PsyChoDemon Posted October 16, 2012 Posted October 16, 2012 mipws exei kaneis idea pws 9a kanw to navicat full? gt exw dokimasei kapoia serial key apo to google k dn exei ginei tpt Quote
SweetyDancer Posted October 21, 2012 Posted October 21, 2012 mipws exei kaneis idea pws 9a kanw to navicat full? gt exw dokimasei kapoia serial key apo to google k dn exei ginei tpt dokimase auto to site grapse stin anazitisi Navicat 8.0 kai 8a sou vgali keys! ostoso egw exo ena alo provlima sto database_instaler me vgazi ena error "ATTEMPTE TO CREAT LOGINSERVER DATABASE" Possible reasons: 1-You provided innacurate info , check user password, etc. 2-User root don't have enough privileges for database creation. Check your MySQL privileges. 3-Database exists already. . .? Opios dipote gnorizi kati 8a i8ela tin voi8ia tou ty! Quote
Gijen Posted October 25, 2012 Posted October 25, 2012 paidia egw exw kanei ton server ola ok...vasika ton exw kanei lan...alla exw aganaktish katevasa apira system kai kanw to fileedit na allaksw to IP alla panta h tha trwh crash to l2exe..h apla den tha mpenh ston kserei kapios ti prepei na kanww as apantish ;) P.s para polu kalh doulia papaditsa sinexise etc :P Quote
Giwrgos_sbd Posted November 10, 2012 Posted November 10, 2012 Παιδία δεν ξέρω αν το έχω μόνο εγώ αυτό το πρόβήμα ενώ όλα τρέχουν σωστά οτάν κάνω κάποιον gm δεν μπορεί να δουλέψει τα gm commant ?? Μπορείτε να βοηθήσετε ?? Πως το διορθώνω ?? :( Quote
`Rοmeο Posted November 10, 2012 Posted November 10, 2012 Παιδία δεν ξέρω αν το έχω μόνο εγώ αυτό το πρόβήμα ενώ όλα τρέχουν σωστά οτάν κάνω κάποιον gm δεν μπορεί να δουλέψει τα gm commant ?? Μπορείτε να βοηθήσετε ?? Πως το διορθώνω ?? :( posa acces tou edwses? Quote
Giwrgos_sbd Posted November 10, 2012 Posted November 10, 2012 posa acces tou edwses? Έχω 6 acces level και του δίνω το ανάλογο δηλαδή αν θέλει να ειναι Gm General δίνω acces level = 5 ! Quote
stackman Posted November 11, 2012 Posted November 11, 2012 Paidia exw ena provlima...otan trexw to database_installer.bat kai pataw F leei: Game Server tables were deleted. Installing new gameserver content. Installing accounts.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing account_data.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing gameservers.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing admin_command_access_rights.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing armor.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing armorsets.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing auction_bid.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing auction_watch.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing auto_announcements.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing auto_chat.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing auto_chat_text.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing castle_door.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing castle_doorupgrade.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing castle_functions.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing castle_manor_procure.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing castle_manor_production.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing castle_siege_guards.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing char_creation_items.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing char_templates.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing character_friends.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing character_hennas.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing character_instance_time.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing character_macroses.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing character_quest_global_data.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing character_quests.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing character_raid_points.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing character_recipebook.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing character_recommends.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing character_shortcuts.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing character_skills.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing character_skills_save.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing character_subclasses.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing character_tpbookmark.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing characters.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing clan_data.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing clan_notices.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing clan_privs.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing clan_skills.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing clan_subpledges.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing clan_wars.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing clanhall_functions.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing class_list.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing cursed_weapons.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing dimensional_rift.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing droplist.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing enchant_skill_trees.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing etcitem.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing fish.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing fishing_skill_trees.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing fort_doorupgrade.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing fort_functions.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing fort_siege_guards.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing fort_spawnlist.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing fort_staticobjects.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing fortsiege_clans.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing four_sepulchers_spawnlist.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing games.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing global_tasks.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing grandboss_list.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing helper_buff_list.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing henna.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing henna_trees.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing heroes.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing item_attributes.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing items.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing itemsonground.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing locations.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing lvlupgain.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing mapregion.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing merchant_areas_list.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing merchant_buylists.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing merchant_lease.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing merchant_shopids.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing merchants.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing minions.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing npc.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing npcskills.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing olympiad_data.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing olympiad_nobles.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing olympiad_nobles_eom.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing pets.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing pets_skills.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing pets_stats.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing pledge_skill_trees.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing posts.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing quest_global_data.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing raidboss_spawnlist.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing random_spawn.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing random_spawn_loc.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing seven_signs.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing siege_clans.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing skill_learn.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing skill_residential.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing skill_spellbooks.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing skill_trees.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing spawnlist.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing special_skill_trees.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing teleport.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing topic.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing transform_skill_trees.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing walker_routes.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing weapon.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing zone_vertices.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing access_levels.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing auction.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing castle.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing clanhall.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing fort.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing forums.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing grandboss_data.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing npc_buffer.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing seven_signs_festival.sql The system cannot find the path specified. Installing seven_signs_status.sql The system cannot find the path specified. done... Install custom gameserver DB tables: (y) yes or (N) no or (q) quit? Quote
alex.lzv Posted November 11, 2012 Posted November 11, 2012 egw p exw 64 bit dn mporw na anoi3w server?prepi na valw 32 bit? Quote
alex.lzv Posted November 11, 2012 Posted November 11, 2012 egw p exw 64 bit prepi na valw 32 bit g na to kanw olo auto? Quote
Wardoxx Posted November 17, 2012 Posted November 17, 2012 re paidia exw provlima otan kano install apo ena link sto eclipse otan ginete to install mou vgazi ena error oxi san auto stin photo sas alla ena alo kai meta otan telioni kai kani kati allo kai fortoni vgazi pali ena error kai meta otan paw window prefences dn iparxi to svn gt den exi gini swsta i egatastasi apo to error bori kapios na me helpari? Quote
jheremias Posted November 19, 2012 Posted November 19, 2012 paidia den kserw an exeis kaneis allos ayto to provlima alla exo windows 7 64 bit kai otan prospathw na perasw tin database mou vgazei error me to mysql oti den mporei na vrei to path tis db an mporei na voithisi kapios as grapsi apo katw thanks Quote
sofia1971 Posted November 26, 2012 Posted November 26, 2012 papaditsa eise theos... genika paei kala o server pou eftiaxa...kapou ton magon san na mi douleuoun kapoia pragmata.. eno exo megalo xtipao kai san na min kanei tpota....den kano damage sta mobs...arketes fores. thanks Quote
buggers Posted December 9, 2012 Posted December 9, 2012 Papaditsa thelw th boitheia sou file m,kanw oti akrivws kaneis alla exw thema otan trexw ta loginserver.bat-startgameserver.bat. Mou leei sto cmd : 'java' δεν αναγνωριζεται ως εξωτερικη η εσωτερικη εντολη,εκτελεσιμο προγραμμα η αρχειο δεσμης ενεργειων. An mporeis voithise me se parakalw den mporw na vrw ti ftaiei :/. Euxaristw. Quote
CoRt3z Posted December 11, 2012 Posted December 11, 2012 egw 2 xazes erwtiseis apo merous mou :) 1i:an meineis mexri to vhma prin ekei p leei pws na ton kaneis online einai ousiastika offline server kai mporei na leitourgisei etsi,swsta ? Kai 2i xazi erwtisi:ola kala ola wraia.....nai eftasa mexri to vima prin mas deiksei i papaditsa pws ginetai online kai ola itan opws ta edeixne...twra ton server pws sto kalo ton anoigw ? p uparxei to system me l2.bin mesa ? upoti8etai pws eixa katevasei monos m ton server?giati den eixe server files mesa sta pragmata p elege pws itan anagkaia...ligi voi8eia sto noob :) Euxaristw ek twn proterwn! Quote
buggers Posted December 11, 2012 Posted December 11, 2012 egw 2 xazes erwtiseis apo merous mou :) 1i:an meineis mexri to vhma prin ekei p leei pws na ton kaneis online einai ousiastika offline server kai mporei na leitourgisei etsi,swsta ? Kai 2i xazi erwtisi:ola kala ola wraia.....nai eftasa mexri to vima prin mas deiksei i papaditsa pws ginetai online kai ola itan opws ta edeixne...twra ton server pws sto kalo ton anoigw ? p uparxei to system me l2.bin mesa ? upoti8etai pws eixa katevasei monos m ton server?giati den eixe server files mesa sta pragmata p elege pws itan anagkaia...ligi voi8eia sto noob :) Euxaristw ek twn proterwn! loipon file to system pou tha valeis egw to exw vrei edw gia na paikseis kai einai komple epishs: gia na anoikseis ton server afou exeis kanei oti leei o papaditsa anoigeis ta loginserver.bat kai meta to gameserver.bat. Gia to an leitourgei offline o server den kserw den exw dokimasei ;/ all mporei. to client gracia final to katevazeis kanonika gia na paikseis kai to kaneis egkatastash kai vazeis to system pou tha katevaseis. Ta arxeia p exeis twra sto fakelo server einai komple den xreiazesai kati allo gia na trekseis ton server. Kane ena edit kiolas sto l2.ini kai vale serveraddr an den to xei apo mono tou. Quote
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