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Well i cant really describe how im feeling right now im really sad but happy too this Finale well it was unbeliveble it had everything . The flashback way to see all that we had seen in All this 6 years that passed .

Well now after lost ended for ever i cant really belive it i cant belive that we wont see this show never again.

Well i can really thing what else to write leave ur comments .



PS i fucking cryed for it rofl.

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Well i cant really describe how im feeling right now im really sad but happy too this Finale well it was unbeliveble it had everything . The flashback way to see all that we had seen in All this 6 years that passed .

Well now after lost ended for ever i cant really belive it i cant belive that we wont see this show never again.

Well i can really thing what else to write leave ur comments .



PS i -beep-ing cryed for it rofl.

[Gr]Pali ban efages? -.-[/gr]
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Well i didn't understand what happends after the light at the church!

And also wasn't the airplane trapped with C4? How they escaped!

Michael and his kid was missing from the church as also Claire's kid since it was born in the island.

It wasn't so much a happy end, i would say a sad end but also i got many but really many questions unanswered.

They should make 22 episodes and not 17 so they could explain more. I liked LOST as a movie but i didn't loved the last episode as much as the others and i can say that they just wanted to end it and not to continue until 22 episodes.

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Michael and his kid was missing from the church as also Claire's kid since it was born in the island.


Michael was there I think. Walt shouldn't be there since he is not dead. Also Claire's kid is not dead, so why should it be with them in the church?

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Michael was there I think. Walt shouldn't be there since he is not dead. Also Claire's kid is not dead, so why should it be with them in the church?


If you saw the last episode you see hugo alive. Why is hugo in the church then?

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Spoilers included, don't read that if you haven't watched the episodes!


How Michael could be at the church since he murdered 2 innocent women?


The episode was awesome, it should though answer some questions, like what was never answered, the polar bear.


If you saw the last episode you see hugo alive. Why is hugo in the church then?

Did you watch the episode? Jack's father answered to him when he asked if everyone was dead: Some of them died before you, some after you and some other much later than you. (that wasn't exactly his answer, that's the sumup though).

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That what i told is right to answer Pwnz0r.

As you say (Some of them died before you, some after you and some other much later than you.)

So these who i told died they should be at the church since they are a part of the island.

The polar bear came from the well when dharma was doing tests.

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Also Jack's father, Christian said that they are all here because the island was a really important part of their lives, the time they spent with these people. I don't think that for Walt or Aaron it was so important for their lives.


And the other about much later was about Hugo and Ben, who took the place of Jacob and Richard, so they could live for a lot more centuries.

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