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You wake up with Megan Fox in your bed(w/o knowing what happened yesterday), what you do?  

107 members have voted

  1. 1. You wake up with Megan Fox in your bed(w/o knowing what happened yesterday), what you do?

    • I rape her
    • I ask for a dinner
    • Boring, i send her home
    • I'm too young to think about sex, i ask for a autograph though
    • Obviously i still rape her, its a hallucination

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Maybe Satan give it to him  :o :o :o

"And the Great Dragon was cast out, the Old Serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."


hope Jesus forgives me for copy pasting this...

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hope Jesus forgives me for copy pasting this...

Jesus,God,Satan...wtf..stop acting like if u were from year 1000..wtf..God and Satan lost their importance..in our days what matters is money,love,fame,ecc. no1 rlly gives a damn sh1t about Heaven/Hell..cus ppl realised that is better to live their lives in the best way they can...live happy moments with their frineds and family..cus u have only 1 life to live so u have to live it in the best way..live more happy moments possible..

Living with only toughts about God and Satan and Heaven or Hell is simply a sh1tty way to live ur life...the faster u get over it..the more fun u will have.

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