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[L2J] L2 Spike


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and for dyna weapons ? why i can't see them ?asked every player in the game and they told me to dl patch in forum , thats what i did , but it didn't slove the problem

maybe i will come back when it will be populated but for now....:=)


You know you must copy paste all the folders of the patch not only the system.

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Stop lieng pls cuz MrBoOm was hero dark elf archer and how the fucck hes Human archer? :O






When you will learn l2 and know that a gm can change base class also check dhe donate info what i wrote there then come and show us that you have right. wtf all the no0bs learned l2. Try to play a good packman before start l2.

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The patch is perfect dude all the other players can see dynasty vesper demonic wings and all the customs.


are u crazy man....i cant see vesper and the wings.....wen u wante i can upload a pic who u can see that...

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-1 for spamming


and if you don't like the server, just don't join, server has not corrupted gms, mrboom has donated, that's how he changed to human, and the rep are donate too, so just stop spamming. and crazy you have triple posted, next double post= -1 like

The*Raven, because he spammed. if any mod believes i am wrong, just reply or send me messege, to tell me why.........


and furion, read rules, you are not allowed o talk like that...


and* DoOki is Ferikos's brother....

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