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Help me to grown my -beep-ing city -_-' xD

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I am at a pc with less than 500 mb ram.. and i cant do anything except msn and internet.


So i started this sh1t... called My miny City...





Click plx pl0x ^_*  Magic-Mouse.icon.gif



Increase population:




Increase industry:




Improve the transport network




If you click reply here... with saying +1 to let me know who clicked.


Thanks in advance  ::)







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- Raigon








City stats:







   19750 €






So it's matter of fame..

Can we click more than 1 time?


I just want to see how many clicks i can manage .. in a few days!

I want to test my advertising power ;)


I think it's 1 click per day!


Btw thanks all who clicked until now...

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