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[SHARE]How to Increase your patk by 30k in L2J C5 Servers!


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I will show you how to increase char's patk by about 30k in L2J servers.


Ok here we go,


1)Go to a GM shop.

2)Go to Daggers.

3)You will see two no grade daggers with the name "Knife",look at their patk, one of them has 30000patk,buy it.

4)If you try to hit a mob with that dagger you will see that the damage you are causing is like 12-15.That happens because that patk is not recognized by a no grade weapon,and that's because a no grade weapon cant be echanted by a simple player(e.g if a server has 100% echant rate and for example +100.000 max echant,you may have a weapon s grade +100000 with a patk 30k(or more),but there is no propability in having a no grade weapon with patk 30k.)

5)The only thing you have to do in order to "activate" the buged knife's patk is to ask a gm or a helper to echant that weapon to +1 for you.There are many ways to echant a weapon using a gm or a helper,but i suggest you to ask it as a reward when you win an event,and trust me,its very easy to win an event in an l2j server because of the small number of players(that's what i am doing).

6)Ready to kill!:D



I suggest you not to fight other players with that knife because you will get banned soon,use it to farm or kill Raidboses when no others are looking you;).




(There are some L2j C5 servers where the creators have deleted that knife from the database,and you cant use the share there.)





That's all,I hope you will like it:)

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lol this knife that you are talking abaut is the knife from hlapex. and all the servers dont have it in the gmshop oO


in what server did you found it?


I tried it in that server www.dsglive.com

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lol this knife that you are talking abaut is the knife from hlapex. and all the servers dont have it in the gmshop oO


in what server did you found it?


You can  find it in L2J C5 GM shops,search in the daggers.



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[me=noble] worries [/me]


what to expect?donate server with 30k p attack knife and pole with 10 ppl online as i saw and with GM applications? 


[me=noble] starts laughing[/me]


donate to become a gm or to be the ultimate char amongst the rest 10? :P


[me=noble] laughs again [/me]


the dagger and pole trick were widely used when hlapex was functioning to all servers...this means server is gtp  unworthy and extremely unupdated if it has in its ranks such items :P


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First,The Server has a low number of players cause its reborned just before 4 days.

Second,You can donate to have GM access or be the "ultimate char" to kamael witch is a TEST server,and thats a good idea to test a server

Third,you could spawn that knife from hlapex when it was alive,and this server is is "extremly" updated as you cant use hlapex:),anyway AS I SAID you can find that knife with 30k patk BUT it will act like an 12 patk weapon.

Fourth,and ANYWAY I have tried that share in other servers also and its working prety fine,i posted that one as an example....omg!!!



Noble before posting just make a small move and try to understand what I AM POSTING:P



I am really unhappy that mxc has a Global Moderator Who's laughting with a user's try of making the forum better :(



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at first let me explain some things cause you re getting really annoying these 10 days to me and i am NOT in the mood to sit and explain to everyone why i have such a bad mood these days!!!


1) http://dsglive.com/home/viewtopic.php?t=283  it is not just 4 days...it is  4 almost months :o

2)about donations!!!dunno if you get it in your mind but i ll tell you this!!!if a server admin in order to get some money from some "fools"  sells GM positions then server is a piece of crap or this server is gonna doom in 1 month maximum!!!because someone that never became a gm in his life just because his paid money he gets a GM position in a server...generally a noob becomes a gm,(=== noob GM :P )somebody becomes GM in orderto protect a server and make him go high...GMs protect servers and gain positions just because they know how to play and the aknowledge what a player needs and the information he can give

3)if it does NOT give you 30000 p attack but only 12 p attack then i consider you as spammer for posting double time nonsense in exploit section(english-greek) as bug on purpose...(i dont think you ll like that)...if it only gives 12 pattack on stats then you post nothing more than spam or already known things

4)we need names about where did you find this dagger or the pole!!!i dont want to see this dagger in shops...i need to see it in servers giving me additional 30000 p attack in my stats not only 12 :o ...i wait server names


about your unhappiness regarding about me i only have to answer that i dont care and i already ignored this reply :P 8) !!!


-despite the fact i am a global moderator as a human being i have the right to laugh with everything i want to,to disagree with everything i want to,to argue with everything and everyone i dont like and many others


• While debating and discussion is fine, we will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts. Our decision is final in these matters.
• Please refrain from posting meaningless threads, one word (or short) non-sense posts, or the such.Spammers are not allowed.
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if somebody doesnt like me or felt offended by me or thinks that i dont do my job well and thinks that i violate the rules just report me to [color=red][b]maxtor[/b][/color]


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Im with noble on this... If i remember right, even c3 servers nearly 2 years ago were smart enough not to put this in.  If the server your on sells it, the admins shouldn't even be running a server.

Also, if it requires a GM to 'activate' it, it aint really an exploit.  Most of the time the GM's do alt+g and bring up your inventory to see what + your weapon is so they can give the correct amount and they'll see it says 'Patk: 30000'.


I should just go there and see what I can destroy <_<

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if it does NOT give you 30000 p attack but only 12 p attack then i consider you as spammer for posting double time nonsense in exploit section(english-greek) as bug on purpose...(i dont think you ll like that)...if it only gives 12 pattack on stats then you post nothing more than spam or already known things


I said that if you make it somehow +++(i said how i did it) it will act like a 30k patk weapon and not 12...and thats not an already know thing...





-despite the fact i am a global moderator as a human being i have the right to laugh with everything i want to,to disagree with everything i want to,to argue with everything and everyone i dont like and many others



Yes you have the right to laught,but with something funny,and a custumer's try(even if that try is really bad) is not funny for a Moderator correct me if i am wrong...



Im with noble on this... If i remember right, even c3 servers nearly 2 years ago were smart enough not to put this in.  If the server your on sells it, the admins shouldn't even be running a server.

Also, if it requires a GM to 'activate' it, it aint really an exploit.  Most of the time the GM's do alt+g and bring up your inventory to see what + your weapon is so they can give the correct amount and they'll see it says 'Patk: 30000'.


I should just go there and see what I can destroy <_<


You are right about that,i just found it funny and wanted to share it in the forum xD








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1)you are flaming

2)you are posting nonsense and that doesnt help MxC community go further!!!

3)those daggers and poles are NO grade so it CANT be enchanted...

4)did ya see the rules? i think yes...ask the friends that help ya in here to confirm that neither in the mods section there are rules that forbids me to laugh

5)from the time this share is useless and not working i dont see any seriousness in this thread so i laugh freely

6)moderators are not robots....moderators are humans so they can laugh anytime they want wheneverthey want

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