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[Comment] L2 Website


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I'm expecting here smart comments, maby ideas what to add/remove. No bullshit replies please.

Read what is writed!


So Simple site i think.. but good job

Yes, very creative comment.


good start !

My start was 5 years ago..
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Read what is writed!

Yes, very creative comment.

My start was 5 years ago..

Doesn't really prove that your start was 5 years ago,i didn't see any masterpiece of you to be honest. 3 months hard experience would beat you.

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Doesn't really prove that your start was 5 years ago,i didn't see any masterpiece of you to be honest. 3 months hard experience would beat you.

1st. It's not your bussiness when was my start, i don't expect any acceptation from you. Write somethink smart, if not, simple "get lost" should be enough for you.

2nd. Signatures and Avatars - from that people start their adventure with graphic, first step to career. You are still on first step.


PS. Show some respect to others, not only looking for negative comments/rippers/scamers and stupid argumenting. If nobody likes you, don't reflect your feelings to others.


PS2. For the future: don't post in my topics anymore.

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1st. It's not your bussiness when was my start, i don't expect any acceptation from you. Write somethink smart, if not, simple "get lost" should be enough for you.

2nd. Signatures and Avatars - from that people start their adventure with graphic, first step to career. You are still on first step.


PS. Show some respect to others, not only looking for negative comments/rippers/scamers and stupid argumenting. If nobody likes you, don't reflect your feelings to others.


PS2. For the future: don't post in my topics anymore.

I do not care what do you think about my steps,trust me i'm not on first step. Also i don't care is somebody like me especially here,i stopped care like few months ago. And you can't stop me posting in any thread i want.

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hmmm i like it but the header looks so simple that ruins all the web imo :/

i like the powerfull headers :o give a nice effect even if the rest web will be a crap :o

make a cool header imo.... try for something unique

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Is coded or just a preview?

There is no point to code it now, it will be coded when i will finish some details.


hmmm i like it but the header looks so simple that ruins all the web imo :/

i like the powerfull headers :o give a nice effect even if the rest web will be a crap :o

make a cool header imo.... try for something unique

I like simple things, anyway thanks for advice.
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