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you should stop.. or she may never talk to you ever again xD

He even changed his nationality for her :P imagine that xD

I've seen worse.

Boys getting surname of the girl when married. (at least in my country is smth wired, generaly the girl take boy's surname).


eee is not spam topic here ........ btw i dont like that

I'm not lover with Sofi lol i share this pic because,she help me with my custom :S

I'm not so burn :P


sofaki is an girl so stop this bulshits this isnt a joke..seriously now..

Right !



well, all i have to say is:

Ii zdrobesc de bordura, chit ca n-am alura Si nici nu impresionez prin postura, Dar de mic port ura p-astia ce-o ard aiurea cu dezinvoltura. Nu judec pe nimeni, le dau direct o sentïnta dura!


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