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  1. :)) Make me laugh more ... Compare the code and see if it is the same code...It is true i used a few methods from them but most of the code is changed... Their code is bugged, not finished and not retail like ;)
  2. Sorry i didn't made a patch...you have to add it manually, but i think i was clear enough in that file. Anyway...you need basic knowledge to add it... so leaches and noobs shouldn't bother. What is whit that thread ? This is not leached or bought or anything ... it is coded by me for l2jfree. That script from l2jeurope is not retail like and i saw a few bugs just from a quick scan. Still it can be used. And my version can be used on epilogue/ final / etc too. P.S. I only added good coords for no level limit arena. ... For the other 4 arenas you need to add good coords(can take it from l2jeurope script).
  3. Hello, I made Underground Coliseum for L2JFree and thought to share it here to because it will be shared here sooner or later. You can download it here There you go link for the share.
  4. Nice collection. Quite nostalgic XD. I remembered when some of those things were first posted...not by the ones who got them here...but by the ones who really made them.
  5. Interesting, not that useful as it is but can be made in java so you can do something whit the npcs of an x zone ... like give more exp or add some special effects or replace npcs.
  6. Old buffer...not all buffs... ugly template...this is close to a reshare of a 2 years of buffer
  7. Epic fail... Anyway it is good that there are ppl who want to work on base emulators, but why start 62346342 fail projects rather than being part of a win project and speeding the retail like coding ?
  8. For the looser you need core support. Before continuing i have one question you use precompiled or you compile yourself ?
  9. Can you post the code from L2GameClient.java from line 450 till 550 ? Anyway the error is a NPE so it needs a null check somewhere.
  10. First code is .py. You can add it in scrips/custom than add the path to the file in scripts.cfg so the event will be loaded.
  11. You need to learn .utx editing to change that logo. That logo is in a file in SysTextures.
  12. To apply that diff file you can use either eclipse or tortoise svn depends on what you use to download and compile program...it is easy to add the diff file, but if you have custom codes there can be conflicts that have to be fixed manually.
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