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Ok guyz. I have joined in over 50+srvs and i have seen that noone chooses to play Kamael classes.Moreover everyone thinks that kamael classes are ALWAYS bugged unless they die from everyone easily.Can you tell me your opinion? Do you hate Kamaels? Or you don't choose that race for a specific reason?



PS:If you don't like the topic , don't -beep-ing post!

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i dont like kamaels.. i like soo much humans... why i like humans??? no reason..

yeah but what i'm asking is.... you don't like kamaels because you think they r OP or you dont like them for their appearance etc. ?
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I started playing L2 with the introduction of the Kamael Chronicle.I do love the female kamael characters.Anyway if every skill of every class was working 100% and the game was absolutely bugless then if there was any class stronger than anything else it would be Soul Hounds.

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I like Kamaels a lot but sometimes in servers their skills don't work

and that why i started this topic. because many srv fellas dont consider Kamaels. =/. ok..... to tell you thetruth i play ONLY 2 years l2 but i know a lot! Believe me and one bsic knowledge that i have is that is doesnt matter what class you choose but how you play with that class. ( i have seen a BD killing 2mages and 1 WL :S)
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Beuase you play l2j with almost no skill working they should work.Even on l2dex kamael skill are broken. Only server that working like retail is l2RPG.


L2j dont even have shadow step working like retail lol. Is teleport you in front of player and doesnt cancel the emeny target and about Kamael ;D just think about it.


http://www.rpg-club.com/en on their x1000 you will see a lot of kamael running around steal 5buff every 11 second,STun until you die........


anyway on freya kamael get a nerf

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Kamael is the most overpower char in l2 especially on high rate pvp servers..i play as soulhound with mage skiils..i can easily kill every race


the best char ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i strongly dissagree .. kamaels are not so good ... they cant win every clas ... i think they can win only one calss ... and that is Maestro ... they are overUNpower for me ... i prefer humans or elfs..

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