1156
+ * Count: 4
+ * TextBuilder: 2188
+ * TextBuilder with size: 2229
+ * String: 4207
+ * StringBuilder: 1816
+ * StringBuilder with size: 1444
+ * Count: 5
+ * TextBuilder: 9185
+ * TextBuilder with size: 9464
+ * String: 6937
+ * StringBuilder: 2745
+ * StringBuilder with size: 1882
+ * Count: 6
+ * TextBuilder: 9785
+ * TextBuilder with size: 10082
+ * String: 9471
+ * StringBuilder: 2889
+ * StringBuilder with size: 1857
+ * Count: 7
+ * TextBuilder: 10169
+ * TextBuilder with size: 10528
+ * String: 12746
+ * StringBuilder: 3081
+ * StringBuilder with size: 2139
+ * </pre>
+ * 
+ * @author fordfrog
+ */
+public final class StringUtil
+	private StringUtil()
+	{
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Concatenates strings.
+	 * 
+	 * @param strings
+	 *            strings to be concatenated
+	 * 
+	 * @return concatenated string
+	 * 
+	 * @see StringUtil
+	 */
+	public static String concat(final String... strings)
+	{
+		final StringBuilder sbString = new StringBuilder(getLength(strings));
+		for (final String string : strings)
+		{
+			sbString.append(string);
+		}
+		return sbString.toString();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Creates new string builder with size initializated to
+	 * <code>sizeHint</code>, unless total length of strings is greater than
+	 * <code>sizeHint</code>.
+	 * 
+	 * @param sizeHint
+	 *            hint for string builder size allocation
+	 * @param strings
+	 *            strings to be appended
+	 * 
+	 * @return created string builder
+	 * 
+	 * @see StringUtil
+	 */
+	public static StringBuilder startAppend(final int sizeHint, final String... strings)
+	{
+		final int length = getLength(strings);
+		final StringBuilder sbString = new StringBuilder(sizeHint > length ? sizeHint : length);
+		for (final String string : strings)
+		{
+			sbString.append(string);
+		}
+		return sbString;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Appends strings to existing string builder.
+	 * 
+	 * @param sbString
+	 *            string builder
+	 * @param strings
+	 *            strings to be appended
+	 * 
+	 * @see StringUtil
+	 */
+	public static void append(final StringBuilder sbString, final String... strings)
+	{
+		sbString.ensureCapacity(sbString.length() + getLength(strings));
+		for (final String string : strings)
+		{
+			sbString.append(string);
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Counts total length of all the strings.
+	 * 
+	 * @param strings
+	 *            array of strings
+	 * 
+	 * @return total length of all the strings
+	 */
+	private static int getLength(final String[] strings)
+	{
+		int length = 0;
+		for (final String string : strings)
+		{
+			if (string == null)
+				length += 4;
+			else
+				length += string.length();
+		}
+		return length;
+	}

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