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[BOT]L2.net, version v209


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This bot is for L2J servers and Retail server, DOES NOT WORK ON PRIVATE L2OFF SERVERS


Note + facts

You need the NEWEST directx available

Click google adds when downloading

Get Frameworks 1.1 and 2.0

Chat on forums, ask questions LEARN TO SCRIPT

This bot has alot of potential, Get to know it, cause once you try it, you'll love it.

None of that crappy l2walker limited database, no cracks, no fiddling.

Multi-language support







Support scripting forums + scripts

There are fighting scripts available









This is the August 2007 version of DirectX and most likely... you don't have it... so INSTALL IT!




Fixed some serious resource leaks as well as fixed the problem with not being able to run more than 1 IG client...






changed assembly names and stuff...

updated Russian translation (ty armedian!)

fixed bug with closing login connection (can dual/triple/... box IG now)

fixed crash on invalid blowfish key

added script command PLAYALARM

added script command PLAYSOUND (takes an int between 1 and 9)

changed several static values to const

added script command SET_EVENT

added script global SCRIPTEVENT_CHAT = 0

fixed resource leak in regards to returning void after threaded functions

changed sounds to play using DirectSound instead of winmm.dll

fixed resource leak with freeing sounds

changed sounds to 16bit PCM audio (the exe is a bit larger now)


note: function names are NOT case sensitive, file names are case sensitive

note: requires at least the august 2007 version of directx, found at: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=cb7397f3-0949-487b-9247-8fee451bf952&DisplayLang=en



The datafiles haven't been updated in awhile... but the game server IP has changed... so don't forget to update your loginlist.txt file


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