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Faction Problem



I have problem with my faction server. Characters from the same faction can kill each other. Also they can pk characters from they same faction or from the opposite faction.


Where can i fix that?


I have compiled my pack. Maybe there is an code in eclipse for this problem?

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lol isn't that faction problem? what could it be then?


use this tag ... [Help]Faction and u will get anserw for people who know it , first looking for the problem to the forum if u dont found it create a new topic ...

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Try to follow these simple rules


Always use tag for what you need:


[Request] Buffer / GM Shop / Etc (you can also add for wich chornicle do you need)

[Help] Anti phx / how to do XXX / Etc

[suggestion] Whats the best thing for bla bla pack / Etc

[search] Developer


Before posting for help ,search if there is already a guide for that

Before posting in this section ,you NEED to know how to edit codes

If you request help on a pack and the project of that pack is live, use their support forums, we are not here to work on other peoples project's.

Do not ask for support for projects which have a support forum

From now on, support for pre-configured (Aka ready packs without having the source code) is forbidden. These packs are for personal use and they cant be updated, and edited from java side. Before asking help for your pack/project be sure that its already compiled; if not, then use the [English guide] or the [Greek guide].

Before making a new thread use the search function and look if there are already answered threads or duplicates.

Threads which already exist - or nonsense and non english will be locked/binned.



Thanks for taking the time to read the rules.

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