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Please help with this error!!!



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right click on startgameserver.bat and click edit then find


java -Xmx512m -cp bsf.jar;bsh-2.0b4.jar;commons-logging-1.1.jar;mmocore.jar;javolution.jar;c3p0-;mysql-connector-java-5.0.7-bin.jar;l2jserver.jar;jython.jar net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer


and then change it


java -Xmx1024m -cp bsf.jar;bsh-2.0b4.jar;commons-logging-1.1.jar;mmocore.jar;javolution.jar;c3p0-;mysql-connector-java-5.0.7-bin.jar;l2jserver.jar;jython.jar net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer


it should work, good luck, tell me if it works


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one more thing i can edit mob with SHIFT + LMOUSE how to fix it >?

you mean you cant edit mob when you click shift+l mouse?

first of all you must be with an admin char and where is the problem? the html page appears but when u click edit nothing happens or you dont see it at all? give some more info ^^

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ok i will fix it i'm thing i found the problem, u know haw to change duration of buffs in atlsettings haven't this option ??

you have to edit the time from skills xml files for each buff if you gonna change it from atlsettings then all skills will change for example frenzy zealot will be much more time and you dont want that

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