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HLAPEX ON l2lords

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please, they someone knows to say me as to connect hlapex in lordsbr, see some players with it, making some things, more not connects for the normal way, it said me that it needed to edit some archives as, Core and l2.ini =/


if they someone to help I am grateful



sry for bad english

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alguns players conectam o hlapex, mais tem um laucher que esta bloqueando ele

e um dos players me disse que se voce editar alguns arquivos da para conectar

ele me disse que era o core e o l2.ini , mais nao quis me passar os arquivos =/


alguem sabe algo ?

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please, they someone knows to say me as to connect hlapex in lordsbr, see some players with it, making some things, more not connects for the normal way, it said me that it needed to edit some archives as, Core and l2.ini =/


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