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[guide]Java problems (generraly x64 ... "attack bug" "attack stop" "target bug")

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It is first time when I put something here ( i will not but, I will say something )


You host a server ? ( l2j ) and you have problem with attack stop ? ( you char stops when hit a mob ) or with target block? ( when you click somewhere you can't move your char and you need to click on you and esc ).. or when you open gameserver you receive an error with java heap space ? ( that's mean java need more memory to run ).


You search everywhere for "attack bug/stop" "target bug" and nothing? Well, I searched for these kind of errors but nothing.. I searched on java.com about memory and I fount the problem..


Normally, when you make a l2j server, gameserver.bat allocate only 512 ram to open it. If he can do that you can have problems with these "errors" or.. gameserver will not start and you will recive many lines of errors and first line will have "java, heap, space, memory".


Let's see what you need to do :

1. Right click on your gameserver.bat ( in image you will see nightmare.. it is gameserver ) and click on Edit ( under open, second line )


2. If it will request for a program to open it, choose notepad or word

3. Now it will appear many "things" in notepad like in second picture


What you need to make..


""""REM -------------------------------------

REM Default parameters for a basic server.

java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xmx512m net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer""""


Here >>> -Xmx512m .. Pc give for this java only 512 mega.. but java need more and you will give it more power

Put 1024 ( 512 x 2 = 1024 mega.. 1 giga )

And need to like :::

""""REM -------------------------------------

REM Default parameters for a basic server.

java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xmx1024m net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer""""


Save it and open it..

Ps: you need to have more ram than you write there ( -Xmx1024m .. << here at 1024.. you must have at least 1536 mega ram )

If your problem persists, put 1536 ( -Xmx1536m ) and save it.


What number you need to put there? easy.. 512 x 1 = 512 ... 512 x 2 = 1024 ... 512 x 3 = 1536 ... 512 x 4 = 2024 etc..

!! If you make this change, don't set realtime or high priority from ctrl+alt+del on java because your sever will crash in 2-3 h !!


Hope i helped.


(I searched about this and i didn't find it ... on maxcheaters.. mb there is a guide like this i didn't find it with "attack stop" "attack bug" "target block" "target bug" "java heap space" keywords )


at math everything is possible.. do you think that all always 1+1=2? :D 

ehh? what you mean with this?


He's kidding.

Anyway the guy made a mistake, there's nothing wrong about that as long as he fixes it.

Stop the offtopic chat, just thank him if you want, don't do it if you don't want, just make sure you obey the rules.

  • 10 months later...

I change that and the bug is still there, i dont know what to do with de stop attack bug.

Any other ideas?


TY !



The server was mounted on a windows x64, i put it in a x86 and no more bug.


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