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N-ai suxces cu recrutarile aici ...

nam nev de el decat pt un proiect. el mia codat cv eu iam dat banii si gata :P


hai sa mai inveselim putin spamu romanesc..




Fraza corespunzatoare lunii de nastere:

Ianuarie - M-am dat la

Februarie - Am sarit peste

Martie - M-a(m-au) stropit

Aprilie - M-a(m-au) batut

Mai - Am facut spam cu(ca)

Iunie - M-a(m-au) fugarit

Iulie - Am urlat la

August - Am jucat barbut cu(ca)

Septembrie - M-am impiedicat de

Octombrie - Am sa bat pe

Noiembrie - Vreau sa merg la

Decembrie - O sa beau cu


Fraza corespunzatoare zilei de nastere:

01 - cocalar(i)

02 - gagica(i)

03 - panarama(e)

04 - Basescu

05 - Mircea solcan

06 - Naomi

07 - Guta

08 - Rahat

09 - James bond

10 - Dinamovist(i)

11 - dobitioc(i)

12 - manelisti(i)

13 - houseri(i)

14 - Stelist(i)

15 - Rapidist(i)

16 - toti moderatorii

17 - fete (le)

18 - o gramada de rahat

19 - baieti(i)

20 - toti userii

21 - un muc

22 - rockeri(i)

23 - posturi

24 - rapperi(i)

25 - Rocky

26 - administrator (ii)

27 - parinti (i)

28 - Fani TH

29 - fani Evanescence

30 - Gustav

31 - userii de pe acest forum



Fraza corespunzatoare primei litere a nick-ului vostru:

a - pentru bani.

b - cu pretentii.

c - pentru multe post-uri.

d - pentru acadele.

e - de bucurie.

f - ca sa ajung moderator.

g - cu(de) scarba.

h - de foame.

i - ca sunt prost.

j - cu mare tristete.

k - de cracanat.

l - cu grija.

m - de frica

n - si apoi ma arunc in Dunare.

o - de jale.

p - de tampit.

q - cu mana pe burta.

r - cu balele curgande.

s - si o sa ma arunc in cap.

t - si-mi dau foc.

u - din cauza taHappy

v - de constipat.

w - in viteza.

x - ca sa nu-mi dea suspend.

y - cu mare tristete.

z - pentru ca locuiesc in Motru.




Bring his post up


Un ardelean mergea cu bicicleta si vroia sa treaca granita in Republica Moldova. In spate are doi saci mari. Il opreste vamesul si-i spune:

- Ia stai, ba! Ce ai in saci?

- Nisip, bre.

- Mai vedem noi!

Vamesul ii taie sacii si... ce sa vezi... nisip. Totusi il tine pe om peste noapte si trimite nisipul la laborator. Rezultatul: nimic altceva decat nisip.

Biciclistul este lasat liber si i se dau alti saci noi cu nisip. Peste doua zile, ardeleanul se intoarce pe bicicleta cu alti doi saci pe spate. Vamesul iar il opreste, cauta in saci... si ce gaseste? Ati ghicit: nisip.

Povestea se repeta pana cand, intr-o zi, vamesul se intalneste cu el intr-o carciuma din Iasi si il intreaba:

- Bre, io stiu ca tu faci contrabanda cu ceva, da nu stiu cu ce, si nu mai pot sa dorm noaptea ca tot la asta ma gandesc. Ia zi, ca nu spun la nimeni, cu ce faci ma contrabanda?

Ardeleanul, dupa ce mai bea putin din tuica, raspunde sec:

- Cu biciclete.


o stiam...


un tip plictisit intrun bar pune ochii pe o tipa,

dupa inca 2 pahare isi face curaj si se duce la ea.

comunica ei cat comunica si pana la urma ii spune in fata,

-Sti... am o camera sus, nu vrei sa urci si....

-Tare mult mias dori dar am o problema,

-Spune poate o putem rezolva....

-Pai vezi, eu cand fac sex imi pute pizda.....

-A... pai atunci nui nici o problema, am avut un accident si acum nu mai am miros....

-WoW !!! atunci esti barbatul ideal pentru mine

Si urca amandoi sus, facand sex pervers.... 1 ora... 2 ... 3 ...

dupa care el se ridica brusc din pat si iese pe balcon....

-Sa numi spui ca tia revenit mirosu.....

-Mai... nu... de mirosit nu miros nimic.... Dar asa ma ustura ochii.....


Se intalnesc 3 oameni in piata, la masa, la o bere.


Ghita zice: ba tu pe ce strada stai?

Ion: Pe Ion Luca Caragiale

Ghita: da cum pizda lu mata stai ep 3 strazi deodata?

Vasile: ba Ghita tu esti prost? nu iti dai seama ca sta omu intr-o intersectie?

This topic is now closed to further replies.

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    • Lineage Squared: Stacksub, Evolved. Website: https://www.lineagesquared.com/ Discord: https://discord.gg/nukQkv3gEf     Hello fellow adventurers! I'm thrilled to share with you Lineage Squared, a passion-driven project that's bringing a whole new twist to the Lineage II universe. Our server is undergoing rapid and active development, and we're excited to welcome you to join us on this journey! 🔥 What Makes Lineage Squared Unique? 🔥 The Revolutionary Stackclass System Combine Any Two Classes of the Same Race: Unleash your creativity by merging any two classes within the same race. Create unique and powerful synergies tailored to your playstyle. Start Stacking from Level 1: Dive into the action immediately by selecting your class combinations right after character creation. Experience a seamless leveling process, learning skills from both classes as you progress. Unlock All 30 Classes: Collect items from raid bosses to unlock new classes. Freely change and experiment with different class combinations without losing progress. Persistent Skill Progression: Over-enchant your skills and retain those enchantments across all combinations involving that class. Your hard work is always rewarded, ensuring a satisfying growth experience.   Introducing the Forgotten Battlegrounds 2 Teams: Blue vs. Red. 🔵🔴 battle in the Forgotten Temple dungeon. Destroy Enemy Flags: Each side has multiple flags to protect. Each destroyed flag pushes the frontline. Respawn & ELO: Earn ELO per kill and per flag you destroy. At match end, winners get a small bonus. View Matches on the Website: see live or past matches, read player stats (kills/deaths/flags/ELO changes). 📱 Forgotten Battlegrounds Demonstration: https://youtu.be/lrGkTst3kT4   The All-New AutoFarm System   We understand the discussions around automated gameplay, and we've carefully considered the advantages and disadvantages. Having witnessed the prevalence of botting tools firsthand, our philosophy is to empower all players with the same capabilities. Instead of an endless battle against undetectable botters, we're providing a utility that everyone can leverage, turning a potential advantage for a few into a benefit for the entire community. We're excited to announce the arrival of our brand-new AutoFarm System! This isn't your typical botting software; it's a completely custom-built system coded from the ground up by o1-pro, our AutoFarm levels the playing field and offers incredible convenience. Control at Your Fingertips: The main AutoFarm dashboard, intuitive layout and easy access settings.   Set Your Route   Watch how easy it is to define custom paths for your character to follow while farming.     Raid Boss Live Status Go beyond traditional raid boss tracking with our custom built Raid Boss and Raid Jewel tracking system.   https://lineagesquared.com/raid-boss-status   Battleground Statistics We have created Ranked Battlegrounds. Players are awarded ELO rating ranking their relative skill level against other players. Dive deep into your performance with website stats! https://lineagesquared.com/battleground-stats   Server Stats Experience: 50x Skill Points: 35x Adena: 12x Drop: 3x  Spoil: 4x  Safe Enchant: +3 Max Enchant: +15 Buff time: 1h 2v2, 4v4 & 6v6 Custom Olympiad   Community Board System Stackclass | Battlegrounds | Buffer | Partymatching | AutoFarm   Voice Commands .cfg - command window .autoPotion - enable/disable auto CP/HP/MP pots AutoFarm System: .autoFarm - opens the AutoFarm Dashboard .autoStart - Starts the AutoFarm system .autoStop - Stops the AutoFarm system Community Buffer System: .buff - Opens the Buffer Dashboard .buffMage - Provides the preset mage buffs .buffFighter - Provides the preset fighter buffs .buff1 - x - Provides that schema buff .buffHeal - Provides the heal feature .buffCancel - Provides the cancel feature
    • Hi, it has been used on L2House and L2Tekila, they were not crowded servers as my community is small. Everything worked without any problems. system/Client.ini [Setting] AuthPort=2109 ServerByGuytis=1 serverUrl= Local=0
    • I want to take a moment to sincerely thank FlatroON for his incredible help with my project. He is one of the most efficient and skilled developers I have worked with. His approach is fast, precise, and solution-oriented—he quickly identifies the core of the problem and provides effective fixes without wasting time. His expertise, professionalism, and ability to focus on what truly matters make him stand out. If anyone is looking for a top-tier developer who delivers real results, I highly recommend FlatroON. His support has been invaluable, and I’m truly grateful for his help!   Lineage II Expose, Admin
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