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You wake up with Megan Fox in your bed(w/o knowing what happened yesterday), what you do?  

107 members have voted

  1. 1. You wake up with Megan Fox in your bed(w/o knowing what happened yesterday), what you do?

    • I rape her
    • I ask for a dinner
    • Boring, i send her home
    • I'm too young to think about sex, i ask for a autograph though
    • Obviously i still rape her, its a hallucination

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50kkk Q.Q



YYY + GM make price higher :P That's suck ... IMO if there is changing in GM shop like Price for items should be WIPE ... Imagine that Already lot PPL with full items +16 wpn and set+10 and now NEW players need farm more to get items ... THAT SUCK! /drama on


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YYY + GM make price higher :P That's suck ... IMO if there is changing in GM shop like Price for items should be WIPE ... Imagine that Already lot PPL with full items +16 wpn and set+10 and now NEW players need farm more to get items ... THAT SUCK! /drama on


no drama

just Q.Q

i think i will sucide.

so many hours without lol :(

LOL sucks and u know that
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no it dont

it does...compare it to HoN or even the 10 year old game DotA...it sucks hard...they still cannot balance heroes roflmao..



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it does...compare it to HoN or even the 10 year old game DotA...it sucks hard...they still cannot balance heroes roflmao..




heroes are balanced.

hon sux, if u dont donate u dont got anyuthink

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heroes are balanced.

hon sux, if u dont donate u dont got anyuthink

in official?rofl



101 heroes ALL BALANCED

all doing their job,maybe one hero is Outpowered but with another outpowered hero they make combo and win 2 other OP heroes,there are so combinations and so many things

in LOL,u have some highleveled players,with OP bought chars that win a game alone..everytime with same hero...

And rofl,LOL isn't balanced atall

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in official?rofl



101 heroes ALL BALANCED

all doing their job,maybe one hero is Outpowered but with another outpowered hero they make combo and win 2 other OP heroes,there are so combinations and so many things

in LOL,u have some highleveled players,with OP bought chars that win a game alone..everytime with same hero...

And rofl,LOL isn't balanced atall


i win a game alone

with a hero who is not op

im very very good twitch and i always have 15kills ++ 0-5death


its the skill which it counts.. if you are know a champ very good u can kill everyone if u r noob with an "OP" (even op heroes dont exist always get nerfed if some1 is) u will feed enemy yeam

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