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The rules for the different game types -->  http://www.bosskey.net/cs/types.html


Money management -->  http://www.bosskey.net/cs/money.html


Knowing your weapons is essential.  -->  http://www.bosskey.net/cs/weapons.html


Equipment will keep you in the fight longer. --> http://www.bosskey.net/cs/equipment.html


Some tutorials for the most played maps --> http://www.bosskey.net/cs/maps/standard.html


Playing tips. --> http://www.bosskey.net/cs/tips.html


    Play and be welcomed back.





































Command Description

admin_help Displays information about available commands

admin_ban [] Bans target. 0 minutes is a permanent ban.

admin_cancelvote Cancels the current hlds_ld vote

admin_cfg Executes config file on server.

admin_chat Shows message only to other admins.

admin_csay Shows message in center of screen.

admin_denymap Removes all votes for map.

admin_disco Starts disco fever. Fun mode only.

admin_enableallweapons Allows all weapons to be purchased. Use to remove all active weapon restrictions.

admin_enableequipment Allows all equipment to be purchased. Use to remove all active equipment purchase restrictions.


Remove restriction from specified menu.


Remove restriction from specified weapon.

admin_execall Force everyone to execute command.

admin_execclient Force target to execute command.

admin_execteam Force everyone on team to execute command.

admin_fraglimit Sets the mp_fraglimit cvar.

admin_friendlyfire Sets the mp_friendlyfire cvar.

admin_fun <"on" | "off"> Turns fun mode on or off.

admin_gag [] Gag target. 0 minutes is a permanent gag.

admin_glow Causes you to glow that color.

admin_godmode <"on" | "off"> Sets godmode on target.

admin_gravity Sets the sv_gravity cvar.

admin_hostname Sets the hostname cvar.

admin_kick [] Kicks target.

admin_listmaps Shows maps in mapcycle.

admin_listspawn Lists all spawned entities.

admin_llama Llama-fy target.

admin_map Changes map.

admin_messagemode Will treat 'say' as command.

admin_movespawn Moves a spawned item.

admin_nextmap Shows next map in cycle.

admin_noclip <"on" | "off"> Sets noclip on target.

admin_nomessagemode Will treat 'say' as 'say'.

admin_nopass Clears the server's password.

admin_pass Sets the server's password.mp_kickpercent x

admin_pause Sets the pausable cvar to 1.

admin_psay Sends a private msg to target.

admin_rcon Executes rcon command.

admin_reload Reloads Admin Mod files.

admin_removespawn Removes a spawned item.

admin_restrictallweapons Disallow purchase of all weapons on server

admin_restrictequipment Disallow purchase of all equipment on server


Disallow purchase of anything from specified menu


Disallow purchase of specified weapon

admin_say Shows a message from you as admin.

admin_servercfg Sets the config file as the server's default.

admin_slap Slaps target.

admin_slay Slays target.

admin_slayteam Slays everyone on team.

admin_spawn Spawns a new item.

admin_ssay Shows a message from admin without identification.

admin_stack Will stack everyone on top of you.

admin_startvote Starts an hlds_ld vote.

admin_teamplay Sets the mp_teamplay cvar.

admin_teleport Teleports target to the given coordinates. See admin_userorigin.

admin_timeleft Shows the time left.

admin_timelimit Sets the mp_timelimit cvar. Value = minutes.

admin_tsay Prints msg on lower right of screen.

admin_unban Unbans target.

admin_ungag Ungag target.

admin_unllama Unllama-fy target.

admin_unpause Sets the pausable cvar to 0.

admin_userlist [] Shows a list of users.

admin_userorigin Returns the X, Y, Z coordinates of target.

admin_vote_kick Starts a vote to kick target.

admin_vote_map Starts a vote to change the map.

admin_vsay Presents question as a vote.

say rockthevote Starts an hlds_ld vote.

say glow Causes you to glow that color. Fun mode only.



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Command    Description
admin_help    Displays information about available commands
admin_ban []    Bans target. 0 minutes is a permanent ban.
admin_cancelvote    Cancels the current hlds_ld vote
admin_cfg    Executes config file on server.
admin_chat    Shows message only to other admins.
admin_csay    Shows message in center of screen.
admin_denymap    Removes all votes for map.
admin_disco    Starts disco fever. Fun mode only.
admin_enableallweapons    Allows all weapons to be purchased. Use to remove all active weapon restrictions.
admin_enableequipment    Allows all equipment to be purchased. Use to remove all active equipment purchase restrictions.
   Remove restriction from specified menu.
   Remove restriction from specified weapon.
admin_execall    Force everyone to execute command.
admin_execclient    Force target to execute command.
admin_execteam    Force everyone on team to execute command.
admin_fraglimit    Sets the mp_fraglimit cvar.
admin_friendlyfire    Sets the mp_friendlyfire cvar.
admin_fun <"on" | "off">    Turns fun mode on or off.
admin_gag []    Gag target. 0 minutes is a permanent gag.
admin_glow    Causes you to glow that color.
admin_godmode <"on" | "off">    Sets godmode on target.
admin_gravity    Sets the sv_gravity cvar.
admin_hostname    Sets the hostname cvar.
admin_kick []    Kicks target.
admin_listmaps    Shows maps in mapcycle.
admin_listspawn    Lists all spawned entities.
admin_llama    Llama-fy target.
admin_map    Changes map.
admin_messagemode    Will treat 'say' as command.
admin_movespawn    Moves a spawned item.
admin_nextmap    Shows next map in cycle.
admin_noclip <"on" | "off">    Sets noclip on target.
admin_nomessagemode    Will treat 'say' as 'say'.
admin_nopass    Clears the server's password.
admin_pass    Sets the server's password.mp_kickpercent x
admin_pause    Sets the pausable cvar to 1.
admin_psay    Sends a private msg to target.
admin_rcon    Executes rcon command.
admin_reload    Reloads Admin Mod files.
admin_removespawn    Removes a spawned item.
admin_restrictallweapons    Disallow purchase of all weapons on server
admin_restrictequipment    Disallow purchase of all equipment on server
   Disallow purchase of anything from specified menu
   Disallow purchase of specified weapon
admin_say    Shows a message from you as admin.
admin_servercfg    Sets the config file as the server's default.
admin_slap    Slaps target.
admin_slay    Slays target.
admin_slayteam    Slays everyone on team.
admin_spawn    Spawns a new item.
admin_ssay    Shows a message from admin without identification.
admin_stack    Will stack everyone on top of you.
admin_startvote    Starts an hlds_ld vote.
admin_teamplay    Sets the mp_teamplay cvar.
admin_teleport    Teleports target to the given coordinates. See admin_userorigin.
admin_timeleft    Shows the time left.
admin_timelimit    Sets the mp_timelimit cvar. Value = minutes.
admin_tsay [color]    Prints msg on lower right of screen.
admin_unban    Unbans target.
admin_ungag    Ungag target.
admin_unllama    Unllama-fy target.
admin_unpause    Sets the pausable cvar to 0.
admin_userlist []    Shows a list of users.
admin_userorigin    Returns the X, Y, Z coordinates of target.
admin_vote_kick    Starts a vote to kick target.
admin_vote_map    Starts a vote to change the map.
admin_vsay    Presents question as a vote.
say rockthevote    Starts an hlds_ld vote.
say glow    Causes you to glow that color. Fun mode only.

used for admin mod...anything for amxmod?

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Okz Here you are !!


Below are tables of the commands available for AMX and AMX Mod X. The Admin Commands are only available to admins where the other commands are available to other players.


Admin Commands Description

amx_kick <name or #userid> [reason] Kicks a player from the server.

amx_ban <name or #userid> [reason] Bans a player from the server.

amx_addban <authid or ip> <minutes> [reason] Adds a ban to the server ban list.

amx_unban <authid or ip> Unbans a player from the server.

amx_slay <name or #userid> Slays a player.

amx_slap <name or #userid> [damage] Slaps a player for variable damage.

amx_leave <tag> [tag1] [tag2] Kick all players not wearing one of the tags.

amx_pause Pauses or unpauses the game.

amx_who Displays who is on the server.

amx_cvar <cvar> [value] Changes or displays a cvar value.

amx_map <mapname> Changes the map.

amx_cfg <filename> Executes a server side config file.

amx_rcon <rcon command> Executes a command on the server console.

amx_plugins Lists all loaded plugins.

amx_modules Lists all loaded modules.



Chat Commands Description

amx_say <message> Sends a message to all players in normal chat.

amx_chat <message> Sends a message to all players in normal chat.

amx_psay <name or #userid> message Sends a private message to a player.

amx_tsay <color> <message> Sends a left side HUD message to all players in various colors.

amx_csay <color> <message> Sends a center HUD message to all players in various colors.



Vote Commands Description

amx_votemap <map> [map] [map] [map]  Starts a vote to change the map

amx_votekick <name or #userid> Starts a vote to kick a player.

amx_voteban <name or #userid> Starts a vote to ban a player.

amx_vote <question> <answer1> <answer2> Starts a custom poll.

amx_cancelvote Cancels the last poll in progress.



Stats Commands Description

/hp Displays information about the player that killed you.

/statsme Displays your stats.

/stats Displays other players stats.

/top15 Displays the top 15 players on the server.

/rank Displays your rank on the server.



Say Commands Description

nextmap Displays the next map in the maycycle.

timeleft Displays the time left on the map.

thetime Displays the current time.



Menu Commands Description

amxmodmenu Displays the main AMX Mod X menu.

amx_cvarmenu Displays the CVAR menu.

amx_mapmenu Displays the map change menu.

amx_votemapmenu Displays the map voting menu.

amx_kickmenu Displays the kick menu.

amx_banmenu Displays the ban menu.

amx_slapmenu Displays the slap/slay menu.

amx_teammenu Displays the team switch menu.

amx_clcmdmenu Displays the client commands menu.

amx_restmenu Displays the weapons restrictions menu.

amx_teleportmenu Displays the teleport menu.

amx_pausecfgmenu Pause/Unpause plungins with menu.

amx_statscfgmenu Displays stats configurations menu.



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Thnx, really usefull :) !!




Vote Commands    Description

amx_votemap <map> [map] [map] [map]    Kicks a player from the server.=Starts a vote to change the map

amx_votekick <name or #userid>    Starts a vote to kick a player.

amx_voteban <name or #userid>    Starts a vote to ban a player.

amx_vote <question> <answer1> <answer2>    Starts a custom poll.

amx_cancelvote    Cancels the last poll in progress.

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