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My New Buffer for Interlude L2J [IL]

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Hello everybody im back again with a new share for you as Lelouch ask me if i can addapt it for interlude so here we are some fotos!

Enjoy :D


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To install my buffer you must follow the next steps:

1) Extract the rar file called C6 Buffer.rar to your desktop

2) See the images :D (rofl :P)

3) Copy from folder C6 Buffer\Data\Html\Default\121212.htm

4) Paste in Server\Data\Html\Deafault

5) Copy from folder C6 Buffer\Data\jscript\custom\ All files (121212_NPCBuffer,__init__$py,__init__)

(*PS: If you have other custom in your server open file __init__ and down of your last custom paste this ('121212_NPCBuffer') as code

__all__ = [

and save it and close..

If you don't have paste it all files in your server...

6) Open Navicat and execute Batch file buffer.sql)

That's all


Download Link


Best Rewards,

Papaditsa :)


*PS: I make it for LeLouCh :D

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Thnx mate (CriticalError)

Razvan explain me more what you mean more work than this? :S

well maybe he say about custom buttons o adding more skills
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