blimbl00m Posted May 23, 2010 Posted May 23, 2010 why i cant create an account? i'm pressing at site register,i complete all empty fields with the wright thigs and the l2 says me "your account doesnt match" i tryed 3 times! Quote
djspankman Posted May 23, 2010 Author Posted May 23, 2010 I just tried to register and works fine for me. Maybe you did not type your password correctly 2 times ? Quote
djspankman Posted June 1, 2010 Author Posted June 1, 2010 Current version of server Server Version= 4200 Datapack Version= 4200 Increased radius needed between every shop so that it is more clear. Changed from 5 to 15. Also increase radius to NPC from 50 to 75 Enabled all S80 quests Fix for Vitalize skill Added missing teleports for: .Castele of Dion .Castle of Giran .Castle of Oren .Castle of Aden .Castle of Goddard .Castle of Rune .Castle of Schuttgart Fix for hotsprings buffs for example Kasha Eyes skills for cumulative buff support added support for Kasha Eyes levelling debuffs LostNestTrees? tweak, added system message, changed mpBonus to final Rise and Fall of the Elroki Tribe reward is now influenced by quest rates Touch of Death can no longer be used on white target without pressing ctrl Iron Shield is now usable only with a shield equipped Duel Blow Skill added Some stats updates fix the problem with witch 7s teleport teleporting you in a water zone Tweaking and enabling again Expulsion Of Evil Spirits Fixed enchant transfer skill exploit wedding rework .Formal Wear checks for both partners .Both partners pays the ceremony Dynasty and Icarus equipment drop and spoil for Den of Evil, Giant's Cave, Field of Silence, Field of Whispers,Crypts of Disgrace. Fix for blocking cast after teleport. Fixed observation return if crystal in the same region Aggression effects (debuffs like Expose, etc) can be applied on mobs too, excluding raids. update stats for Kamaloka mob (must be Undead) Skills can be cast without weapons in hand. Steal Divinity can be used only on players. Judgment and Tribunal Cost Enchant should increase duration too Missing pet weapon vuln for judgment and tribunal Testiomny of Fate quest fix, thanks for report Fixed Residence skills, thanks for report Will the Seal be Broken quest fixed, thanks for report Fixed issues with using soul bottles char stops moving, thanks for report. Shield Mastery should add pdef when using an heavy Antharas, Valakas, Frintezza, Beleth (only the grandboss not the copies), Ekimus and Tiat can now lvl up a soul crystal till lvl 16 Baylor till lvl 14 changed formula to have a better PDAM skills critical damage calculation. Bypass fix for Fortune Teller NPC in Gracia Continent. ssigned skill to blue talisman buff steal Fixed some NPES Fixed night time starting at 01:00 now it starts at 00:00 like it should fix for skill enchant exploit should fix issue with skills that give dmg and have effect stun, very often they were removin its own effect. Changing Stun Break chances to more retail. There is diference on PVP and PVE changes to allow only 4pm and 8pm castle siege Little fix for static Base stats (Wit,Men.....), stats were to big, please do not complain if your stats are a lil lower than before because on last update they were higher because of a small mistake. Performance updates missing stats isDebuff in Heretic Heal Side Effect Fixing "stackTypes" in Attribute Attack Buffs Song of Silence is not a song Fixing cost enchant route for Wrath skill No more shield block without a shield Assassination using lethalRate instead of rCrit use higher maxZ for Castle zone to prevent use wyvern on siege Fixing residential skills table Warrior's Temporary Healing Potion use the same skill as Quick Healing Potion Binding Cubic skill fix Removing some duplicate Npc skills. Quest Sorrowful Sound of Flute revised to match retail Retail Hp,Mp,Xp,Sp stats for Giants Cave and Mithril Mines Monsters More retail like ward handling Red Talisman of Life Force Corrected attack reuse for bows, thanks for report Fixed Atk-Reuse of Crossbows Pets can no longer attack through walls\doors EtcItem? SQL to XML Fix for Betray Skill, thanks for report. Fix for Doors in ToI Changed tvt dualbox protection to real dualbox protection (clients per pc) Fixed for Exp sometimes being 0 on PI if you do not have sailren quest Added perliminary support for clan airships An obvious lie quest rework, should fix all issues with it, Please test and report. Pet and Summons should not cause Death Penalty If the attacker is using a bow, multiply the Shield Block Rate by 3 Reworked Clan level 4 quest, please test it too Quote
djspankman Posted June 12, 2010 Author Posted June 12, 2010 Current version of server Server Version= 4460 Datapack Version= 4460 Fix error in airships A little more support for clan airships, still not done Fixed hellbound map Hide should be removed when player get dmg. (mostly from aoe skills) Fixed WarehouseKeepersPastime quest Rework of the weapon pvp bonus damage: .Ag = 2.5% .Sg = 5.0% .S80 = 7.5% .S84 = 10% .pvp weapon = 5% only +4 dual should be considered as weapon with SA (for the pvp bonus calculation) Fixed some error with TvT Clanhall Payment issue should be fixed now, please report if not When gaining the nobles status from the territory manager you should be able to subclass without quest too Fixed Servitor blessing removing all buffs, thanks for report Rovial Accordion revised to match retail Kamaloka end instance fix Fixed range on Ragna Orc Sniper / Archer Updated Great Snow Wolf stats to be closer retail, still not fully retail but we are getting there Some html fixes to meet retail, fixed issues with Shadow Step, fixed prices for a-grade weapons and added missing masterwork skills Updated Gordon's droplist, fixed a wrong message in race track teleport and updated manor manager location in Schuttgart to meet retail Added a lot missing fortress teleports, still a lot missing though. Reworked bitz_occupation_change to java Reworked biotin_occupation_change to java more accurate handling of vertical movements. Fixed estimated 3D distance calculation when char is flying or swimming (should help with catapulting on the roof of cata Enabled 5th Anniversary Event Updated Community Board with Information and rules Changed Location of TvT Event Npc Registration and Where event takes place Fix for Evasion Counter cast range Into The world reworked to java A polearm with SA should hit 8 targets not 4 Good Work Reward quest in java now Support for HP/MP/CP Heal limit Reworked Seal of Limit now it will "limit" the max value of hp mp cp to 30% of the max this means that the target cannot be healed to more than his 30% of hp mp cp Support for cannot evade physical skills Fixed the quest The Guard is Busy During TvT - Capture the Flag, Flags and Thrones are spawned into the correct Instance Reworked partymatching now it should work better Removed "Trader Jose" from Schuttgart Grocery Goddard outer ring spawns to retail Collision updates for npcs located between schuttgart and orc village Updated sailren script. Fixed Fifth Anniversary Giran npcs spawn Fixed issue for mages not beeing able to attack doors, thanks for report Corrected heal values for Elixir of Life Scroll of Resurrection cannot be used while silenced, thanks for report Prevent summon other player in instance Fixed Mob spaws in Wall of Argos/Antharas lair/IT so they do not spawn inside/on top of walls Fixed subclass change for kamaels if Subclass everywhere Fixed issue for not getting raids points if you are not in the party that kills it, if you are in CC Fixed issue with mobs using SS 100% Fixed debuffs not beeing removed on duel end Cruma Tower -> Premo shouldnt RespawnOnAttack TvT Event - Dualbox protection tweak Abyssal Power is a second class skill and it should have 30 enchant Secret Meeting With Ketra Orcs to JAVA Secret Meeting With Varka Silenos to JAVA Parcel Delivery to JAVA Whereabouts Of The Archaeologist to JAVA Sweet Whisper to JAVA Light And Darkness and The Coming Darkness to JAVA Meeting With The Golden Ram to JAVA Reworked The Road Home and The Immortal Plateau to Java Go To The Pastureland to JAVA Bring Up With Love to JAVA Hidden Truth to JAVA Failed Login Attempt Protection relased, players will be informed about failed login count when entering game. Tragedy In Von Hellmann Forest to JAVA Lidias Heart to JAVA Update Anti Summon Skill script a little bit, fixed some errors in it Fixed debuffs ne ver landing Fix for wrong Critical Proficiency in formula. Now the critical damage should be correct Surrenders should remove resist buffs Fixed Anti-Summoning Field Fix for Good Works Reward quest Update Great snow wolf stats to be retail-like, now wolfs are fully retail-like Peace and no Summon Friend zone for Death Gate Homunculus spawns correction Should fix the problem with pets non levelling up to 86 Quote
djspankman Posted July 16, 2010 Author Posted July 16, 2010 Current version of server Server Version= 5089 Datapack Version= 5089 Fixed no vitality in pailaka heading fix for dwarven village defenders Updated Stakato Nest monsters stats to Gracia Epilogue Updated Stakato Nest geodata to Gracia Epilogue Synced a few collision and weapon values for npcs from retail Updated Stakato Nest monsters ai data to Gracia Epilogue Fix small geodata issue in olly 2 Tuning some Primeval Island drop and Adding Stakato Nest drop list Wrong Hp and Mp consume for Earthquake enchant 2 costs. Html bypass fix for squad skills Added missing spawn in Schuttgart. Npc "Linda Little fix for negative heal value on system message Added Stakato Nest Gracia Epilogue quests, Im The Only One You Can Trust and Only What Remains. Added Stakato Nest Gracia Epilogue monsters AI scripts. Added Stakato Nest Gracia Epilogue zone and zone skills. Added Stakato Nest Gracia Epilogue spawnlist, Queen Shyeed can now lvl up soul crystal to stage 14 Fixed up critical attack formula Fix for HeadForTheHills? being able to retrive 6000 soulshots more than one time. Fixed Gludio-Gracia ship boarding Elemental Attributes : Dark Elven Area NPE fixes fixed HP/MP/CP_HEAL_LIMIT when healed amout was more than max hp Update to Frintezza script, npc, zone, skills etc Fixed quest GoodWorksReward? Elemental Attributes : Talking Island and Dwarf Village zones Fix for 1 Hangman tree and Karik wrong spawn HTML: SkirmishWithTheOrcs? fix. Elemental Attributes : Orc Village and Elven Village zones Quest Steps for Honor added Should fix the problem with Block Shield to not block the rebuff of improve/chant of combat Purification Field, Miracle, Flames of Invincibility and Mass Recharge cannot be used at oly MaxNegated? missing into boss cancel Max cancel is now 5 buffs at time Party XP Distribution update the retail method to do this is based on lvl and the max difference is 20 Bless the Blood should trigger only once every 3~ seconds , please do not complain it was bugged before. Recharged MP is influenced by the difference between the target level and the skill level Less or equal than 5 levels of difference - no penalty. 6 level - 90% of normal recharge. 7 level - 80% 8 level - 70% 9 level - 60% 10 level - 50% 11 level - 40% 12 level - 30% 13 level - 20% 14 level - 10% 15 level difference or more - no rechange, 0 mp. minigame fix for ProofOfClanAlliance? quest. Reworked Ghost of Batur a lil bit and transfered to java Mana Gain should add 85 MP not mul the mp value x1.85 Varangka's Dre Vanul should spoil Glove Pieces not Gauntlet Pieces Reworked QA AI and fixed exploits. fix for very weak improved buffalo heal, pets are using only 6 lvls, so I put only first 6 magic lvls, but still, level 1 of this buff restore 699hp, and level 6 restore 709 boost morale first level is on lvl 43, fixed Latana overpowered skills Kamaloka fixes, missing minions, AI, drops, overpowered skills pet heal skills fix, added missing heal for improved kookabura. Fixed Guards not returning to spawn ixed wrong bypasses, it was not possible to buy items. in some shops Fixed Spoil Crush's spoil is landing less often than a regular lvl 72 spoil. I would say Spoil Crush doesn't land 90% of the time. Residential Shock Immunity should stack with Resist Shock Kasha Eye AI tweaks, added missing feature connected with eye exploding and now gaining (de)buffs is retail like Added missing drops for Shackle Fixed players sometimes not getting exp from raids, at least possible fix Fix for Hellbound doesn't revert to level 4/5 after server restart. Added more teleports to fortress' from retail Elemental Attributes : Gludin and Gludio areas Player skill levels depend on his level - if player level is lower than skill last learn level - 9, skill level is decreased to next possible (or removed) Elemental Attributes : Dion area Update for Rune & Schuttgart Artefact Spawns Limiting friend message to 300 characters Take Advantage of the Crisis reward fix Fixed phx exploit Macro fix. Client allow 33 chars per line, 12 lines, 6 chars for line to determine macro number, 500 should be enough Statistics Script: It keeps track of player "successes" and every player can see his over ".statistic" or ".statitics". Currently it displays: - Time since login - Total Online Time - Total amount of marriages :D - normal kills - low kills (mob lvl < 8 lvl yours) (lvl diff can be configured) - raid boss kills - big boss kills - total amount of parties - Kamaloka runs/best time Merchant buylist price fix. If the item buy price of a merchant is lower than the sell price this will be fixed here Minor typo fix for sorted WH mod and changes in Tamil dialog : Committed AncientEgg? Ai missing is still the skill 5088 which I have no info of yet added missing cleanup for pailaka items, will remove all pailaka weapons from inventory of those who are done with it. fixed few walk speeds on some mobs in varka Updating spawnlist in Clan Hall Sieges Added kamaloka Tutorial and also updated epic quest to the tutorial Fixed 1 system message when inviting clan to ally Geodata update For a lot of areas Following areas updated: Gludio airship Pailaka/Kamaloka? Fantasy Isle Orc area Oly stadium Hellbound Elf area hive area giran area valakas lair Parnasus and a lot more Adena reward in Pavels Research quest is now affected by rates Fix for You should be able to drop only one Herb of each kind in Proof Of Clan Alliance quest Fifth Universary event SOE's should be depositable and stackable Quote
djspankman Posted August 10, 2010 Author Posted August 10, 2010 New website & domain. and of course more updates, one of the new updates on website is Vote Shop. Check it out by logging in on website. Current version of server Server Version= 5435 Datapack Version= 5435 Fix some npes Fix to allow access to OnlyWhatRemains fix bypass for Rodenpicula (seed of chaos quest) Fixed bypasses in clanhall siege htmls .Fixed Tallum Blade "changeWeaponId" HUGE problems .Added the skill (not yet done) to the Blue Talisman - Buff Cancel Should fix problem with missing htmls in quests Vanguard and Inquisitor cast times are influenced by attack and casting speed lethal chance for this skill depend on skill level, and its much higher on retail. Fixed error with missing html in WhatWomenWant? quest Fixed respawn delay in ToI MercilessPunishment Reward Fix Elemental Attributes : Giran area Elemental Attributes : Oren area Probably last fix for pet speed goes to half Queen Ant AI fix Frintezza zone fix Fixing Symbol of the Sniper bonus Fix unequip of the two-handed weapons and hair accessories Fix relations - auto attackable issue (sword target was on wrong person - switched player<->target) Siege/Fort zone update to match retail Cannot use items during fear skill remove on castle/fort lose, oly start Fix for updating stats in client. Fix for Ghost of Batur missing html Fixed issue with Tutorial always appearing even if epic quest Finished/started Fixed rift rooms respawn. Geodata fix for NPC's (Lara and Sonia) spawning on roof in Grocery Shop. Should fix issue with mobs not aggroing properly Fix for no penalty when swimming with wolf Fixed exploit of pailaka pets outside Fixed issues with Territory Ballista Elemental Attributes : Heine area Small pet food rework Fixed accessory exploit Herb drops for Silent Valley Monsters Removed Level83 Forgotten Scrolls drops from Grand Bosses, you can only get them from olly it seems Fixed airships Shield Bash dual effect Stakato Nest Multi-Colored Jewel is now working Fixed wolf exchange armor Fixed TW issue Fixed reset tiems for kamaloka/pailaka Fix for disconnecting Login Server Stakato Nest Cannibalistic Stakato Chief AI (not enabled yet), added cocoon extractable. Update The Name of Evil 1, should work fine now. pet jewels fix Small fix for clan notice Updated Quest: Relics of the Old Empire. Squash mobs have nothing to do with this Quest. Fixed buff not given in Character Birthday. Fixed drop owner maxDmgdealer, fixed drop protection Guardian strider use same food like normal strider (Strider food and delux strider food) Added banish undead +attack route Increasing Nolandign maxZ on TOI to avoid bugs Seven Sign 4th Epic Quest Implemented Added missing system message for Pets Fixed some NPE's Fixed What women want quest Wrong coin drop from Hatar Hanishee, should drop Blood Medusa. fix for nobless/subclass from TW. Fixed duplicate issues More stable Login server now Fixed errors in 4th Seven sign quest Quote
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