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ba deci eu am zis ca esti prost rau. Daca ai nevoie de ceva scrie in engleza pe forumurile principale, axate pe asa ceva. Nu aici. Aici ne doaren cur de tine


xAddytzu probabil o sa faci misto de ce-ti zic da lirica facuta de baietii de la Facem Records (in special...) e destul de greu de inteles. Eu unu am ascultat o melodie dealu Cedrea acu vreo 3 ani si am zis "ma ce dracu e cacatu asta?". Dupa ce am trecut prin toate stilurile de hiphop de la Bitza la CIA, de la CIA la Spike si Guess, dupa la niste baietii destul de destepti din zona mea. Abia dupa am aflat de baietii de la Facem si am inceput sa inteleg...


"Muzica nu se asculta, se simte..."

insfarsit unu' d-ameu :D


te bat cand bat tobele

pana-ti cad plombele

daca batjocoresti arta.

Te bat si eu te bate soarta,

iti smulg bratele,

te bat c-o mana de oameni ca-n Sparta;

sau te bat cu bartai brigada,

cu bartai bate-n mana si gata;


bartai brute cu barbi,

te bat cu bari brute pe corp,

cu garzi de corp,

te bat cu garda cu tot.

Cu pari mari cu mari nuci in scrot,

te bat c-un par cu mari cuie-n bot,

te bat in bar beat mort;

cu bol te-mbeti cu 4 beri la bord,

cu bluza sport, pantofi de lac,

sosete albe si sort;

te bag in cort,

iti iei omor

te bat cu bulibasa,

te bag in stabor,

te bat nasol,


te bat la sol cu Catalina Ponor.

Te bat cu ma-ta la curu’ gol,

te bat cu 3 tarani in piata la obor,

te bat la mall

te bate soarele?

Te bat la pol tripat p-alcool,

te bat c-un gabor matol,

te bag in duba la sectie,

te bag in covor,

te bat ca pe covor.

Sunt carnivor,

musc din tine,

mestec si scuip rime.


Te bat pe cruce ca evreii,

te bat_man cu Robin,

te bat pana te las la pat pe pat la cap,

te bat ca Bond,

te bat pentru un pont,

te bat ca pot,

te bat cu spor,

te bat la scor,

te bat si-n somn,

te bat in banda,

te bat in parcare c-un punker,

te bat in timp ce-mi beau cafeaua,

te bat ca timpu’, te bat ca dumnezeu,

te bat in ziua a 7-a.

De la noi, coaie,

ti-o iei lunar ca si alocatia.

Cum ai putut sa iei asta ? :|

si-ti arat din Arad cum ti-o dau ca Duckadam la dame.

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    • okay thank but can you tell me this code should i cooy and paste it somewhere or what ? how can i get the full file and just paste it in sustem
    • You need to utilise the following packet: `const S_EX_SEND_UI_EVENT = 398;` It's structure is as follow, or at least on new chronicles: writeD(_objectId); // EVENT IDs: // 0 - Timer: MM:SS (Description on bottom) // 1 - Disable Timer // 2 - Green Line with percents and timer // 3 - Number of residues collected (N pcs.) // 4 - Timer: MM:SS (Description on top) // 5 - Blue Line with percents and timer // 6 - Yellow Egg progress // 7 - Red Egg progress // 5 - Line with gears, percents and timer writeD(_type); // EVENT_ID writeD(0x00); // int ASK writeD(0x00); // int REPLY writeS(String.valueOf(_countUp)); // 0 = count down, 1 = count up timer always disappears 10 seconds before end writeS(String.valueOf(_startTime)); writeS(String.valueOf(_startTime2)); writeS(String.valueOf(_endTime)); writeS(String.valueOf(_endTime2)); writeD(-1); // what message to display by id, if any - NPC String Id // you can string several writeS() below, depending on the amount of variables in the npc string. only 1 line if NPC String ID = -1 writeS("Custom Text To Display or fill in variables in the NPC string by id"); // works in conjunction with the above line  
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    • We are certainly not an ambulance, but we will definitely cure you of blacklists and empty pockets. Live freely with SX! Each of you will receive a trial version of SX to familiarize yourself with the product, all you have to do is post in this thread
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