xAddytzu Posted April 12, 2010 Posted April 12, 2010 WEBSITE | FORUM | PATCH Server Machine: Server Rates: Exp/Quest Exp: 35x Sp/Quest Sp: 35x Adena/Quest Adena: 40x Drop: 10x Thirst/Hunger System: You get hungry and thirsty as you play. Both hunger and thirst is influenced by what you are doing. Ex. If you are in a cold zone you get thirst slower and viceversa for hot zones. If you are swimming/fighting you get hungrier and thirstier faster. If you died, when you come back to life you get hungry. You can buy food and water at the bar. There are different types of drinks and food that replenish a different amount. You can get a skill that will allow you to take food from dead animals and a skill that will allow you to drink water when you are near a source of water. You can die of hunger or thirst. If you die of thirst or hunger you respawn in the hospital with the hunger or thirst level lowered by 1, but you get a fee equal to the food you had to eat/water you had to drink to reduce the level. Achievement System: As you complete tasks in game you will get achievements. Each achievement gives you a special title and a bonus skill when applied. You can't change the title when the achievement is applied. There are 6 categories of achievements: Basic, Monster, Quest, Items, Event, Pvp/Pk, Special The achievements are secret but you will know how much achievements each category has except for Special Achievements. Battle Damage System: As you fight in game your armor will get damaged and it's deference will drop. When a part of your armor gets fully damage you will get damage directly to that part of body and your fighting abilities will drop. You can repair your armor at blacksmiths or by dwarfs and heal your body at hospital or by bishops. You get a chance to heal your body with normal heal skills. The damage you get at your armor when you are fighting depends on the damage you receive. If the damage is too low you don't get injured. There is less chance to get injured during pve than during pvp. Age System: There are 3 periods in life. Young, Balanced, Wise. You can get at most 250 years old. Each 20 years you get an age rank and some bonuses. When you are young you regenerate faster and you are more resistant. But you are vulnerable to debuffs, and your critical rate is lower. When you are balanced as the name says the bonus is quite balanced, but there is no bonus that gives you perfect stats. The balanced period is small. When you are wise you have better chance to land debuffs, your critical rate is higher, your evasion is higher, but your attack speed, casting speed is lower. You get older when you play. And there is a potion that makes you younger. Nation System: There are two Gods that keep fighting for the title of supreme god. When you are level 62 you can chose a god you want to support. After you chose your god you can go in arenas like coliseum or special zones where you can kill the other nation's supporters. When you enter the arena or special zone your name and title color will change and you can only attack the other nation's supporters. For each kill you do in that zone you get 65 fame points and the nation's score will increase. At the end of each week the nation who has the biggest score will get a bonus of 10% exp/sp/drop/adena for the entire week. Item Evolving system: On our server Items can evolve. You can evolve Weapon, Armor, Shield, Jewels. You need an A grade Item that can be obtained by drop or craft(will tell you more about it later). You equip the item and speak with a Npc that will help you learn the item secrets. After that your item will get exp as you hunt. When you make 100% exp on the item you can go speak with the npc and he will evolve your item to the next grade (Ex. Grade A item evolves in S grade, S grade in S80 Grade and S80 Grade in S84) The item you get after evolving is sealed. You can unseal it at some npcs(Will explain later) The past enchant you have on the item will get halved and added to the evolved item. When you fail to enchant an evolved item it's enchant will go to 0 and its exp will go to 0 too. You can't drop an item you are evolving. You can trade an evolved item, but you must cancel the learning process so its exp will be 0. Augment, Element Enchant remains the same when you evolve and item. Weapon / Armor fusion system: You must have full s84 armor or s84 weapon. You go the a Npc that will give you a quest. To complete that quest you must get 100 event medals / 200 kills (pvp or pk) from the moment you started the quest, and to kill Ocean Flame Ashakiel Raid Boss. After you complete the quest you return to the Npc and he will let you chose what skill you want. When you use the skill your S84 Armor or Weapon will fuse with your soul and turn into the BloodStained Armor or Weapon. The Weapon keeps its SA / Element Enchant/ Enchant if it has one and the armor keeps its Bonuses too (PvP item bonuses are kept too) You get a pasive skill that will bost your stats depending on the type of fusion (Weapon or Armor). First time you use the skill it will last for 30 minutes and will have a 20 minutes Cooldown. Its duration will increase as the skill gets used and its Cooldown will decrease. Skill Duration can get at most 45 minutes and its Cooldown can get at most 15 minutes. Skills will stack, last through death, can't get canceled. While the skill is active you can't change subclasses, can't destroy, sell, trade, enchant, augment, element enchant the items on you. Rank Based Skill learning system: While you fight monsters you get skill points (Sp). You can trade this sp for active skill points/passive skill points. When you have enough active/passive skill points you will evolve to the next skill rank. There are 9 skill ranks, one for each 10 levels and last skill rank is for 80 85 levels. Skill ranks depends on class. You can't go beyond skill rank 2 if you didn't do 1st class transfer; you can't go byond rank 4 if you you didn't do 2th class transfer; you can't go beyond rank 7 and half points if you you didn't do 3th class transfer. Skill ranks don't depend on level, but you will only be able to learn skills lvl 1 if the skill rank is byond the 10-levels category. When you have the right skill rank and points you automatically learn the skills. There are some skill that you can learn while you are fighting (temporary disabled): Your hp must be below 20% Mobs hp must be 40% or more. Mob must be at least 3 levels higher than you. Mob can't be a Raid Boss. Mob must be attacking you. If above conditions are right you have a chance to get an advanced skill that will help you in your leveling. The chance to get the skill get's higher if you have less hp. When you learn the skill your mob dies. If you fail to learn a skill while fighting you will be able to learn it on next class change. In-game Ipod: You have your own iPod in game. You can add up to 20 songs. To add a song you will type the song name(case sensitive) and its duration in a box and click add. The song must be in ogg format in your Lineage2/music folder. After you have added it you can play that song by pressing play button or stop it by pressing stop song. Songs will keep playing till the end of the play-list. Automated Events by voting: Every hour there will start a vote for the next event. The voting will last 15 minutes. There will be 3 events selected from all the events we have and you can vote for your favorite event. When the voting is done the event that has most votes will start. You can only vote once. Even if you are not logged in when the voting starts you will be able to vote if you log in during the voting period. Added bounty hunting system: You can put a bounty on a players head at a npc. If someone kills that player he gets the bounty. You can see where that player was last spotted. Others You can type .menu for a menu with all the commands and to see your statistics. Shift-Click on other player to see his statistics. Reworked spawns. Working instances. Working Raid Bosses with Teleporter that can teleport you to Raid Bosses that are 3 levels lower and 3 levels higher than yourself, but under level 76. Balanced classes both pve and pvp - IN PROGRESS(it needs a lot of feedback). Added AI for some more bosses. Added Solo Kamaloka + Tops. Added Gk for each town with all towns and zones near the town. Added Buffers for level 1 - 40, 41 - 85 that will give you prophet buffs(but not all buffs will be last level so better get a prophet in your party) Updated clan halls, fortress and castle support with more buffs. The higher the entity is better buffs you get. Updated shops to have items till B grade in Giran and Aden, till D grade in Gludio, Gludin, Dion, Oren and till C grade in the towns left. Added an npc that will sell you recipes for A grade items and an npc that will crystalize or craft you your items. Added a Top Npc where you can see top pvp, pk, clans, richest players. Added Arena Top and Fishing Top that will reword the best killer in arenas or the best fisher each hour. Crystal Caverns, Dark Crystal Mansion (mobs stats, drops, AI + some bugs). Seed Of Infinity Attack part (disabled till it is fully done). Hellbound Fully Working till level 11 + infinity / Tully towers. Naia tower + beleth AI will be done too.
Tessellate Posted April 12, 2010 Posted April 12, 2010 Nice features!! :p but what you got? (kinda rollback from sinister or we need to start over again with lvl 0) maybee i decide to play here...
CrazyDeagle Posted April 12, 2010 Posted April 12, 2010 Same freature from L2Sinister But your are the dev Nice Server man i Join
xAddytzu Posted April 12, 2010 Author Posted April 12, 2010 Nice features!! :p but what you got? (kinda rollback from sinister or we need to start over again with lvl 0) maybee i decide to play here... We have backup of April 11. We need to change somethings at server, so tomorrow you can play until 19April when is official start (+wiped) Same freature from L2Sinister But your are the dev Nice Server man i Join It was a waste of time Meanwhile I bought this domain Sinister did not exist anymore
Tessellate Posted April 12, 2010 Posted April 12, 2010 We have backup of April 11. We need to change somethings at server, so tomorrow you can play until 19April when is official start (+wiped) kk nice, start up forum and shit and open link to download patch i will join this to see:D checking if more people will join P.S. 1 question: how long this is going with Spook? cuz last 2/3 days i only see myself online and before that in beta like 10-15 online
Cloud Posted April 12, 2010 Posted April 12, 2010 kk nice, start up forum and shit and open link to download patch i will join this to see:D checking if more people will join P.S. 1 question: how long this is going with Spook? cuz last 2/3 days i only see myself online and before that in beta like 10-15 online Probably someone already know what was going on..I don't know which is the truth,but I'll see how both servers will go on.I just know addy's works and is a great dev
xAddytzu Posted April 12, 2010 Author Posted April 12, 2010 Probably someone already know what was going on..I don't know which is the truth,but I'll see how both servers will go on.I just know addy's works and is a great dev Do you think we are stupid? We did a lot of exploits for server..If Spooky changes his mind to continue the server will stay only down And thanks for the compliments :d BTW: An Error Has Occurred! You have exceeded the limit of 10 personal messages per hour. I can;t answer at private messages
Cloud Posted April 12, 2010 Posted April 12, 2010 Do you think we are stupid? We did a lot of exploits for server..If Spooky changes his mind to continue the server will stay only down And thanks for the compliments :d BTW: An Error Has Occurred! You have exceeded the limit of 10 personal messages per hour. I can;t answer at private messages wtfXD If u want u can answer me here by editing ur post..Btw now I understand why were happening so strange things;Btw I won't support no1,I just need a new server,a new home for have fun.About the truth,we'll see,the time will give us the answer i guess. @Rozdex:IMO Epilogue is still much more bugged than Final
Cloud Posted April 13, 2010 Posted April 13, 2010 Addy,there is a ETA for today's beta?btw imo we should not talk anymore about what happened inside the sinister team..Instead I'll see if the addy's server will work,will get players etc;I will be neutral because I don't know which is the truth
xAddytzu Posted April 13, 2010 Author Posted April 13, 2010 Addy,there is a ETA for today's beta?btw imo we should not talk anymore about what happened inside the sinister team..Instead I'll see if the addy's server will work,will get players etc;I will be neutral because I don't know which is the truth Yep, server will be online in beta today at 6-7PM
gorinosho Posted April 13, 2010 Posted April 13, 2010 Why did you delete my posts? You can't stand the truth? You'd better find licenses for all software that you will have on your server. You will need them.
xAddytzu Posted April 13, 2010 Author Posted April 13, 2010 Server is online in Beta until 19th April... System: http://www.4shared.com/file/vQYXAO1f/l2iplaycomsys.html
snelka Posted April 13, 2010 Posted April 13, 2010 u have features from Battle of Immortals [eqp evolution] anyway , after beta wipe ? ow and system on 4shared downloaded over 3k times.... what's your online ppl ?
mmytza Posted April 13, 2010 Posted April 13, 2010 wow, nice patch Uploaded: 2010-04-13 and Downloaded: 3,159 If it's realy it's realy cool I'm gonna check it ;D
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