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Hi Guys,this is my first topic and i will guide youfor clan which so much i love  8)

 Look for me clans like to me very much it is my passion,i can tell,in l2.The experience as leader it is really f**king nice,sieges,clan pts for pvp,

raid bosses with clan,all of our friends in clan to have someone to trust really in game and etc...For all of these i will make share/guide ,tell it

whatever u want,to give you my knowledge about clans and i will try to explain it the best i can.Watch out i speak only for highrate servers.

Well lets start...

1)Lets start from the basics.First of all we must know how to create a new clan,we must have adenas and sp and some quest itemsShot00000.jpg which

you will find them in gm shop.(as i said i speak for high rate servers)Well now go to grand master npc(whoever u want)click to clan,then press

found a clan and then write the name of your clan.(!@#$%^&*()_.>,<'";:]}[{\/?-`~  all of these are unavaible).Ok the clan is ready but is lvl 0 :P.You must

lvl up.What you supposed to do?Lets see...


2)How i can lvl up my clan until lvl 8 ?

LvL1-5: You must have some adenas and some Sp to lvl the clan to lvl 1 and for lvl 2 you need adena and Sp too.But for lvl 3,4,5 we need the quest items

we were talking before so lets go to gm shop and but them.Here they are ~>Shot00000.jpgNow go again to grand master and press clan~>clan management

~>lvl up clan and do that for 5 times to be your clan lvl 5.:)Now the best for the clan it is to be lvl 8 to have royals,with subleaders,clan skills in max

level,for all the clan members' stats,and the orders little diferrent from royals.

LvL6:How you gonna increase lvl?Ok lets see,for lvl 6 we need more than30 members and 10k reputation putions(who i will tell you after how we will take them).

Now as we gather the more than 30 members and 10k rep points we make it lvl6.Great,Now what is next?Here we go,now you will choose as Leader what you want to do.

You can add some clan skils or you can create a royal(i will tell you after what happened with them).You Can't go for lvl 7 if you dont have royals,

bcz for lvl 7 it need more than 80 members and each royal can have 20 members,so...:).Go for clan skills or royals...

Lvl7:Let me to remind you that for lvl 7 need more than 80 members And 20k rep

points.Well now as you are in lvl 7 what you can do?You can add more clan skills for members' stats or go for reputation points.

LvL8:To reach lvl 8 you must have more than 120 members and 40k points... :O wtf?Hehe that means to be real leader but in many servers they do something else ,really

easy but let's dont talk for these....How you gonna reach 120 members?Well as we have royals and members in our clan which they are full we must

create Orders Of Khights.We can make 4 Orders and the each 1 can have 10 members.

Well as we have 120 members and 40k points we fully can have a clan lvl 8. Well done :P.


3)How i can earn reputation points?

 a)Well you can get reputation points with do Quest for raidboss .How.?.?.?Where it is.?.?.?Ok You go in Aden next to olympiad manager it is.........

Speak to him and then press the RaidBoss you want to kil.Then go with 1 pt or 2 and go kill the raidboss.As you kill it,it will drop

a Clan Egg pick up you need it.The reputation you will get from 1 Raidboss is 1k rep points,really great job.If you go many many times you will earn many


b)The most famous to get rep points but it isnt "authentic"clan is to make bots.I mean that if  a new char when hits one mob goes 40 lvl or more

you can make all the time new chars,invite them to academy(read downer) and when he reach lvl 40 or more make the 2 quests and your clan

will gain some rep points,in most of servers gives 300-400 rep points.Think about it you will get many points easy,but it isnt nice :-\ "bot clan"

....whatever.I suggesting if you can forget this,me i just mention it....!

c)If you have 15 members or more you can have Wars,so declined wars and if the clan that you decided to have war accept it,if kill one member

of warclan you earn rep points.Hehe Nice hA?I dont think that they are many but ok...,it will help you a bit :)

d)Also from heroes you can earn some goods points.Each hero 1k rep points. :D.Very nice so prepare your clan and join olympiad.


4)What are clan eggs?How can i get them?

Well clan eggs you need them to add clan skills in your clan for better stats of your members,to have more members.You can find them from the

RaisBosses,but in many servers they have them a Npc or Just add them in Gm shop(it have a price,not free) and then go to grand master and add them.

From clan lvl6 you can add clan skills.

5)a)Why i need clan hall?,how i can get one?b)Why i need Castle?,basically what it is?

a)Well clan halls it is our home,base,state(tell it whatever you want) which in this you the Leader and your clan members go there to gather

or organise partys or relaxing and if admin had put npcs...Greater :).Also all clan halls in all servers have a npc which with that you can decorate

your clan hall or teleport or buy some items(the best is bsoe for clan hall).You must valid a clan hall first with some adena.Look go in your clan

warehouse and deposit some adena(better full) and then go to the npc Auctioneer(it is in giran,aden,goddard[the town have castle basically]),

choose the ch you want and bid as adena you put in warehouse(2b)so 2b you will bid in clan hall.Then you will w8 the Exparation Date to take

it.Great it is yours :D.Also it impressed the other players who dont have clan and need a clan with clan hall.;)

b)Well castles it is a great experience especially for Leader and for the members ofc.So as you have many members and powerfull you can

register to a castle to have a great time but maybe hard(You will find npc outside of castle).You will check out the time when it is the Siege and you Must announce in clan chat the

time and date to be all ready ;) .It is really respectfull the clans with castle bcz all they know that fight hard to win this castle.So you can earn

and more members for your clan to go for best mass pvps.Also if caslte have npcs much greater,you can teleport,buy,augement etc.. from there.

Also in the castles you can add npcs guards for the next date of siege to have a little help from them,name as mercenary tickets.If you go up up

from the castle you can find the Wyvern that includes a strider and gemstones to take it.Wyvern it is a dragon that you can fly everywhere you want

and it has fun ^_^.


6)Talk me about Sieges.

Siege is the date of war for a castle that you clan fight with others clan to earn a new great castle.Leader's work is before start the siege to had

announced the date to be all members ready and then,as the siege date come leader must recall all of them to a place and make all the pts.

As the siege is underway LEADER must give Orders for clan members,nobody else YOU ARE THE LEADER!!!.Remind yourself for that and be

good to this.The siege holds 2 hours so be careful ;) .

7)I heared for a Alliance...What is that?

Alliance it is very usefull sometimes,helpfull and ofc they might be trsustfull!!!You can create an alliance or join in a alliance of other clan.To create

go to grand master click on alliance and then write the name of your clan.If you want to invite a clan to your ally must write a command but first target

the leader of the clan which it will be the ally and write the command[/allyinvite].If you wanna dismiss him write /allydismiss and then write your name.

If you wanna leave from an ally /allyleave.(I will give all the commands down down of the topic.)With the alliance's leader u must have good co-operation

and be trustfull to each other,discuss and o sometimes for pvps together.


8)We forgot something i think?Clan crest & Allycrest yeah.

Great now i will give a little guide about how to set crest to your clan and allycrest.Well you cna download crests for many sites and to find them

google it ;).Me i download a randomly crest to show how we gonna continue.Here it is ~>........cb877867494aa5d9cdf887eeab572e3d.jpg

1)Now go to crest cb877867494aa5d9cdf887eeab572e3d.jpgpress right click->open with -> and choose with painting


Well now u must make the crest 16x12 and the allycrest 8x12.

What u should must do?

2)In left of programm painting press Magnifying Glassglass.jpg , then press Choiseepilogh.jpgand then cut the crest 16x12

(Down right of the programm it tells you how much it is while you cutting it[Remember we want it 16x12])Look and The Images for better Guiding.

With Choiseepilogh.jpgu must make it 16x12


Then Grab it and move it on left like that


After that "close"it  like that


3)Then press Left up of the window  File and choose Save As...Look


And finally Better is to Save it to C: for easier way to put then to game the crest.Name it whatever u want.Like that(Me i name it fighterboss)And Watch out it must be Bitmap 256 colour!!!



4)For the ally crest is more easier.U will do the same thing.But in beginning we will "close it"into the left to be 8x12 like that.

(As i said before while u are "closing"it right down it tell u how much it is (8x12,12x12 and etc.)We want it 8x12)Look


Now save it in C: again with other name and be careful again it must be  bitmap 256 colour !!!Like that


5)Ok now i will so how to put the crest into the game.I logged in a Random Server(really sucks xD) only to show u Cheesy.

We make a clan which must be lvl 5 and then,we press alt+n -> edit crest->set crest and then we write C:\(nameofcrest).bmp and the crest it is ready.Just like that


For the allycrest we use a command./allycrest  and after that we write C:\(nameofallycrest).bmp  And it is ready.Look


Ok now we have a clan with allycrest and clan crest.Bingo Grin.We can go for sieges and etc with a nice crest :D

9)How i can give priveleges?What is that?

Let's explain someting...If you press edit priveleges you will 1st level-5th level.Check out,all members that join in clan they have

priveleges as you give in 5th level.I mean that all members that join in clan they are in 5th rank.So if you wanna change go

Edit priveleges and then click on 5th level and tick what priveleges you want to have the members.The other level it is

about if u wanna change someone the priveleges to give him more you can tick in 4th level or 3/2 the priveleges you want

for a unique member.Ok as you tick those you want now press alt+n double click on the member you want and press change rank

and give him the 4th level(there you give the priveleges).AS you may undrestood that from the level you can give the priveleges

you want to each member.I think you undestand me :) .Be careful you must be protective to that bcz of many liers members...Watch out .


10)Some infos for clan skills!

Clan level 5:

skill0391_0.pngClan Imperium    Destruction Tombstone     Grants the privilege of Command Channel formation. It only effects Sage /   Elder class and above

skill0373_0.pngClan Lifeblood   10 Earth Egg: A-Grade         It gives you much quicker your hp.It work only in Heir class and over

skill0379_0.pngClan Magic Protection (1)     10 Angelic Essence: A-Grade          It gives you M.Def.It work only in Heir class and over

skill0370_0.pngClan Vitality (1)     10 Earth Egg: A-Grade          Raise the maximum of  hp you can have.Affect only that they are Heir and over

Clan level 6 :

skill0377_0.pngClan Aegis (1)     10 Earth Egg: A-Grade         Raise P.def.It works only in Knight class or over

skill0376_0.pngClan Might Clan Might (1)    10 Dragon Heart: A-Grade        Raise P.atk.It work only in Knight classand over

skill0374_0.pngClan Morale Clan Morale (1)    10 Nonliving Nucleus: A-Grade       Raise the regain of your cp.It work only in Elder class and over

skill0383_0.pngClan Shield Boost Clan Shield Boost (1)    10 Dragon Heart: A-Grade        Raise the shield defence.

It work only in Baron class or over

skill0371_0.pngClan Spirituality Clan Spirituality (1)    10 Nonliving Nucleus: A-Grade   Raise the maximum cp which you can have.

It work only in Baron class or over

Clan level 7 :

skill0377_0.pngClan Aegis (2)    10 Earth Egg: A-Grade        Raise your p.defence.It works ony in knight class and over

skill0384_0.pngClan Cyclonic Resistance Clan Cyclonic Resistance (1)    Destruction Tombstone        Raise your resistance in attacks with water.

It works only in Viscount class or over.

skill0386_0.pngClan Fortitude Clan Fortitude (1)    Destruction Tombstone  Raise the resistane in attacks of shocks/paralyze etc.

It works only in Viscount class and over

skill0387_0.pngClan Freedom (1)    Destruction Tombstone    Raise the resistnance of holds.It works only in Viscount class and over

skill0380_0.pngClan Guidance (1)    10 Memento Mori: A-Grade        Raise the Accurasy.It works only in  Baron class and over

skill0373_0.pngClan Lifeblood (2)    10 Earth Egg: A-Grade     Raise the regain of your hp.It works only in Heir class and over

skill0390_0532532.pngClan Luck (1)    10 Earth Egg: A-Grade     Raise the regain of your hp.It works only in Heir class and over

skill0390_0532532.pngClan Luck (1)    Cradle of Creation        It comes down the possibilites to have death penalty when you die.It works only in  Heir class and over

skill0385_0.pngClan Magmatic Resistance (1)    Destruction Tombstone    Raise the resistance in fire and earth.It work only in Viscount class and over.

skill0376_0.pngClan Might (2)    10 Dragon Heart: A-Grade        Raise your P.Atk.It works only in Knight class and over.

skill0371_0.pngClan Spirituality (2)    10 Nonliving Nucleus: A-Grade        Raise your maximum cp you can reach.It works only in baron class and over

skill0388_0453535.pngClan Vigilance (1)    Destruction Tombstone        Raise your resistance to sleep.It works only in viscount class or over

skill0370_0.pngClan Vitality (2)    10 Earth Egg: A-Grade       Raise the maximum cp you can reach.It works only in heir class or over

skill0382_0.pngClan Withstand-Attack (1)    10 Memento Mori: A-Grade       Raise the posibilities that you can have shield defense

Clan Level 8 :

skill0377_0.pngClan Aegis (3)    10 Earth Egg: A-Grade        Raise your  p.def.It works only in heir class or over

skill0381_04234332.pngClan Agility (1)    10 Memento Mori: A-Grade        Raise your evasion.It works only in baron class or over

skill0375_0432424.pngClan Clarity (1)    10 Angelic Essence: A-Grade        Raise the regain of your mp.It works only in heir class or over

skill0384_0.pngClan Cyclonic Resistance (2)    Destruction Tombstone       Raise the resistance in water and air.It wroks only in baron class or over

skill0378_052352.pngClan Empowerment (1)    10 Angelic Essence: A-Grade       Raise your m.atk.It wroks only in viscount class or over.

skill0372_053252.pngClan Essence (1)    10 Angelic Essence: A-Grade       Raise your maximum mp you can reach.It works only in  baron class or over

skill0386_0.pngClan Fortitude (2)    Destruction Tombstone     Raise you resistance on attacks of shocks.It works only in viscount class or over

skill0387_0.pngClan Freedom (2)    Destruction Tombstone        Raise your resistance in attacks of hold.It works only in viscount class or over

skill0380_0.pngClan Guidance (2)    10 Memento Mori: A-Grade        Raise your accurasy.It works only in baron class or over.

skill0390_0532532.pngClan Luck (2)    Cradle of Creation       Decrease the posibility to have death penalty and lose xp your char.It works only in Heir class or over

skill0385_0.pngClan Magmatic Resistance (2)    Destruction Tombstone       Raise your resistance to water and earth.It works only in viscount class or over.

skill0389_0.pngClan March (1)    Cradle of Creation       Raise the speed of your members.It works only in baron class or over

skill0376_0.pngClan Might (3)    10 Dragon Heart: A-Grade       Raise the p.atk.It works only in knight class or over

skill0374_0.pngClan Morale (2)    10 Nonliving Nucleus: A-Grade       Raise the regain of your cp cp.It works only in heir class or over

skill0383_0.pngClan Shield Boost (2)    10 Dragon Heart: A-Grade       Raise the p.def  of your shield.It works only in heir class or over

skill0371_0.pngClan Spirituality (3)    10 Nonliving Nucleus: A-Grade       Raise the max cp you can reach.It works only in baron class or over

skill0388_0453535.pngClan Vigilance (2)    Destruction Tombstone       Raise the resistance of sleep.It works only in viscount class or over.

skill0382_0.pngClan Withstand-Attack (2)    10 Memento Mori: A-Grade       Raise the posibility to shield defense.It works only in viscount class  and over

Credits for clan skills:pmfun.com I just wanna have fully guide for all of you ;) .


11)Let's talk about something else and important.Let me show you


Academy: Here you can invite players those who are less than level 40.Only!!!

Royal Guard: Here is available in level 6 and here you can invite 20 players.The royal guard must have a leader,basically for the clan it is the Subleader,

a trustfull person for you.The cost is 5k rep points and you can create 2 Royals.

Order of knights: This it is availble in level 8 and includes 10 members .Also and this have a leader,this you will choose!!!And you can give him priveleges :P

Costs 10k reputation points to create it.

Vagabond=This who dont have clan

Vassal=Regural member in a clan level 5

Heir=Member of a clan level 5 & over.Member in royal guard at level 6 & clan member in order of knight at level 7

Knight=Leader of a clan level 4 & in level 6 is a clan member.In level 7 member of royal guard & at level 8 member in order of knights

Elder=Leader of a level 5 clan or more & member in clan level 7 and a clan member in royal guard at level 8

Baron=Everyone who is nobless & a Leader of level 7 clan & member of clan level 8

Viscount=Royal Guard Leader in level 7

Count=Leader of a level 7 clan or sub leader in royal guard at level 8

Marquis=Everyone who is hero & leader of clan level 8


12)As leader you are responsible for everything in the clan.You will organize all parties for pvps ,like mass pvp etc.You will guide all the members

and also your subleader will help you to organize them better.Just remember you are the leader,bcz others they forgettin it and maybe some members

annoying him and talk to him like he is a noob or something like that.If there is any problem,i mean in clan chat you are the repsonsible to clean the

discusion great and peace.Also if a member dont pay attention to you and says bulls***t let him leave or dismiss him.Better members will come ;).

Well that's all,if i missed something just tell it to me and it will updated.;)One good comment it is ok


Best Regards FiGhTeRBosS


Credits By Me

  • 2 weeks later...

maybee put link for guides of lvl 3/4/5 :)

What you mean?I didnt understand

Its not for sticky cuz images are on greek

marquis = leader of clan lvl 8 and and everyone who has hero status


Updated 29/04/10







What you mean?I didnt understand

Updated 29/04/10








i mean put a guide of making clan lvl 3 (bloodmark)

and the quides of the clan quest of lvl 4 / 5 :)


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