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Let me start off with how Lockerz see's you, Lockerz doesn't see you as your: Name, Email, Telephone, Or Address, They see you as your IP Address.


An Internet Protocol (IP) address is a numerical label that is assigned to devices participating in a computer network. In basic terms, An IP Address, is a group of Numbers, seperated by "periods" (.) These IP Address's are assigned to you by your ISP (Internet Service Provider). If you are connected inside of a household, each one of the people in that household will have the same IP Address.


An example IP Address (Yours will look different) ; 111.111.1129


That's just a random IP Address that i made up, you may have seen something like it before.




Now let me explain what this is to Lockerz.


Lockerz is run on a database, A Database contains information about every user on the server (Website). This information, goes from your personal information, that you inputed yourself (Address, Email, Name, Phone, Password, Etc..)


But then, there's other information, the background stuff, that you don't input. Stuff such as, Your IP Address, Internet Browser you are running, and many other things. Lockerz keeps a database of each user, and the information stated above.



You are probably now wondering; "Why does all this matter, I can still cheat!"



Well that is not the case, When you redeem and Item on Lockerz, They themselves verify that you did not cheat. The main way that people cheat, is by creating multiple emails and and mass inviting them, to create many accounts.


Well, once you redeem an Item, and Lockerz goes in to check your account, they can easily search their database, to see if you have Invited yourself. One or two accounts Invited may not bother them, because that could be your family.


But when you have 5+, That is when they get suspicious, They can easily look and see that there are many accounts registered under your IP, then they can either Take away your PTZ or Ban you, for cheating the system.


Or let you slide, because they believe it's just your household family.


(Each household has one IP, as i said above)


But when you have 5+ Accounts Under the same IP, They can EASILY tell it's not family, and you are just a cheater. Now, There's MILLIONS of Lockerz Members, some get away with it, Lockerz doesn't have enough staff, to deal with each person.





I seriously hope you follow this post, and not go on the cheating route.

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