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gia sas pedia pezo enan server kai thelo na kano certification gia sps ti subs ine kalo na kano gia na paro skills kai pite mou kai ti skills tha paro


Den ktlva akrivws thn erwthsh sou... Buffs ennoeis?

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Mhpws paizeis se multiskill server ?? Gt alliws ama 8es na kaneis sps ta alla subs ti se noiazoune?

einai san stuck skills merika passives pou sou anevazoun kapoia pragmata ginete se final,epilogue etc den milai gia stuck subs server alla gia ''cetrification skills'' pernis merika passives apo to sub class etc.

on topic: egw sou eipa tin gnwmi mou den nomizo na uparxei kati kalhtero gia mage

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gia sas pedia pezo enan server kai thelo na kano certification gia sps ti subs ine kalo na kano gia na paro skills kai pite mou kai ti skills tha paro

τι sps με λες ρε

τα certi γαμαν στους fighters βασικα το haste που σε ανεβαζει 300 atk.speed


checkαρε :















New Main Class Skills


New main-class skills have been added. These new skills are determined by your subclass type(s). The types of skills that can be acquired by your main class differ depending on your specific subclass and subclass level.


    * Subclass Level 65 – One possible skill you can acquire: Common skill (increased attack and defense-related power)

    * Subclass Level 70 – One possible skill you can acquire: Common skill (increased attack and defense-related power)

    * Subclass Level 75 – Select one skill to acquire: Common 2nd stage skill (increased attack, defense power, physical critical chance, and magic casting speed) OR various special skills that are determined by your subclass

    * Subclass Level 80 – One possible skill you can acquire: Transformation skill that is determined by your subclass


Even if you delete your subclass, the corresponding acquired skill(s) will not be deleted. Your main class can acquire a maximum of 4 specialized skills for each subclass you have.  If you have all three subclasses, you can acquire a total of 12 specialized skills.


Adding New Skills


While in your subclass state, go to your corresponding subclass master NPC and get your subclass ability certification.


Take the certification to the Avant-Garde NPC in the Ivory Tower to acquire the corresponding skill.


You can acquire the skill only while in your main class state. There is no main class level requirement to acquire these skills.


None of the subclass certification items you receive can be dropped, destroyed, exchanged, or stored in a warehouse.


The number of subclass skill certifications is restricted, so you must make your decision carefully. For example, if your first subclass receives a skill certification at level 65, even if you subsequently delete that subclass and raise a new first subclass to level 65, you cannot receive another skill certification for your first subclass at that level.


You must complete the “More Than Meets the Eye” transformation quest in order to receive the subclass certification and to properly acquire the skill as your main class.


The special subclass-determined skills you can acquire are as follows:




    * Emergent Abilities – Physical Atk., Physical Def., Magic Atk., Magic Def.

    * Master Abilities – Attack, Empower, Casting, and Focus

    * Warrior Abilities – Boost CP, Resist Trait, and Haste

    * Ultimate Skill – Transformation: Divine Warrior






    * Emergent Abilities – Physical Atk., Physical Def., Magic Atk., Magic Def.

    * Master Abilities – Attack, Empower, Casting, and Focus

    * Rogue Abilities – Long Shot, Evasion, and Critical Chance

    * Ultimate Skill – Transformation: Divine Rogue






    * Emergent Abilities – Physical Atk., Physical Def., Magic Atk., Magic Def.

    * Master Abilities – Attack, Empower, Casting, and Focus

    * Knight Abilities – Boost HP, Resist Critical, and Defense

    * Ultimate Skill – Transformation: Divine Knight






    * Emergent Abilities – Physical Atk., Physical Def., Magic Atk., Magic Def.

    * Master Abilities – Attack, Empower, Casting, and Focus

    * Summoner Abilities – Increased HP/MP, Resist Attribute, and Spirit

    * Ultimate Skill – Transformation: Divine Summoner






    * Emergent Abilities – Physical Atk., Physical Def., Magic Atk., Magic Def.

    * Master Abilities – Attack, Empower, Casting, and Focus

    * Wizard Abilities – Anti-Magic, Mana Gain, and Mana Steal

    * Ultimate Skill – Transformation: Divine Wizard






    * Emergent Abilities – Physical Atk., Physical Def., Magic Atk., Magic Def.

    * Master Abilities – Attack, Empower, Casting, and Focus

    * Healer Abilities – Prayer, Divine Protection, and Heal

    * Ultimate Skill – Transformation: Divine Healer






    * Emergent Abilities – Physical Atk., Physical Def., Magic Atk., Magic Def.

    * Master Abilities – Attack, Empower, Casting, and Focus

    * Enchanter Abilities – Boost Mana, Mana Recovery, and Barrier

    * Ultimate Skill – Transformation: Divine Enchanter




Subclass types are categorized as follows:


    * Warrior: Warlord, Gladiator, Destroyer, Tyrant, Bounty Hunter, Warsmith, Berserker, Soul Breaker (Male), Soul Breaker (Female)

    * Rogue: Hawkeye, Silver Ranger, Phantom Ranger, Arbalester, Treasure Hunter, Plainswalker, Abyss Walker

    * Knight: Paladin, Dark Avenger, Temple Knight, Shillien Knight

    * Summoner: Warlock, Elemental Summoner, Phantom Summoner

    * Wizard: Sorcerer, Necromancer, Spellsinger, Spellhowler

    * Healer: Bishop, Elven Elder, Shillien Elder

    * Enchanter: Prophet, Swordsinger, Bladedancer, Warcryer, Overlord, Inspector (Male), Inspector (Female)


Skill Reset


The Avant-Garde NPC in the Ivory Tower can remove the special main-class skills that you got via your subclass(es). The cost to do this is 10,000,000 Adena.


Note: This removes all previously learned certified skills and removes all certified skill-related unused items from your inventory. If you have paid to have your subclass certification skills removed, you must return to your subclass master(s) to receive your skill certification items again.


Class-Type Specific Transformations


When you reach level 80 on your subclass, you can acquire a class-type-specific transformation skill that can be used while you are set to your main class.


In order to acquire the class-type-specific transformation skill, you must complete the “More Than Meets the Eye” quest.


Once you reach level 80 on your subclass and receive the subclass skill certification from the corresponding subclass master, you can obtain the “Transformation Sealbook.”


You can acquire your class-type-specific transformation skill by going to the Avant-Garde NPC in the Ivory Tower. Speak to him while you are set to your main class.




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ρε φιλε σου λεω δν κανουν τπτ τα certi σε mages ελαχιστα πραγματα

κανε εναν necro

εναν paladin

και εναν bladedance ή swordsinger


και ανεβασε το Empower, το Resist Trait, και το Barrier

και αυτα π περισευουν ανεβασε Emergent Abilities – Physical Def. ή Magic Atk.

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