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The next day of exploits...


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Some strange pictures are coming in front like these:




















but what these all about? Some say (postpacific.com) its done thru packet working-crafting.


(modifying packets inside blowfish session) and its unfixable yet :shock: .True or rumors? Some other like (Sauron)from cheaters.com.ru claims that he made a program CP 200 which allows dupe on all servers and enchants also He's selling it for 5000 $ :roll: and doesn't want to demonstrate it on some well known server to everybody and doesn't even gives screens or any video. So many people doubt the existance of this soft and its power. So the next story comes from allcheats.ru where the guy RES32 says he can do crazy things with any server. He showed some screenshots and gave some explanations of where to search for those exploits.




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The fixed on L2j server source.






boolean trade1Valid = player.getTradeList().validateTrade(player,requestor);

   boolean trade2Valid = requestor.getTradeList().validateTrade(requestor,player);

   if (trade1Valid && trade2Valid)







   requestor.sendPacket(new SendTradeDone(1));

   player.sendPacket(new SendTradeDone(1));

   SystemMessage msg = new SystemMessage(SystemMessage.TRADE_SUCCESSFUL);

   SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(298);

   if (trade1Valid && trade2Valid)





   else if (!trade2Valid)


    String msgToSend = " " + requestor.getName() + " tried a trade dupe";


                L2PcInstance[] list = L2World.getInstance().getAllGMs();

                sm = new SystemMessage(614);


                for (int i=0; i<list.length; i++)


    player.sendMessage("Trade failed");

    requestor.sendMessage("Trade failed, dont try to dupe!");


   else if (!trade1Valid)


    String msgToSend = " " + player.getName() + " tried a trade dupe";





C3 emulated : yes it works but with restarting/logout the packets you sent , they will saved in their default form.


Ti thelw na pw ? mporeis na piraxeis ta paketa ta opia tha epireasoun kai to apotelesma (exp , sp? adena? enchanting?) alla tha einai mono epifaniaka , DEN THA APOTHIKEBONTAI POUTHENA STON SERVERSIDE.


Pistevo oti me ena server crash ta errors tha einai arketa etsi oste to sistima tah apothikeusei ta panta mazi me afta kai ta piragmena paketa xoris na elenxei tis analogies pou einai analoges me ta rates tou server.

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The fixed on L2j server source.






C3 emulated : yes it works but with restarting/logout the packets you sent ' date=' they will saved in their default form.


Ti thelw na pw ? mporeis na piraxeis ta paketa ta opia tha epireasoun kai to apotelesma (exp , sp? adena? enchanting?) alla tha einai mono epifaniaka , DEN THA APOTHIKEBONTAI POUTHENA STON SERVERSIDE.


Pistevo oti me ena server crash ta errors tha einai arketa etsi oste to sistima tah apothikeusei ta panta mazi me afta kai ta piragmena paketa xoris na elenxei tis analogies pou einai analoges me ta rates tou server.[/quote']




well... when told the same - he uploaded video where he showed that he can restart the game and the money don't go away




he even said that if he doesn't restart - server crash :)

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If you send wrong packets, server is crushing most of the time. Right packets can change values ingame and sometimes you see the changes for a bit before server crash.

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If you send wrong packets' date=' server is crushing most of the time. Right packets can change values ingame and sometimes you see the changes for a bit before server crash.[/quote']






Yes Sauron said that he made a program which allow him sending packets without client crashing.

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32res it's my best friend. he may crash servers, craft +20 weapon or armor(and +65535 on OFF!!!). 1 hit = 1000000 dmg. Crazy russian..and i know, how he do it. It's easy.






My english is very bad, Sorry.




Just get WPE PRO...look. :wink:

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look at this -> http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/hacktool.wpe.html Behavior


Hacktool.WPE is a non-commercial packet sniffer that could be used for malicious purposes. It is generally used for game cheats.


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So' date=' Russian lied ? what the **** is wpe ? is it risky ?[/quote']


It's really easy... If you have some brains and you think for some time. Well if you are an idiot and can't think..... Nothing will help you.

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@metoo WPE=Winshock Packet Editor


you can dl it and read a guide or smthing it's not really difficult


your antivirus will recognise it as a trojan though...


wpe has worked with other on-line games but i'm not sure it will work with l2 :|

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