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Hello Maxcheater.com



Hi guys, I'm new of this community... I need to say...very very good job!!! ;D


I know this is sound crazy, but with 2 friends I try to translate the game in Italian  :o


I've decrypt the file "systemmsg-e.dat" with no problem with l2encdec; changed it with l2asm-disasm and it work...It's a hard work but it's fine.


Now I have a problem...I've decrypt the file questname-e.dat sacessfully but when I encrypt it again also within change something and I can't because there's this problem.



After trying twice, I' ve used l2fileedit but the problem is the same:




I repeat, I have change nothing, I'm just trying to understand how to do but it doesn't work...very strange 'cause with other file ".dat" that i've changed they work perfectly.


I have 413 version of l2j server...but I really don't understand why it doesn't work.

Can you help me!!!


Maybe I made something wrong, used wrong programs...really I don't know.



thanks for answers


CYA guys and HAve FUN :D


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Thanks man, but I had alredy packed my system folder.

I have copied l2encdec.exe and patcher.exe in, and started the patcher.exe

It has created a backup folder and packed all files present in the system folder.

If you mean that, I've alredy do that....


Anything else to say? Maybe I'm wrong.

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It say this message when the lines that you add aren't corrects , check if the value are for all column and if you let a line at the end of your added lines.

Use Lineage 2 suite for this kind of operation, you can see which column haven't infos.

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