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[Request] L2.net or L2Walker for Dex - Arion


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  • 1 month later...

yep GameBlonD have right, i play ther and you havent any chance for bot like l2w, now l2control to dont work, from bot work only l2fish xD


lol noob L2 MOD.....Log In with l2walker and will not play again there.  


go cry for access failed on arion.


You spastic idiots, If you read the tittle wrong I did mention L2.net as well, which works there properly. If you're unable to help then keep your dirty mouths shut, I'm not interested in listening to spastics like you.


@Dariuse: Thanks, I already managed to make my OOG L2.net working, but I didn't take a look at IG version yet, so I'll give it a shot and let you know. Good job.

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You spastic idiots, If you read the tittle wrong I did mention L2.net as well, which works there properly. If you're unable to help then keep your dirty mouths shut, I'm not interested in listening to spastics like you.


@Dariuse: Thanks, I already managed to make my OOG L2.net working, but I didn't take a look at IG version yet, so I'll give it a shot and let you know. Good job.


do not offend me like i do

especially as a mod you should not behave like that

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