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[LF]Web hosting!

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advertisement and other shits.


its a web host lol.... you get ones w/o limits, unlimited bandwith with rlly great servers so it never lags(whats better dos protection than a big company), all the technology a normal page needs.. they even give you a free database.. so maybe you cant use all php functions, but lol.. its why i ask, what would be so heavy that its worth buying a web host? imo if its a more advanced(protected) page, it should be located on same host as the server and the sql should run locally only.. but thats just my 2c i guess.


anyway.. its not rlly hard to: http://www.google.si/search?q=buy+webhost+with+paypal

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Looking for web hoster which accept PaySafe Carts.


if you know something reply .





Sorry For Bumping That Topic But I See That The Guy Dosen't Get Any Solution yet...


I Can Offer You An Very Good Web Hosting Hosted On Germany. And Yes i am accepting Paysafe Cards...

I Am W8ing For Your Reply Or Your Add On Msn*


*MSN: dns-for-ever@hotmail.com


Regards, Dns

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