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[ CoMpLeTe_GUIDE ] Learn to Create Custom Animated Weapons +Accessories ! ! !

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1st read this guide to learn how to decrypt the l2 utx files for UnrealED




Example pics are from my animated noblesse tiara, but, you will use tha same method to create animated weapon



Lets Start.


Open your decrypted file LineageWeaponsTex.unreal.utx with UTpT


Select the texture from your weapon and excract it as TGA



Open the LineageWeaponsTex.unreal.utx with Unreal editor and select your weapon.


Go to File -> New... -> enter a name, and in MaterialClass Select "MaterialSequence". -> Buttom "New"



Here you can place a lot of pics(TGA with Alpha) to create a animated weapon. This is the same method as creating a animated GiF Image with a gif animator program.(The black area in Alpha Means that this part of weapon will not appear ingame.)


Here is a example of my animated noblesse tiara, (with the same method you can create pics of a weapon) :





Place your pics(TGA with Aplha) and set the time between each other. ( You can create the pics with photoshop and save them as TGA. and go File->Import[DXT3]...to add the pics in unreal editor) Dont forget to edit the "Alpha" of pics with photoshop otherise you will not have a fine animated weapon in game.


width=960 height=768http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/3402/46858848xn9.jpg[/img]


When you create the animated material you should Create a FinalBlend texture andset AplhaTest and Twosided as TRUE and add the MaterialSequence as material (otherise the Alpha will not work Ingame)





When you are ready save your utx file with Name: LineageWeaponsTex.utx IN C:/ location (otherise you will have problems with UnrealED)

Download this encrypt folder



Copy the LineageWeaponsTex.utx from C:/ and paste it in the encrypt folder.


Run encrypt_file_4_LineageWeaponsTex.bat, you will get a file "enc-LineageWeaponsTex.utx"


Copy this file and paste it in your SyStextures folder of Lineage 2 and change his name to LineageWeaponsTex.utx(Take a backup from the original)

PS:Be careful!!!After, when you try to add this weapon in weapongrp.dat  YOU SHOULD ADD THE NAME OF THE FinalBlend TO SEE THE ANIMATED WEAPON INGAME NOT THE NAME OF THE SIMPLE TEXTURES!!!


Example of custom animated noblesse tiara [mine]



Example of custom animated weapon [not mine]


[move]Have Fun :D[/move]


Sorry for my English Any moderator please correct my mistakes :P


























Very prototype idea!!! +1 from me, continue the great job.


PS: The animated sword reminds me of thundercats.png ;D ;D

PS2: Also stickied :P

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