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Hello-Përshëndetje-Прывітаньне-Привет-Helo-Helló-Xin chào-Ola-Hallo-Γειά-Hej-שלום-Halló-Hola-Ciao-餵-Sveiki-Labas-Здраво-Hallo-سلام-Witaj-Olá-Salut-Привет-Ahoj-Zdravo-Hujambo-สวัสดี-Merhaba-Привіт-Hei-Bonjour-हैलो-Tere-こんにちは-Dia duit-העלא-مرحبا-haai-السلام عليكم-tél nìdõ-subbah-el-kheir-barev or parev-salam-hoi-saluton-tere päevast-hyvää päivää-gamardjoba-नमस्ते-안녕하세요-choni, roj bahsh-laba diena-moïen

@ALL Guys and Girls here :D

Just wanted to say hi to all and hope i have some good time with all you here =(°_°)= and have some new experience.(newbie)

I've been playing l2 since C1 and still love it :) but playing acually Aion to try it out  ::)


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