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vlepis ventic posa pedakia exi to forum ?


k ec re blaka ta idia kaneic yiafto mn milac ontopic:exei 1 prob exeic valei la9oc ta HTMLs


vlepis ventic posa pedakia exi to forum ?


ναι,επειδί έχει πολλά παιδάκια,αυτό δεν σημαίνει ότι πρέπει να είμαι στην λίστα και εγώ.

k ec re blaka ta idia kaneic yiafto mn milac ontopic:exei 1 prob exeic valei la9oc ta HTMLs

καταρχάς μην βρίζεις.και ξαναλέω το forum για αυτή την δουλειά είναι.πες μας εκεί τι πρόβλημα υπάρχει.



paidia auto to pack exei ta configs pou exoun dimosieutei? dld atni-phx kai alla tetoia etoima, h pali 8a ka8omai na ta fixarw?

:D :D :D


paidia auto to pack exei ta configs pou exoun dimosieutei? dld atni-phx kai alla tetoia etoima, h pali 8a ka8omai na ta fixarw?

:D :D :D

nai alla prepei na kaneis update syxna gt to ftiaxnoun synexeia


Esy ti epa8es k den eisai donator???

edw gia gameserver/loginserver/datapack xrhsimopoieite ant?

8a anakoinwsete ena stable version?


to pack afto exi fix pragmata?? dld kai anti-hacks???

exei merika fix panw tou.. einai ena kaloutsiko pack... an k dn pistevo na minei gia poli anixto...

you guys realise this thing is stupid right?



1 action 100 game ticks... how stupid can u be to make smth like this?

a flood protector at movement packet ? :D OMG :D worlds first right here :P

What you need a is a packet queue system... not a flood protector haha lmao


its greek section first, and because you have the "premium"(pfff)IL archid project you have to make them do what you did to your pack?

if I am not understandable, I don't care :D :D :D

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