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[L2OFF] Avalon


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official level cap c1 is 75 & 0%

we rised it to 80


but it really no matters

cause strongest mob is 70 level (so, getting something above 72 is almost impossible)

and last skills gain at 58 !!! level in c1 :)  no more skills above 58 level

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C1 has no features,it doesnt worth to talk about this at all.


wrong, a lot of features

aliance wars,

dwarfs can produce any recipe - no limit of 50 (therefore no need of ~fishing~)

no need to rise level above 80 - last skills at 58,

easy to make best grade - max grade available B

no olimpiad, subs, 3rd prof - so you not need work thousands of hours to keep up the best!!!

mobs agro on any players and stuck into dead ends with no teleporting - so a lot lot of fun with mob ramping

and bringing agro mobs to the trade-bots in the towns - drop from ~white dead gives even much more fun

no PK counter cleaning quest, drop from any karmas - so adrenaline level high as much as possible

no cp and cp potions - so cp clickers will never bring you down

no autosoulshots - you need real player party to survive - better community


and so on, and so on!!!







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