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[Share]My Glows !

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Go Go power rangers..Electrotail Pikachu .. :D:D nice share i like them but is better for Gms more than ppl..They are too attractive and irritate your eyes..But nice glow..


Electrotail Pikachu  ? hhahaha :P

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nothing special but thx for share man :P

agree with u. nothing special.


here i will explain how can u do it alone.

1st: open env.int (lineage2 folder --> system) with l2fileedit or any program equal to that one

2nd: find the enchant that u would like to change glow effect (example: i will change +16)

3rd: change the numbers that are red colored


Enchant16=(R1=160,G1=20,B1=20,R2=130,G2=10,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1)  --> Enchant16=(R1=160,G1=20,B1=20,R2=130,G2=10,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=10)


hope i helped u.

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Nice share.

Btw, can you create a guide (Full guide with explanation),

On how to create your own glows ?

I mean fuers wrote it, but it doesn't make sense.

Ex. What those red numbers mean ?

What color what code etc. ?




This share is for Interlude ?

These glows work on eny weps ?

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