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[SCAM] How to scam on high rate srvs with costum currency


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Ok so im not s00r this works 100% but i have tested it and it works in several high rate srvs with costum currency. for example gb or Silver shillien or whatever...




1. you will need 2chars : 1 scammer and 1 watcher

2. first with the scammer obtain 1 (for example) gb

3. make a fuss on shout channel and then say that u r leaving srv

4. go to a place that a lot of people are lingering (giran)

5. setup a private store with BUY NOT SELL!! with that currency and set the price 1 adena.

6.put as message : Leaving server...

7.the ( n00b) victims are going to hurry and buy because they will think that they are the only ones that saw you .


*YAWN* Good scamming n00bzTorz !!


lol...-.- i saw several chars private shop -buy- saying: leaving server...but only a FOOL would fall for this ...

nice try...but this is a old scamm and doesn't work anymore...ppl learn!:))

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Well is not properly an exploit...is a "trick" or however u wanna call it, and it wors on all servers it only depends of the stupidity of the players :) my friends scammed 4 valakas +25 (doanted items ) on l2mafia and when i tried i didnt got nothing xD

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