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Dear munchin u knew that im not the admin on greekhereos forum who told u this words ^^ and y u told that im romeo then? Heaton get nervous cauze we had a conversation with him about our server and he didnt accept some things..


i dont mean about the server ^^ He spaming just look out the sections :P

ok btw!

the server is good but try to fix the problems!

like Mobs Respawn/Target/Pk in Farm Zones e.t.c!

P.S : DownUnder Here!!


:) Look downunder Mobs respawn time has been fixed ^^ so the target problem comes from the lag it will be ok soon i bought box as i told before.. Now we have 2 farmzones 1 safezone and 1 free pvp pk farmzone ^^


:) Look downunder Mobs respawn time has been fixed ^^ so the target problem comes from the lag it will be ok soon i bought box as i told before.. Now we have 2 farmzones 1 safezone and 1 free pvp pk farmzone ^^

i login the first day !!

and the server had 20 players Online!

i have the same Problem.........


Good Luck From Me!


just kick all those suckers (call me Heaton) from the team If he cannot react like an adult when he is angry , imagine what will happen in a more difficult situation.

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