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[Share]Warcraft III Delay Reducer

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    * Can change delay in game or before a game to any value between 0-550ms using in game commands or the icon.

    * Can change LAN's delay, which works in LC, Garena and Hamachi.

    * Supports different languages.




Errors while trying to start the application?

Then you need .Net Version 2 Framework.


Changing Delay


  1. Right click the icon in the task bar.

  2. Enter your desired value into the text box and press Enter.


If the text box is disabled it means the program cannot find Warcraft III.


Switch Languages


  1. Right click the icon in the task bar.

  2. Click Language then click on the desired language.

  3. Restart W3DR.


If you only use English and dont want the Language menu to appear then just delete the Language folder in your W3DR directory.


Ingame Commands


To use ingame commands type the command then wait ~0.5s then press enter. A sound will be played to indicate the command was detected. Depending on the command, another sound may be played to indicate the command has finished processing.


Checking delay


Usable by players and host (in the game lobby and whilst in the game). Whilst in the game lobby, only the first 128 lines will be checked.


Changing delay

!dr 70




Use /drlp to get the last results (it will be put in the clipboard)


Country checks


Use /drlc to get the last results (it will be put in the clipboard)




    * You dont have to remake the game if you forget to open W3DR, you can just open it while in game and change the latency.

    * You dont have to have W3DR open the whole game. Change it once and all future games will be delay free (until you close Warcraft).

    * This is only for the host, if the host is not using W3DR then you will have delay, if the host is using W3DR then all players will have reduced delay (even if players dont have W3DR).

    * Players using GGC, LC, Hamachi and LAN can now reduce delay.

    * Vista users need admin priviliges.

    * My ping method uses the same method as ping.exe (32 bytes), for reference; banlist uses 18 bytes so my pings will probably be a little bit higher. Times out at 1000ms.

    * It might be a good idea to put [DR] in the title of your games so others will know they are joining a delay free game, it also allows players who only join delay free games to easily identify games. eg. [dr] ap pros, leavers banned


DL LINK(Re-uploaded to better hosting) : http://www.mediafire.com/file/mtmyywkjgkj/W3DR+


EDIT : Updated Link

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