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L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: mult serveru ca se sterge si db

**xAddytzu .: ))))

**xAddytzu .: in pula mea

**xAddytzu .: daca nu era

**xAddytzu .: serk

**xAddytzu .:

**xAddytzu .: habar nu ai nimic de tine

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: ma plm

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: vrei sa vezi ca ai sterg tot

**xAddytzu .: ))))

**xAddytzu .: Invata lb romana

**xAddytzu .: se scrie "ca ii sterg"

**xAddytzu .: auzi?

**xAddytzu .: care a fost cel mai mare proiect al tau

**xAddytzu .: si in ce a constat?

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: ThiLight

**xAddytzu .: nu se scrie

**xAddytzu .: kear

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: ori si ucm nu mai conteza

**xAddytzu .: se scrie chiar

**xAddytzu .: si in ce a constat?

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: ma

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: hai ca nu am timp de vb cu newbye

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: ok

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: ia zi carei problema ?

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: ce treaba ai u cu Sido ?

**xAddytzu .: data[4] = child.getAttributes.getNamedItem("value").getNodeValue();

**xAddytzu .: zimi ce e gresit aici

**xAddytzu .: si iti dau ignore

**xAddytzu .: nu te mai bag in sema

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: dar de la cei ma?

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: imi trimiti asa

**xAddytzu .: conteaza?

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: zi de la ce e

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: pai logic

**xAddytzu .: nu trebuie sa dai pe google

**xAddytzu .: ca sa-ti dai seama

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: nu dau pe google

**xAddytzu .: ce este gresit

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: e din db

**xAddytzu .: un developer

**xAddytzu .: ca tine..

**xAddytzu .: si-ar da seama ca lipsesc 2 paranteze

**xAddytzu .:

**xAddytzu .: data[4] = child.getAttributes().getNamedItem("value").getNodeValue();

**xAddytzu .:

**xAddytzu .: esti praf

**xAddytzu .: vb in iad

**xAddytzu .: salut



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L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: wa

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: macar daca ziceai de la ce e asta

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: apoi imi dau seama

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: dar asa ... amatori ramaneti in plm

**xAddytzu .: )))

**xAddytzu .: ce legatura are..?

**xAddytzu .: trebuie sa-ti zic de la ce e

**xAddytzu .: sa-ti dai seama

**xAddytzu .: ca lipsesc 2 paranteze?

**xAddytzu .: auzi?

**xAddytzu .: inca una

**xAddytzu .: ce e asta int[][]

**xAddytzu .: ce declari cu ea?

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: nui de la dye ?

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: depinde de unde plm

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: le scoti ma

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: ca asa e mare server si game login si astea

**xAddytzu .: aia cu int[][] e matrice

**xAddytzu .: nici decum dye

**xAddytzu .:

**xAddytzu .: uite

**xAddytzu .: Map<Integer> mazga = new HashMap<Integer>();

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: ma

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: dute frate

**xAddytzu .: ce sti sa faci cu asta

**xAddytzu .: Map<Integer> mazga = new HashMap<Integer>();

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: mare ce te crezi

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: u le scoti de pe net

**xAddytzu .: tu ai in nume

L2jMatrix Developer Infinity: si ma intrebi pe mine

**xAddytzu .: developer

**xAddytzu .: raspunde`mi


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