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Hotelul Pentru Scriitori Netrebnici



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  1. 1. Cand ia Nervos permisul?

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arhiva e mica = vorbesti cu putina lume :P = lista e mica, asta e concluzia pe care am deduso :)

ai dedus-o prost :D w/e


in fine numi pasa nici de tine


Mi-ai frant inima =(

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eu unu is passiv , ma mir de urmatoarea faza :



- The processing period will take at least 5 days.


ca miam luat domain si ... astept acu Processing.. aiurea

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eu unu is passiv , ma mir de urmatoarea faza :



- The processing period will take at least 5 days.


ca miam luat domain si ... astept acu Processing.. aiurea

la 3€ la ce te aştepţi ?

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