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Good afternoon!


I ask, do not find it for advertising!


Moderators and people who will support sections for english-speaking people allcheats.ru are necessary to a site. I ask to help, that who wants!




WOW http://allcheats.ru/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=88


L2 http://allcheats.ru/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=87


Thanks all for attention. Offers to write to me in PM, I shall necessarily respond.




P.S. Sorry for my bad english!

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Good afternoon to you too! Thats good for you to have english section in your forum, so we can share knowledge. I wish i could help, but as you can see i dont spent so much time in my forum, because of my job.




Btw i also looking for russian people who would like to (share) repost some usefull informations from russian sites. (Like maddeamon's,sauron's,res32's etc)





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